Zatannas background

If Zatannas father was an Italian or Italo-American and her mothers people were from Turkey does that mean Zatanna is half Italian and half Turkish?
Or is Sindella Zataras hometown in Turkey without her being a Turk?
What is Zatannas ethnical background?
I know they are Homo Magi but still....

>Zatanna Thread

No ones posting in here or know the answer so I post some Zatanna pictures!



>her mothers people were from Turkey
Mainland Turkey or Asia Minor user? This is of huge importance. Also, source?


Her mother isn't Turkish, she was from a hidden city of Homo magi. The city just happened to be located in Turkey.

Homo magi are usually shown as ancient Aryan types of people, kind of a cross between LotR elves and Vulcans.

Can't find it anymore but will post it if I do, as soon as possible.
Isn't her father a Homo Magi, too?
Why is he always depicted as Italian or Italo-American?

I'm just asking... I'm not an expert.
I read mostly Batman and Superman but wanted to start with some DC magic stories and was just curious about this because my mom is also from Turkey.

He is Homo magi, but not "pureblood" like Sindella, Zatanna's mom. So like someone in his family line generations back was a Homo magi but he never found out until much later.

>The city just happened to be located in Turkey
Well, the original settles of modern day Turkey, where Ionians AKA Asia Minor Greeks, which were fairly "aryan", so she might have been a Greek Homo-Magi.

Not in this case, since the city was founded specifically as a place for Homo magi to live without having to "mix" with humans.

So she's not Turkish either. She's just Italian & "Magic Made-Up People".

Ah okay, so Homo Magi really are an entire different race and not just some magical humans who created their own civilization.

Somehow I'm relieved that she's not half turkish because the turkish community would use her as kind of their symbol like "our DC Superheroine" and that would be retarded. On the other hand I'm a bit sad because it would have been great to have this one thing in common with her.
I know sounds kinda autistic but I would still liked that.

She can't be turkish she doesn't have any antennae

anyway, wouldn't they hate her for being a literal witch

Turkish television had a turkish version of Sabrina so no, they wouldn't.

Turkey is no arabian country.... but with the current ongoing it could develop into a sharia shithole. Good thing is I don't live there.

>She can't be turkish she doesn't have any antennae
I din't get it

Saying shit backwards is stupid.
Cause it's just tihs

Sup Forumsmeme. Turks are literal cockroaches is the joke.

Turks are Roaches. And it's the truth, really. They do nothing but claim other people's creations and history as their own. No offense to OP, there are good amongst the bad, but the majority are roaches. They have that in common with the Skopjans, Albaians, etc,etc...

I really forgot that one.
>I'm half cockroach
>my mother is one
Wow Sup Forums is really as retarded as tumblr.

What is she, a fucking sandwich?

She's too much sandwich for you.

OP here

I know that a lot of them are retarded and like I said the current ongoing in Turkey and every european country were Turks live shows that they got even more retarded but calling them, calling "us" roaches is kinda shit meme.
I still have a really big family on my mothers side and a lot of them live in Turkey and hates whats going on there. Every ones studies or have an academic degree and that's why I'm really proud of this side of my family... so the meme turks are roaches is shit because it's generalization.
Sup Forums doesn't say most or a lot, they just say turks are roaches.

Normally I'm not that offended from things like that, I like racist jokes myself and about my background... I don't care.
But sometimes these kind of things gets so retarded in here with shit Sup Forums memes and posts that it's annoying.
This kind of stuff gets as annoying as swj and feminism bullshit.

I just wanted to start a Zatanna Thread with something I was curious about.
I really shouldn't ask...

Stop being such a triggered roach you autist. Everyone's called SOMETHING here,when he reveals his ethnicity. 'Muricans are Burgers, British are Britbongs, Greeks are Rapebabies, Norwegians are Snowniggers, etc, etc. Accept that you're a Turkroach and stop being such a whiny cunt.

I'm just half Turkroach from my mothers side.

If you (at least) consider that Atatürk did something worthwhile for your ancestor's country and don't deny the armenian Holocaust, you're ok in my book. You're an educated turk.

If you or some relative is an Erdoganshill and is happy with the zealous bullshit occurring right now, you're a smelly roach.

Yer still a Roach laddy.

A whole lot more than just the Armenians were massacred by the Turks, but that's all we ever hear about. The Armenian Holocaust is just another JooCaust at this point.

OP here

My mother is a Kemalist and my whole family hates Erdogoatfucker because he wants to make Turkey into a sharia shithole.

