”If any man dies with a clean sword, I’ll rape his fucking corpse!”

>”If any man dies with a clean sword, I’ll rape his fucking corpse!”

>experienced knight doesn't wear helmet

this isnt 2018

For some reason everyone in Westeros was obsessed with raping corpses

>hurrrr so edgy
game of thrones is pure unadulterated garbage

Most badass GoT character until D&D decided to go numale and make him beat up by a mentally retarded woman

>“Haha! Sure I showed these normies how crappy this show is! I’ve never watched it though but I love being contrarian so it must be absolutely the worst series ever! Haha!”

They turned him into a swearing quip machine

When's the next book coming out? (serious)

Do whatever the fuck you want with my corpse, I don’t give a fuck. I’ll be dead and you’ll be the necrophiliac faggot

This line is seriously extreme XXX edge middle school-tier

I watched the first 3 seasons
Seemed kind of interesting at first but S2 went to absolute shit
Dunno why I stuck with S3
Nice production values, though

you haven't fucked till you've fucked a cold one m8


This is why the Hound is best character

You'd fuck a bunch of male corpses?
Who are you, Renly?





I love these

"Hey everyone look at me. I'm that guy that hates anything that lasts past the first season because it makes me look cool. Look how original and unique I am."

>the hound
>a knight

wew there laddy

That is anyone with a brain.
