Camp Camp Thread Thread

Space Kid episode edition.
Link (thank you based m3u8 user!):
Don't forget to use one of these to watch the link:

Other urls found in this thread:!ABQxUbYY!H1OivRlvWUpQlfsn4eSCyzkGFyi7qExlSrF5ezlaki8
alternatively, for lazy people

>Don't forget to use one of these to watch the link
This was never added to the other threads. I had to figure it out like a dick.

Space Kid is pure.


Oh, it was already uploaded there
I try to make threads better each time. I use the m3u8 link because there's some random user who uses it to make 1080p MEGA links.
I guess I'll link animepace too next time, sorry for the inconvenience, user.

I thought this show was on youtube?
Now I'm really confused

Space Kid a cute, I'm glad he finally got an episode

Episodes premiere a week early on RT's premium service FIRST, the link you're seeing in the OP is next week's episode

I sincerely hope that we get a third season out of this.

Boy this episode was fucking GREAT, also it looks like I kind of predicted correctly, it was a space kid episode after all.
Max was a little shit this episode and I love it, Neil and Nikki weren't saints either, I mean Nikki outright kicked Space Kid, that was great!
also apparently Gwen had to do paperwork for a dead kid? Could it be chuck? or whatever the name of that kid they mentioned was

Chucky's FINE user! We don't talk about Chucky!

I just love how they set up the first scene just so David could say "We're gonna fake a moon landing!"

Chucky's dead! Face the facts!
and Max probably witnessed his dead much like David probably did with Jasper

He's fine 'physically speaking'

Wait, so Space Kid is really the grandson of one of the most important astronauts in existence and named after him?
How come the rest of the camp isn't asking him for autographs or stories of his grandpa?

Max pocketed a knife from Nikki.
Cutting off Nikki "mother fucker"
Spacekid pulling out her hair, Nikki does a super kick to the ship
Camper's shine the best when it's not their episode.


I don't think anyone ask for his name, or cared enough. I'm more suprised there are two Neils.
>Dat after credit scene
Is he going to take his spacesuit off next episode?

>The sudden realization that your dream has already been achieved at such young age
He's going to break, user.

Wait there's a fucking after credit scene?? thank god you told us or I would've never found out

please do not sexualize the max

You ask the impossible from me, user

H-he's for hugs, not for fugs! user!

Im shocked someone actually predicted this.
Anyways it had some moments but i didnt like this episode. Everyone was too mean and it doesnt make sense that Campbell made that promise of space.
It also shows that space kids parents hate him and wanted him to be stuck in space

Space Kids parents are gonna be the most interesting to meet based on the new episode.

he can be for both, user

maybe even at the same time!

i like the way you think!

He's innocent and pure, bad user!
Are they going to make one of his parents a real Armstrong? It'd be interesting to see.
I don't even know how Neil Armstrong's children look like or how many does he have

drawfags, you know what to do

Campbell promising that much makes perfect sense. The dude is so arrogant and short sighted, of course he doesn't see issues when he makes them.

But the very first episode had him showing a typo on Neils computer camp. Why wouldnt he do that for the space one?

He has 2 sons and a daughter. His sons looks exactly like him while his daughter looks like his wife. Pretty sure they also have families of their own.

He shares a tent with Neil and Nikki, I bet they do both frequently.

Gwen is a dirty girl, reading 50 shades like that with no shame whatsoever


I hope they go that route. After all, they have very important VAs, I'm sure they could afford having one of the Armstrongs voice a character for a single episode.

I like to assume Nikki sleeps under Maxs cot like a dog would.

does anyone know if the other eps have had after credit scenes? I'm worried I might have missed them in previous eps

also that existential crisis

This is new, including the NASA footage during the credits sequence. I think they are upgrading the show in some sort of way.
I bet the next two episodes will have the same features, and hopefully Season 3 does.

>Season 3


>pyromancer Nerris

god damn why is she so cute?

Arcane magic, Questing, Welding. Damn what can't she do?

They were all really adorable this episode, trying to help Space Kid achieve his dreams.
>Dolph painting the backgrounds
>Harrison excited over the greatest illusion act
>Preston happy because he gets to direct a fully improvised script
>Nurf with the cheese
>Nerris welding the launch platform

Dolph was there?
holy shit I totally missed him

Sorry, guys, been afk.

1080p WEBRip of this week's episode:!ABQxUbYY!H1OivRlvWUpQlfsn4eSCyzkGFyi7qExlSrF5ezlaki8


I still think spacekid is worst kid


They are horrible kids. I think that's what makes them so likable.

You must be 18 to post here, Max.

Yes,and i love them every episode,but not this one. Probably because they wherent really funny this episode. They even made me dislike nikki. Thats unthinkable,specially since last episode.
Anyways,next episode should be better. How long until the end?