And yeah I know that there was a genocide but not just Armenians were genocided... at least the kurds, too.

Ok ok...I'm a Turkroach. I also look like one and not like my father who is a german pure aryan guy.

Everytime someone says Turkroach I imagine those Marsian Cockroaches from Terraformars with a fez and a moustache.

But lets end this politics bullshit and post some Zatanna

>but wanted to start with some DC magic stories and was just curious about this because my mom is also from Turkey.

Zatanna, unfortunately doesn't really have any good stories that are all her own for you to just pick up and read.

She is one of the Seven Soldiers in Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers, but that's a pretty involved and complicated set of books that I think I would come back when you have read a bit of other stuff. I think you will enjoy it more, you will get more of the references and you'll appreciate the interconnectedness and seperateness of it all.

There's a kind of cutesy Zatanna series by Paul Dini and it's OK but it's not really going to show you anything about magic in the DCU.

You would be best off starting with someone else/some place else.

>Greeks are Rapebabies
I thought that was sweden

Eh, IDK, thats good enough for me. We don't know what ethnicity Homo-Magi were, anyway. My money is on Atlantean. I once tried to come up with a unified theory of DC bullshit for an RP once and my best guest is that Homo-Magi operate sort of like D&D Warlocks - someone made a pact with an interdimensional being at some point, and it just happens to pass it's way down the bloodline. Like 4e Tieflings without the unibrow. Worked out OK.
>TFW the players for Zatanna and Jason Blood hooked up in character
It was a ship I never knew I shipped

Zatanna is pretty pale for someone so Mediterranean though.

Swedes are the current Rapebabies of SHitskins. Greeks are the Rapebabies of the Turkroaches. Get your slurs together user!

>You would be best off starting with someone else/some place else.
What would you recommend.
I also thought about Hellblazer but I would prefer something less dark.

Meds are aren't majorlytanned user. Most of them are white. Not Norwegian white, but whiter than the average American. Sure, there are the tanned or olive ones, but even they look like The Rock in the worstcase scenario (and that's from mixing).

Zee absolutely looks like a mix of Italian & Ionian Greek.


I think Homo-magi is dumb, it feels too much like being a mutant.
>I can do fire spells because I was born with the magic gene
I like that old Hellblazer saying, how any cunt can do magic.

Are they going to turn Zatanna black like they did Huntress?

>don't deny the armenian Holocaust

I don't deny the Armenian genocide, I just think the Armenians deserved it

There are people who learn magic and those who can us it naturally.
There was always this kind of superpowers via genes in comics.

Sure but I'm not talking wizards and sorcerers here, I'm talking about homo-magis just feels like mutants, with no air of mysticism to it.

to be fair, "Mutant" was always short hand for "fucking magic" since none of their powers make sense, genetics don't work like that.

They really ought to nut up and make the Mutan- I mean, THE INHUMANS, into homomagi. It's all just one thing.

Wait i'm mixing up my fucking universes aren't I, FUCK


Spectre(Ostrander/Dematteis) and the Phantom Stranger run from a few years back. Oh and Shadowpact.

It's a shame Dini didn't get to finish the plot threads he had going. I wanted to see the outcomes of those things.

They should just give them a more mystical name instead of Homo Magi. Homo Magi really sounds like or is a scientific name and that somehow contradicts the magic theme.

Phantom Stranger and Shadowpact sounds kinda nice.
Thanks user!

she's fucking hot i wish there was more porn of her

Are you kidding? Zatanna is one of the most porned

Not naked pin ups, fucking. Also well drawn.

>Also well drawn.
Well aren't we just Prudence Picky

There's actually a pretty good amount, even some live action.

Talking of life action.
Who do you guys think should play her if she'll ever be on big screen?

looks trash

I think she is technically not even human.

How the fuck is Homo magi a different species of human if they look exactly like modern humans?

t. DC Comics scrub

Speaking of Zattana I read somewhere that somebody decided to make her a childhood friend of bruce wayne

Are there any storys of thomas wayne going on an adventure with Zatannas father I forget the name of?
Or even Marta wayne going on an adventure with him, that would be cool also.


Funny, doesn't look like your mom.

So Kryptonians are also human?

Was the Dini one the one with the magical psychologist?
I really wish more had been done with that and I want somebody to use the character again.

Bruce met her when he went and trained under her father in the arts of escape. Their parents never met.

Giovanni or John Zatara

I think the idea is any cunt can do magic but Homo Magi can do it much better and with far less consequences.

That was really weak user

Are you seriously white knighting porn motherfucker?

