/trek/ + /std/ general

Season finale of Discovery was actually not bad? Edition


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The two will never mix, like asians and blacks

Fuck off get that std shit out of here

Usually this goes beyond my standards but fuck my boner won't let me disregard.

It must be the uniform.




I'm so glad in Disco keiko's family line is finally explained now. Trek lore is so amazing.

STD is a steaming pile of shit. It's a botched abortion of Trek made by people who read the opinions of people who watched JJtrek.

You're like a kid who joins in the bullying cuz he's afraid of being bullied himself.

>/trek/ + /std/
fuck off

Leave him alone, he's just posting content.

Why did Sarek smile like a retard in the finale?

so serious biz what the heck is up with the pointy side burns on every mail from TNG and beyond?

(or did TOS start the fad?) is it an inside joke?

Sadly I never even noticed and think I have partial face blindness.

Thank fuck we didn't get some mutilated constitution class like we saw from the wireframe of the defiant.

>he's afraid of being bullied himself
>on an anonymous image board
Not only does this not happen in real life, this especially doesn't happen on forum where we can't tell who he is.


Friendly reminder that Dukat did something wrong.

Thats not how the meme goes. 2. The meme is old,and worn

he didn't finish the job.

>Post shitty overated show screencap
>Doesn't even list one but list "2."
>Doesn't green text for list
>Doesn't appreciate a fine remix on an old classic
You have to lurk at least 6 months before posting

Build me a fanbase worthy of tilly

Says who? The consil of elders?

>Argueing with shatner.

These are standard crew quarters on the USS Orville.

Is the Discovery comfy too?

The show is just joke after joke. There's no context.

every time I see these things I wonder what happens in a fight, shit must fly everywhere

Why? Theyre in space, u know....


the DIS is a ship you wouldn't want to live on, crewed by people you wouldn't want to be around, going on adventures you wouldn't want to be a part of

it misses the comfiness of trek by a country parsec


Hamfisted sjw bullshit to ma k e you vomit

>We've never encountered a species with cloaking technology before
>Except the Suliban
>Despite the fact that we clearly established ENT was canon when Saru organized his self-evaluation
>Or that very minor species that we're certain nobody will remember that we had a fucking war with called the ROMULAN STAR EMPIRE
>This is your new protagonist. She's a xenobiologist and a quantum physicist and an engineer and a martial arts expert and a cultural relations diplomat and she's Spock's sister. Isn't she so keeeeeeewl?
>What? Sybok? Never heard of him
>Never heard of Janeway, Sisko or Uhura either
>And your new first officer is this.....guy. Because we didn't have a repository of literally hundreds of different alien species we could use. But he senses death which is neat.
>If we kill T'Kuvma, we'll make him a martyr!
>Okay, we'll kill him 3 minutes from now
>Too bad Voyager couldn't build themselves a spore drive or they'd have been home in a couple of days huh?
>Let's go ahead and casually shatter the Neutral Zone agreement for shits and giggles
>Look, we're doing a gay kiss! Aren't we so dynamic and challenging?
>What, Dax? Nobody's going to remember her
>Don't worry, we're sure that nobody's going to question why there's a cadet who hasn't even graduated from the academy serving on board a classified science vessel
>Fine, we'll throw in this old character so we can pretend like we give a shit about the series we came from
>Might as well get the time loop episode out of the way already while we're at it. Nobody liked those.
>What's that? Cause and Effect? Nobody liked that one either.
>We haven't finished introducing all of our cast and establishing their relationship dynamics yet. Time for a Mirror Universe episode so that the audience will have absolutely no frame of reference for comparison! They're just EBILLLLLL!

Build soundbyte bridges of friendship not walls of text.

it is absolutely insane that no one immediately domed this tripping bitch with a disruptor set to "pimpslap"

>That social media youtuber shit at the end.

She'd have been doubletapped before she could press the button

These are all actually very valid criticisms

The gay shit really turned me off too.

STD isn't canon so I wouldn't worry.

