Why anybody would waste time and money watching this bullshit is beyond me

why anybody would waste time and money watching this bullshit is beyond me.

also, name one movie that expressly and explicitly portrays a white ethno-state in a fantasy setting. you can't. if such a movie were to be made today, it would be witch hunted and outlawed. here we have a movie that expressly and explicitly portrays a black ethno-state in a fantasy setting and it is being celebrated and fluffed on review sites.

why the double standard?

Other urls found in this thread:


>name one movie that expressly and explicitly portrays a white ethno-state in a fantasy setting.

>expressly and explicitly portrays a white ethno-state



not an argument

>also, name one movie that expressly and explicitly portrays a white ethno-state in a fantasy setting
not a movie but Vikings (Iceland)

Fuck off, this isn't your containment board

LOTR trilogy

you actually have a very normal opinion of the movie. Congrats, you're a normie and no that isn't a bad thing.

>if the show/movie stars a bunch of white people, the fictional setting is a white ethno-state


also there are non-whites in both of the things you mentioned

1 - There are tons of movies portraying southerners as the good guys just after the war, ignoring slavery or lighting it up
2 - The conflict is exatally about it being an ethno-state. That is what the villain is angry about.

stop trying to turn this board into your little liberal safe space/echo chamber, it will never happen

no, there aren't non-whites in Iceland in the show.

...which can hardly be considered a fictional setting considering the show is a historical drama

there are non-blacks in black panther you fucking imbecile

this fantasy setting is in Africa. why would there be white people?

>movie taking place in africa
you've already wasted time on this movie by posting about it

It's okay for Asgard to be 50% black though, right?


Asgard is set literally in a different dimension where every race gets along apparently

Gavin knows what's up.


Literally 95% of all fantasy movies historically made were in a white ethnostate

>why anybody would waste time and money watching this bullshit is beyond me.
jew brainwashing

Literally named White

Wah, wah, black people have a lead superhero now, the white man is doomed, wah wah.

ummm, yeah it is sweetie. Like, by definition

that's pretty fucking funny

Not just that, 2 of them were in the middle earth franchise. Why? Whats the significance? I DONT KNOW!

>It's another angry liberal posts a shitty Sup Forums bait thread to shit up Sup Forums and argue with strangers thread.

It might be hard to believe, but basically no one - not even white people - want to see the white ethno-state movie you're describing. If you disagree, go ahead and spend millions on such a project and enjoy losing a bunch of money.
>it's not fair
Hollywood doesn't give a fuck about fairness. They give a fuck about making money. Can you come up with a story about a white ethno-state, that would appeal to mass audience? BTW I'm not sure that white people are even banned from Wakanda, they just have no idea it exists.

Do soyboys and kekistanis ever have sex?