You're the only man that's ever touched me

You're the only man that's ever touched me.

>You're the only man that's ever touched me.

a bit gay, that

Lol gaaay

Am I the only one who found this sequel to Gayniggers From Outer Space to be really pretentious and lacking in humor from the original?

This was a nice scene. A good movie overall.

not saying
>youre the only nigga that's ever touched me

>the movie was a tragedy because he hadn't ever had sex

shit man.

Yep, that's how all black people talk all the time!

This movie was fucking garbage

Did he mean was still a virgin? I refuse to believe that a jacked nigga with a nice car and his own place could be a virgin like me.


this but unsarcastically

He's gay

and? So was the other guy but he had kids

Nigger faggot kino

Funny that niggers hate queers more than most other sub cultures.
Daring synthesis

pretty gay

>tfw ywn be a real nigga tappin out the bando

Why even live?

Caucasoids and jews are trying to make gay acceptable in the black community. They are pushing it extra hard nowadays. Sadly, lots of young blacks (especially on twitter) have been brainwashed

Are you fucking with me or do you really not get it?

>Tfw you will never be a nigger

Feels good man

Nobody has ever compared this movie to Gayniggers from Outer Space. You're funny.

Down low brothers

this was a good film tbqh, picture of the year tier even considering the other options. This scene was quite powerful too

One of my favourite films of all time, the music was amazing

Absolute Blackino