Surprised there isnt more hate for the last episode of Discovery. Pure garbage.

STD has so far:
>Walk in the desert so your foot prints make a federation emblem and the starship can see it from space through cloud cover and a dust storm.
>Used an ancient telescope to try and see a cloaked klingon ship
>Space whales. Twice.
>Explained how they were going to try and use an antenna on a planet as space sonar to combat the klingon cloak.
>Giant space tardigrade that uses mushroom space to travel.
>Mushroom space
>Mirror universe in the first season
>Fidget spinner ships
>Lorca actually said at the end of season 1 that he wants to "Make the empire glorious again".
STD is shit.

>In TOS era
You retards can't be consistent on anything. Trek didn't get comfy quarters until TNG when they made the ship a space-luxury-liner. TOS and movie era had everyone except the senior officers packed in bunk beds.

>Captain Christopher Pike
>Its the Enterprise!


Molly O'Brien? More like Lolly O'Brien, amirite?

>>Fidget spinner ships

Just........ not fair bro

Don't forget that EVERY FUCKING EPISODE takes places in the same dark claustrophobic sets.

>let's visit another ship
>oh it's our sister ship
>wtf we are in Stamet's mind now?
>lol it looks exactly like the discovery
>mirror universe
>oh shit, same ships, lit even darker

Forest trip and Qonos mission felt like day parole

>lol holodeck
>lol no new environments for you, hahaha

I figured they put on this lsd trip space visuals because everybody realised how dull everything looked

comfyness does not mean mattresses, user

it means a ship you'd want to be on

sure the TOS/movie Enterprise got into a few scrapes, and some lives were lost, but it wasn't a grimdark nightmare vessel from 40k where if the spore drive ruptured then the crew would get turned inside out

>space sonar

fucking jesus wept

MU and slapping the you know what at the end is an embarrassment. They have no idea wtf they are doing.

The worst part is they feel like they took advice from some of the enterprise posters here like 5 years ago.

You forgot the most important:
>The United Federation of Planets proudly dooming an entire species to live under a Religious Dictatorship or perish in hellfire, and gave commendations to everyone involved in this plan

>a grimdark nightmare vessel from 40k where if the spore drive ruptured then the crew would get turned inside out
And where the crew is happy to sit by and watch someone almost get murdered in the mess hall, like it was some maximum security prison and the security didn't give shit.

I thought their explanation for darker, moody sets in the mirror universe was pretty cheeky. Good way to explain why all the other Trek series’ mirror universes were dark and moody too.


>Michael sets a dangerous, mass murdering xenophobe loose in her universe because she pinkie promised her
Really jogs the old nog.

Women sure do make some really fucking stupid decisions in Star Trek. I mean between Janeway and Burnham I don't see how women can think of them as role models.

You forgot reddit-tier dialogue written by hacks.


Janeway is at least somewhat more respectable than Michael.

ep14 I was thinking
>hm that admiral sure is a competent character, I'm glad she commands the ship now
and then she agreed to that stupid made up on the spot in less than 5 minutes by a genocidal space hitler plan and puts said space hitler in charge of everything.

Enterprise had pretty comfy looking sets.

>ywn have a nice breakfast with Archer and T'pol or movie night with Trip and Reed.

Wasted opportunity for a Tuvix joke my dude.

Watching Michael recite Alice In Wonderland while crawling through Jeffreries tubes made me want to die.

I know right, I nearly had a psychosis

>comfyness does not mean mattresses, user
specifically referred to the quarters on the Orville.

>but it wasn't a grimdark nightmare vessel from 40k where if the spore drive ruptured then the crew would get turned inside out
Except all trek ships have a reactor system that will kill them all if it malfunctions.
Not to mention drives that will pulp everyone if the inertial dampers develop a fault, experimental phase-cloaking technology that will bury your ship and crew inside solid rock if it malfunctions etc.
Then you have the god-tier aliens that will haul you into their own pocket dimension to study, develop a fascination with the fact that your species dies and decide to slaughter half your crew to properly study it (an intellectual variant of the 40k chaos gods)
And, oh yes, transporter accidents.