Your average white American is either of German, Irish, British, or Italian stock. From what I've seen, "John Smith" is as pale as "Carl Schmitt".

t. Non-white American

More like they are born with magic powers or some shit PLUS that what you said.

Krypotions were modeled after the guardians of green lantern fame by their sun Rao.

Zatara that's the one. I have never heard Giovanni.
I want a story where he goes with one of bruces parents

Come on user, comic writers more often than not draw aliens as humanoid but with -insert weird feature-. But because we know what other human species that aren't Homo sapiens looked like, wouldn't it make more sense to have Homo magi at the very least have pointed ears? Then again:


Funny how a lot of alien species are modeled like that.

I found her. Jana Bodie.
I really wish somebody would use the character.

The book of Magic is a four parter - there are longer and more complicated sequels but you can just start with the four parter. They I would read New 52 Justice League Dark. It has John Constantine, Zantana and gets into the whole Homo Magi stuff.

Zatara is their familyname
Her full name is Zatanna Zatara
His full name is Giovanni (John) Zatara
But a lot of alien species look exactly like human in comics so why should they look so much different from us when they are basically are a "Homo" race... maybe even a human subrace?

Well yeah.... that's the point

Wait shit I think I misremembered.
It's humans that were modeled after the guardians.

Justice league dark was not that great but I suppose a lot of the hate was how it mishandled constintine

Justice League Dark has a nice dynamic even if I don't like the Zatanna and Constantine shipping.
I mean I don't know if they are shipped there, I just asume that it is.

Nope that's specifically in The Sandman by Gaiman.

You're thinking Star Trek and their cheap-o budgets

>They I would read New 52 Justice League Dark
don't listen to this shithead

If you're starting off, as OP is, it's a good rec, I think, especially if he doesn't want to start down the whole Vertigo, then DC Hellblazer path.

And IF I was going to recommend that to him, then I would have said to go ahead and read Klarion and Zatana Seven Soldiers and then the rest of the whole she-bang.

>But a lot of alien species look exactly like human in comics so why should they look so much different from us when they are basically are a "Homo" race... maybe even a human subrace?

You got me there user.

Yeah I was refering to that.
But I think I misremembered. It was humans that were modeled after the ancestors of the guardians.

Is this canon?
Just asking

Somebody should storytime the dream segment of endless nights.
Doing the whole book would take ages but just dreams story would not be too bad.

Does that mean that every human looking alien is modeled after the guardians ancestors.

Probably not.
Granted many young suns were there that day and almost everything there held a humanoid shape. who knows how that might have influenced things.

I don't know if you could storytime the whole thing.
I don't recall any in the dream segment but there were many many tits in that book.

Someone bated so hart that his jizz left the atmosphere and became a meteor shower that flew in different directions all aceoss the universe.

Found it. I did indeed misremember. All that happened with Rao in that book was the start of supermans origin.
top right corner

Yeah, I've always felt he's sort of a underutilized character. Been around a long time too so you'd think someone would have done something cool with him.

What is the best incartation of Zatanna, Sup Forums? I like pre-52 more than new 52. She was more of a show buis magican back then, making her more unique. I also liked the one in YJ even if she was a lot younger.

Before the Greeks, there were a number of Anatolian peoples like Hittites and even some Celts. They'd be no more and no less Aryan then the Greeks.

(What's with the hard-on for Aryans anyway? The closest peoples to ancient Aryans are Iranians, some Hindus, and fucking Tajiks. Why would you want to copy Tajiks?)

I want to tear that top off her.

>They have that in common with the Skopjans, Albaians, etc,etc...
Butthurt Greek detected.

Reminder that your ancestors abandoned their identity to become "Romans", before getting so literally fucked by Arabs and Turks that you stopped being white.

Modern Greeks and Turks are a product of intermingling throughout the centuries of Ottoman Empire (and before that, Turks also got a lot of Arab and Iranian blood, otherwise they'd look like Khazakhs or Mongols).

The fact that they hate each other despite that (and also hate Albanians and Macedonians) is especially laughable. If Greece didn't luck out in getting its independence supported by the West in the 19th century, we'd just have two peninsulas of Turks arguing how they are the sons of Romans instead of Turks and Greeks warring for scraps of land.

I wonder what kinks Zatanna's into.

Costume sex
Magical duplicates of her and her partner to have a two person orgy

What kind of roleplay?

The kind you get from having daddy issues.

So she tells me how much of a naughty girl she's been and that she needs to be punished?

I enjoyed him in action #1
Although the best story in action #1 will always be scoop scanlon five star detective