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Is that real? And I thought 24 was bad.

Is there anything of worth in 00s / 10s crime drama shows? The tone has always seemed really cheesy to me, that self-serious way of talking and the simple color schemes.

The Sopranos, The Wire, Deadwood. HBO didn't suck back then.

Would you even group those with like CSI and all that shit though? I guess I mean the more cheesy primetime stuff that would provide the fodder for laughable shit like OP. If with some distance the stuff becomes salvageable.


I quit watching it around the time I took a csi class in high school, it was just really unrealistic after learning how it is irl

who are you?

oh christ what the fuck
why cant they ever just use real forensics and detective work
oh I know because tv writers are lazy and have no ideas any more
Glad I stopped watching Designated Survivor. It had an interesting premise that immediately became crime drama #49201

lol this shit is so fucking dumb


i like how the selection flashes for no reason at 0.05

>something moves on the monitor

annoys me almost as much as the zoom shit

>implying it's not possible

cia niggers are always 20 years ahead of general populace

there's also nothing soy about shitting on these types of shows and then masturbating to yet another episode of mr robot because its "muh accurate hacking". yeah, accurate hacking? Where? The russians "hacked" the election? So fucking realistic.

>cia niggers are always 20 years ahead of general populace

This has been a trope for 20 years and the only CIAnigger technology we have now is deepfakes

>I'll create a GUI interface using Visual Basic... see if I can track an IP address


I'm sure that's zooming is possible with high resolution raw picture. But the fingerprint part? Looks lame

>with high resolution raw picture
The picture in the webm is supposedly took from a phone.

Elementary is actually good. Doesn't have laughably bad scenes like that, the relationship between Holmes and Watson has less sexual tension than Sherlock, the drama actually makes sense instead of being a forced "will they get together this season???" and you get a nice shot of Lucy Liu's legs pretty much every episode.

Cool, was waiting for someone to recommend SOMETHING. It all just seems so shit to me, always a source of unintentional comedy at best.

Fucking hilarious mate
>t. lawfag

I won't lie to you, Elementary does have some parts that are at least partway unintentionally hilarious, probably because it'd be practically impossible to have a Sherlock Holmes character not do some stupid superhuman deduction shit that looks laughable, but a lot of the time it's at least tongue-in-cheek.

Unironically, Monk.

Let's check the computer for clues, Sup Forums

Pushing Daisies

Since we're on this subject, is The Mentalist any good? I caught a couple of episodes on tv here and seemed nice enough.

2bh faceapp does a better job than that


97.63% match!

Is that the one Taylor Lawtner movie? Where he finds himself on the missing kids website?

its fine if you like monster of the week shows. The smiley story like take way to long for something to happen, like 1-2 ep a season slow, i doped it at some point but its not bad.

It's very good, except for the last season. But it has a lot of what was explaining about Sherlock. So if you're not into that kind of stuff, don't bother.



I'm in!

From mediocre to good:
Pushing Daisies
Twin Peaks

Yeah, i'm just looking for something to watch a couple of episodes a day, doesn't have to have a huge plot or anything. As long as it's entertaining (not the so-bad-it's-good type like OP) desu.

seconding gotham


CIA actually don't have a lot more than what is available to the modern market, they just have the incredible amount of resources and protection from liability to do things with market level tech that go far beyond the legality or options available to common every day people with modern market tech.

Second for Mentalist. Very good desu.

I thought he lost it because he spent too much time on Sup Forums. Not from literally putting in ctrl+alt+del.

Anyone has the completely illogical and stupid zoom and enchance from blade runner?

>This kills the /p/ poster.

It's Dexter

That definitely makes more sense. Nice trips btw.


You are like babby, watch this.


In "Killing Gunther" they have a really good joke on this.

This is what amerimutts believe happen in real life

knowing gibbs he probably unplugged the monitor

Hi-tech bomb defusal software from Unthinkable

you can do a lot without excel, user.

t. pajeet


>tipitapa tipitapa tipitapa

Im in.