Be a better magic kid than Harrison.


Yeah, I haven't seen her cot, considering she sleeps in the same tent with Max and Neil.

Does anyone feel like their might be another part to this or something similar in the future? Because Space Kid saying 'now what' in the only after credit scene worries me.

Maybe we'll see him without the helmet next episode. After all, why would he need it anymore.

Yes that was strange. I wonder why they made that scene.


I'm ready for anything they come up with, I know they can include anything in this show

does his mother send him knifes often then?
how do you think she got in jail by the way?

Probably stabbed his dad in retaliation for being abusive towards her.

Nikki being molested or raped?

Yes please.

can't wait to see how that translates into the episode where we meet all the parents

did anyone try and translate the morse code neil tapped on spacekids head in the beginning?

user I don't know how to tell you this, but I think you misunderstood what you read... but I still like the prompt a lot

I was thinking it might have been something like "Go stop, bother stop, Nikki stop."

By whom?

i thought it would be more along the lines of "fuck stop off stop"

I... fuck... I don't know man, her dad?

Guess the parents
They dont give a shit about him and probably dont show up
Insecure dad and bitchy mom
Corporate parents too busy for their son
Like Nelson from the simpsons
>Space Kid
Actual Neil Armstrong
Gay parents
Sweet German Parents who look like hitler and his wife
Nerd dad and cool mom
Boring parents
I think thats all of them

>who look like hitler
wouldn't that be redundant since Dolph himself looks like hitler?

>Actual Neil Armstrong
no, that's his granddad

For Max I think they are a mixture of what you said plus Neil's, replace Neil's with two divorced overprotective cunts who always fight for his love, so he's a trophy instead of a son for them.
Harrison would have magician parents, and Space Kid already said Neil Armstrong is his grandpa

so, who's the kid without parents/adopted? there's gotta be at least one


Well if Preston has two fathers, then he'd be adopted.
However, gay parents having an effeminate/gay son would be a cliche.

Turns out he is Campbell's son

that would mean he has a somewhat nice family though, and I don't think any of them have it, since that's the reason they're at that camp in the first place probably


its possibly a reference to Buzz Aldrin who after he went to the moon suffered from alcoholism and depression due to him not knowing what else to do with his life

oh shit, you think we'll get Space Kid suffering?
well, color me surprised, that's the most unexpected one we could've gotten

Maybe next episode he will not wear the space suit at all and everyone calls him Normal Kid. Since he already lived his dream and he has nothing else to achieve.

Really want to see Nikki parent. Rewatch the first episode Nikki talks about it being adventure camp, unless her mom lied again.

Later we find out Nikki got kicked out of flower scouts. Nikki probably came home crying and her mom scrambled to find a camp that was open.

The thing with Camp Campbell is I think for a lot of the parents it's a last minute camp. So the parents of the campers didn't care, couldn't afford, or didn't sign up in time to take their kids to a real camp.

Not a drawfag, but I think we all needed something to hold us over before drawfags get to it.

Remember to watch the episodes on youtube to tell rooster teeth we want more episodes

>Space is our turf mother fu-

Didnt dig this episode. Specially since last weeks episode was so perfect. The only problem i had with last weeks ep was that i ship NeilXNikki instead of MaxXNikki

I can happily rewatch every episode of this show, I always find a few new details I missed before

Max's parents seem like they would be bored intellectual types that are always reading something or putting someone down for being too common or beneath their notice.

I can see Nikki being raised by literal wolves that take her back to the forest.

Neil needs very Jewish stereotype parents that coddle him way too much and always assume he is getting sick, not eating enough, or got some kind of rash, and threaten to sue the camp.

Dolph's parents should look like Kaiser Wilhelm and his wife. Maybe in lederhosen

Harrison should have some very Hank and Peggy Hill type parents that really don't want their kids to be a weirdo but hoped the camp would get all the magic stuff out of his system.

Nerris should have Trekkie parents that always wear their starfleet uniforms everywhere and never stop using Trek lingo for everything, her mom always wearing Vulcan ears and doing the hand salute.

Enid should definitely have boring suburban 80's movie styled uncool parents.

thing is Nikkis stories about their parents make it seem like human parents

Why are shotas so calming? Like I don't even fap to them but seeing them in sexual situations makes me feel weird in a good way.

what if she really cannot tell the difference?

>Nobody calls him Neil because there's two of them
What if after dropping the suit, they call him Armstrong?

she specifically said her mom bought a new car and that the dad sent a lawyer

My worry is, when will Cute waitress and Jacob return, hand in hand?

Never, she wants the shota D

I'm sure Max's dad would be someone like Dan Peña. A rich guy who doesn't give a fuck about anything except dominating others and money.
Video for context

holy shit he even sounds like Max