Go to kinoplex with older sister because you don't have any friends

>go to kinoplex with older sister because you don't have any friends
>all the normies there think you're chad

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I legit did this once. Got her to call it a date out loud, too.
Sadly I don't remember what we sent to see. Probably Pirates 2, she gets wet from Depp.

None of them thought that. Guaranteed.

>Hey sis, you ready for our D A T E??? Hehehehe
>Yeah, faggot. I'm ready for our "date"
Like that?

did you make a move on her?

>tfw do this with stacy little sister

>tfw only child
>once my mom dies I'll be alone for good
>tried talking about this with my grandma
>all she could say was "wul you sure your dad didn't have some kids you didn't know about with some other lady?"
>tfw I unironically wish he did but I'm sure he didn't or else they would've come out of the woodwork by now

>go to the cinema
>sit next to a group of people who are there together
>other people assume you are in a group of friends

Good plan, right up until the guards figure out what you're up to and give you the option to enter her to prove she's your gf, or spend 6 months dredging the cola sea in Antarctica

how many pics of her friends feet do you have

>all the normies there think you're chad
no, they didn't
they thought you were some weird cunt creeping on your sister

Is incest kino?
>don't have to leave the house
>no demands of a gf
>can start at early age


Nah I'm really cool and aloof when I'm in public with her.

Like, my sister would ask if I want a drink , I'd be like "whatever i don't care". Alpha as fuck

sniffing her hair in public is neither cool or aloof

not into feet

what about tummies?

>girls fill their hair with perfume nice-smelling shit
>think it's creepy for you to want to smell it

What did f*males mean by this?

It's only creepy if it isn't Chad. Realize that everything girls do for men is exclusively with C H A D in mind

Is it hotter when you're the younger or older brother in this situation?

Older brother just makes you look like a paedophile

Younger brother makes you look like an alpha-chad that can score hot early-mid 20's girls in their prime.

>tfw no loving titcow older sister to watch kino with

>tfw sisters aren't hot and have shit taste in kino

>only child
>tfw I'll never notice a sister's boobs pressing against me when she gives me a hug

Anyone else unironically attracted to their siblings? I know I'm fucked up.

i only have brothers so no

your grandma sounds like a dumb cunt but I wish you all the best user

>>no demands of a gf
Why assume that? Sisters have tons of demands and that's without you even fucking them.

>be me toddler
>find out mom is pregnant I'm going to have a sister
>unironically thought it would mean I would marry her when we grow up

Yeah but sisters cook for you and genuinely care about your happiness and almost never ask for money. Girlfriends don't give a shit about you, just want your money and social status, and think cooking is sexist.

I don't know, I come from a traditional family so my sisters always like that, maybe not in other cultures.

ethnicity of the men behind these posts - white

Whites are superior.

If that was true then they wouldn't have been outsmarted and subverted by a bunch of jews

Jews are white unless you goys try and make us import subhumans.

sorry im not up to date on Sup Forumstards hypocrisy so are jews considered white now or not?


Nobody who actually has a sister jokes about incest with them

fucking wh*Toids. yall are seriously fucked up

>get your sister to loudly mention thar you're on a date
>later start talking about family issues, accidentally revealing that you're actually siblings
>black man overhears

I just picture a completely different, hypothetical sister.

>stina and falla first