Is there a coordinated effort to discredit this show on Sup Forums now or something...

Is there a coordinated effort to discredit this show on Sup Forums now or something? And it's always followed by shilling for Star...hmmm...

Do you really care what Sup Forums thinks about anything?

It's Summertime Sup Forums All the kids are home from school. And there's nothing an edgy teen likes more then shitting on stuff because it's not edgy enough. by September things should return to normal.

I haven't ever seen people in threads against SU supporting SVtFoE in fact it's probably the same people who hate both. Which I think is unfair because Star VS does the concept a lot better.

>discredit this show
not really. That's just how it is during hiatus periods. We've had plenty of cycles of this shit. Mods used to like us, too. Not anymore, though.

For some reason people have this idea that because no one bothers to complain about the show in it's general because it's a massive hugbox of people who have no idea what decent storytelling is, that everyone likes the show.

There's no coordinated effort. It's just a shit show, and most people here know it. Just go back

>implying that Sup Forums likes anything

Steven Universe is shit, that's all.


>Sup Forums

We got one boys. E;R approved memespeak ahead to ruin the thread definitely up ahead

Yes. E;R is the only person who doesn't like the show. No one else. Just blame a YouTuber who probably has 2 followers browsing this board.

It's the mods. They're a bunch of capefags who hate having to babysit cartoon fans. Regardless of what the popular cartoon is, they try to push it out. Both shows have essentially been chase to /trash/ and apparently it's now Rick and Morty's turn.

E;R's faggot video has been posted to this board more times than I can count. I'm sure it was him several times promoting himself too. What a faggot.

What? No. I just think the show is shit and I don't like it. Enough paranoia. I don't even know who you're referring to.

Or. No one wants your cancerous general that doesn't talk about anything but waifus and faggotry. There are 7 Rick and Morty threads an hour. If you legitimately think it belongs here you're retarded.

>by September things should return to normal
You mean the edgy teens will be replaced by edgier adults with the mentality of Teens?

The generals were banned because they were usually just image dumps and fanfic discussion. Their existence made it hard for anyone to discuss the show, since the generalfags had discussed it so much that they didn't care anymore and trying to make a new thread would just make people redirect you back to the general.

/sug/ is deleted for good reason.

If you can't count go back to preschool

His video wasn't even wrong for one. You're sure it was him for?

There is no coordinated effort to do anything against SU. It's just revealed itself to be a shallow showcase for anime references.

SvFoE has good character design. The actual characters are complete dog's breakfast, though.

SvFoE has good character design.

No, it really doesn't. .

Anons have been shitting on and over analyzing this show since the first Steven bomb when its popularity finally exploded.

Anything that is popular gets a dedicated hatedom, don't you know that? You're into he show, so you notice the hatedom more and more.

Look at character designs such as Ludo, Toffee, and Eclipsa. They are visually interesting and aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Other than that, SvFoE is terribly plotted and poorly written.


it's the Sup Forums cycle...

>step 1) new show comes out and Sup Forums initially likes it
>step 2) show does something that triggers Sup Forums or gets popular
>step 3) Sup Forums turns on the show and uses revisionist history to retroactively say the show was shit
>step 4) ????
>step 5) profit
>step 6) repeat from the beginning

it happened with adventure time, steven universe, gravity falls, samurai jack, rick & morty (although this might need a * since justin actually comes on here just to shit on his own show) and it'll happen again with the next show that comes along.

Thanks for proving my point that capefags don't want multiple topical threads OR a general. Get out.

The generals are corrals for any thread mods don't want, then they conveniently ban the general. Fuck the capefags. Ban the mods.

So, what's the problem with /sug/ exactly. I myself really like the show, but never felt the need to visit those generals, yet that doesn't mean other people can't have fun, right?

>samurai jack
People still like old Samurai Jack, though, and it's generally unanimously agreed that the first three episodes are fucking gold.

S3 and S4 already do that
The show just pulled a AT so is not surprise everyone hate it now.

Have you considered those shows might have just gone downhill, and that there are multiple people on Sup Forums, it's not a monolith that can be expected to reach consensus on anything. Or that people just change their mind and view shows in a new light when something makes its flaws more apparent.

S3 wasn't that bad. It had its moments

I'm sure you're forgetting the fact that every time there is a new show or pilot, there are always people in the threads saying it looks like shit or the premise is garbage/unoriginal.

I wouldn't worry about it too much, it's just the Sup Forumssmoker infestation. It'll go away once neomoot finally realizes Sup Forums is financially unrecoverable and pulls the plug.

The mods have finally purged most of the generals from the board, so we can go back to normal discussion. They only existed in the first place because the fans insisted they stick around instead of just making threads when they wanted to discuss the show.

It's similar to anyone who whines about /sug/ being gone because they were attached to it. If they want to discuss the show, they can just make a thread like any other show instead of the general shit.