Terrace House

Why aren't you watching Netflix's reality show kino?

>That scandal where the 29 year old was fucking the 18 year old off camera
>They pissed off the other cast members because they'd act like they weren't in love because she was an idol

Minori is best gril, too bad she wound up with the faggy hair dresser.


I don't think they're together anymore. She's posted more photos with Tap and zero with Tatsuya.

Hansan leaving was literately one of the only times a reality TV show actually touched me emotionally enough to tear up. He's genuinely a good man.

Who was in the wrong here?

Aloha state was pretty disappointing desu
But atleast /ourguy/ Taishi got his waifu in the end

She's in Million Yen Women, another Netflix Original series.

It started weak but Guy was top tier

Does Lauren stay based? Apart from being attractive, she actually seems pretty great.


I was genuinely happy for him when he won his competion.
Yea she is pretty great the whole time, my pick for best girl too

That's good to hear. She seems like she would actually be a fantastic person to spend time with.

>tfw same age as lauren but nowhere near successful or interesting

>tfw 2 years older than her and in that position

No joke, Terrace House helped inspire me to get my life together.

>you'll never fuck Torichan

Why live

Why are her mannerisms so fucking cute?

I bet behind her apparent cuteness she's one of a slut in bed. It's always like that.

>It's always like that.
Sadly no.

The cute shy girl is a myth.

where 2 cop?

>tfw no Minori gf

This guy is the fucking coolest, I could watch him and the big nosed comedian banter all day

He's based in another Netflix series called Good Morning Call because he calls out the main girl on her bullshit.

>tfw no Minori's sister gf
Kurumi is the patrician choice

Based 14 year old

Too pale

How can one be more like Hansan?

Mizuki was the best girl

Who /makoto/ here?

Who /natsumi/ here

I'd rather watch jdrama

Want to get into this, should I just jump into the latest season?

Fuck that, I'm watching Kantaro.

Am I the only one who finds her eyebrows attractive?

Watch Boys and Girls Next Door. Aloha State isn't that great as that season. OP's pic is BGIND.

One of the characters in that is a host.

thanks user

spoonfeed torrent pls

I've been waiting years for a terrace house thread on Sup Forums. Anybody watching Opening New Doors and witnessing the best girl of the entire series?

I don't know where to find the Netflix seasons, but "Terrible House" has the first and currently airing seasons on there.

No, but I'll start it soon.

thanks again user, sorry I was being lazy

You're all good. I don't like this anti-spoonfeeding crap when it comes to more obscure things like this,

Watching Lauren in Aloha State always made me think about pic related

Seina from the first series reminds me of Anri Okita.