Do you think product placement ever had an effect on you?

do you think product placement ever had an effect on you?

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They used to drink Mountain Dew in the old Homestar Runner cartoons, and I started drinking Mountain Dew because of that.

I wanted to eat Reese's Pieces because I saw them in E.T. but they didn't sell them in my country when I was a kid. There'd be other examples of wanting something I'd seen in movies when I was a kid but can't think of them right now.
As an adult, I don't think so.


When the omega bond shilling started I was actually offended since he's been wearing rolexes since the fucking novels.
When product placement is explicitly out of character I tend to notice it.

At least you didn't start drinking Listerine.

I was too busy looking at Eva in this movie to notice product placement.


When I was a kid this McDonalds looked good as fuck

I hope nobody fell for this.

I feel like I have developed an unironic fondness for pizza rolls as a direct result of watching Mr. Plinkett for years.

Only on Sup Forums

I had a Vaio in university that lasted me nearly 6 years. Only reason I got rid of it was because it the hard drive died. It ran Windows Vista as well.

I miss that laptop.

All of the time as a kid and a teen when I was a clueless normie.

a vaio would be a far better purchase than a donglebook

she kinda looks like a space alien
an alien I would fuck no doubt

I started drinking more bourbon cause of Justified

Only with food, but it's rarely the product that they show that I buy.

i stopped doing meth when breaking bad became popular because it was too mainstream

Only when it's food
yes i'm /fat/ but i'm working on it

I smoke Marlboro Reds because they're the ones strapped to their helmets in Vietnam movies

I started fucking Wilson volleyballs after watching Cast Away

Yeah, it makes me think the protagonist is gay

They taste like ammonia though

i smoke cigars cause of blondie

yes. absolutely.

I wish I could handle bourbon but it triggers my migraine

i bought a sony television, ps vita and a playstation after watching house of cards

BMW is the gentleman's choice