*Ruins your movie*

Bear Jew always stands out as a good example of a film's tone being ruined by a bad actor and writing

Bear Jew - hyped up coming to kill Germans. Banging a bat.
Squeaky voiced skinny Jew who went to gym before shooting comes out and embarrasses everyone by being a shit actor and not living up to the name
Goes on a baseball rant in middle of forest. Fucking cringe all around

Why didn't Quentin stop it

Who else is worse than this fuck up of a character/actor in a movies

ITT: Jewish actors that would've made great Bear Jews

inb4 that pic of his trap son

Yeah he didnt looked like a bear i was disappointed

It was really out of place. It jarred me in the same way DiCaprio did the first time he spoke with his shitty Boston accent in The Departed.

>"Bear" Jew
>Is actually a cub

And Cubs is from some American sport that is probably baseball. Pottery!

The baseball play-by-play was really stupid.

>only 1 pic

Another day example of a film being ruined by bad actor/writing

it was supposed to be Sandler

>that pic

I give it ten years top before his family ends up in a murder-suicide

All jokes aside, who could it be? The Frenchman at the start had a good look to him.

Completely overshadowed by the proud german officer who got the medal for bravery.

>(((Goldberg))) should have been the bear Jew

I actually found it to be hilarious. The whiny jew voice was perfect when he was like "Yeah?". I mean, most Jews aren't known for being big tanks of men. He fit the role of a bear jew pretty well. Plus it was the 40s, no one looked impressive then.


>Squeaky voiced
His voice sound average.

It was literally supposed to be Sandler

How could that have even worked. Isn't he like 5'8


I think that's very tall for 1940.

Should've picked an actor who'd have fun with the role. The size doesn't matter.

I laughed

HOLY fuck he’s actually blowing that handlebar! The fucking mad man!

Jews are notorious for being bad at physically demanding shit so of course they'd drop the ball with Bear Jew. I mean where are all the fucking Israeli and Jewish atheletes.?

It's meant to establish early on that there is good and evil on both sides. It makes the scene where the basterds murder the Innocent Germans in the theatre more poignant. It's supposed to parallel Hitler watching innocents getting murdered and enjoying it and the viewer watching innocents getting killed and enjoying it. I wouldn't expect most people to understand this though and just assume it's one of Tarantula's trashy gore flicks.

you don't think much do ya?

>Immature and sadistic cowardous manchild

I thought it was a pretty accurate portrayal of jews and their peers

part of the basterds plan was psy ops. he wasn't actually supposed to be scary like a bear, his reputation was.

none of germans who fiighted on eastern fron is innocent. what they did to mother russia is unforgivible.
on west they was pretty good btw. obeyed the laws of war exept for jewish people.

>Why didn't Quentin stop it

...because literally the point of the scene is that the hyped badass is just some dude with a cringy pre-murder ritual?



Why would they follow laws of war in the East when fighting an enemy that wasn't part of the Geneva convention and didn't follow any laws of war either.

But we did follow. what retarded logic is what? is it called gayropean logic? hitler was in geneva isnt he? german civilian loses vs soviets 0.1 civilian each german soldier. russian loses of civilians 3 for 1 soldier. german fagots just gone full genocyde mode on our people.

That's the point you fucking retard.
The German soldiers are more scared of the idea of a Bear Jew but in reality it's just some Jew with a baseball bat, not a golem with a club. The Basterd's are all about Apache warfare, scalping the victims serves no purpose but to strike fear into the hearts of the enemy.

You deserved it, you slimy soviet cunts.

Tarantino basically portrays the Nazis as smart, competent, charismatic, and sympathetic throughout the film, whilst the Allies are boorish, stupid, and hilariously incompetent. I'd say Tarantino did it on purpose as a satire on american war movies, but he's not smart enough for that. The truth is, he's incapable of writing unsympathetic antagonists or sympathetic protagonists.

ummm yeah actually eli roth is a misogynist creep
hopefully they will edit out his parts in the future

for what? i swear i will kill all gayropeans. u dont deserve to live

You're barely even human, what makes you think any of you deserve to live? Slimy little parasitic leeches is all you are and all you'll ever be.

whats it, prepare your anus.

I think Goldberg is whatever is above bear, he's a fucking golem

Yeah and in return you literally raped germany into the ground, I think we're more than even