Of course, the most "comfy" part of trek is, from TNG on, there are families and kids on the ship. Imagine just how comfy it is when the ship's primary school gets sliced into by a borg cutting beam or romulan disruptor fire.

All the writing and dialogue is absolute horseshit in Discovery.

Do they come in "Extra Fat"?

Explain to me how a bunch of space aliens ended up forming something that's pretty much the Roman Empire in space.

Star Trek isn't real. It's just a tv show. That's how.

Orville is legit worse than STD, and STD's pretty bad.

>le just turn your brain off

But Klingons, Ferengi, Breen, Cardassians etc make sense and are unique from any Earth culture. Then there's the Romulans who are just Vulcan Romans. What gives?


>do what I say or I'll kill us all
>with this detonator that's coded to only me
>don't even THINK about the fact the detonator will be useless if you kill me

It's more Star Trek than Discovery.

It's called evolutionary convergence and it explains what you are asking completely. Look it up. All your questions will be answered. It's interesting shit too.

cardassians are exaggerated east germany
ferengi are exaggerated capitalists
klingons are exaggerated samurai
breen are dudes in suits
romulans are exaggerated rome

>implying the romulans, who were space-faring a long time before humans, didn't have a ship crash on earth and contaminate the local culture, spawning the roman empire

How do you go from this?

To this shit?

>people in the 23rd century are listening to 21st century remixes of 20th century songs

what the fuck? At least Heart of Oak makes sense for it to have been preserved by British captains in Starfleet, I mean Picard's French but whatever.

What do you expect when the show follows around the riff-raff instead of the ship's captain?

>cardassians are exaggerated east germany
not nazi germany?

The same reason Dr beats and apple are profitable. There are fools with money out there.

They could be any occupying force that had work camps. British empire, nazi Germany, USSR, I assume the french and the US too at points in history and many more.

Its a shame...

In fairness they are aiming the product at completely different demographics. Old trek was for fucking white males! and nu trek is for 56% retards.

So /trek/ have just started watching TNG and am half way through. Is it worth going back and watching JJtrek now that I understand more of the lore?

I'm aware JJtrek is a remake ofTOS, not TNG.

Orville is fun and lighthearted sci-fi that doesnt try to take itself too seriously. Also the writing is better than 95% of modern series and it isnt grimdark overdramatized dystopian garbage or stuffed with sex and violence. We need more shows like Orville, modern TV has become literal garbage and it tells are sorry tale about the state of the industry to see one of the most promising uplifting shows in years to be generally shat on by "critics".

And yes, earlier on the jokes might be a bit too numerous but it settles to a good level in later episodes. STD is on the other hand is complete trash with no redeeming qualities other than arguably production values, which again is just a question of budget..

TOS was to soften whites.
TNG was for PC queers.
DS9 was for negroes.
VOY was for feminists.
ENT was for sane people.

why would you want to watch JJtrek after seeing TNG? If anything, it made me want to watch it even less.

Orville is a rich dude that made his own show so he can LARP that he's Kirk or Picard. It's legitimately cringeworthy.

>Is it worth going back and watching JJtrek now that I understand more of the lore?
They're typical summer blockbusters for the masses. Not worth your time.

>Need to appear 'relevant' to contemporary culture
>Hold shitty party with loud music and sparklers, randomly say 'fuck'
Sup Forumstards are really barking up the wrong tree when they say it's the gay engineer that is evidence of society crumbling.

>being this wrong
>having an opinion that is literal garbage
You're human refuse, but here's a (you) for getting me annoyed enough to reply.

>ENT was for sane people.
They wont be sane once they've seen Archer in action

>/trek/ + /std/

Sup Forums accepts the best Star Trek but i like my /StarTrekDiscovery/ general

Orville is just as bad as STD. It's like the plot and the characters operate at different levels. The plots are semi-serious like in any regular star trek show, but the characters are written too sarcastic, witty and immature for those kind of stories.

The Orville is NOT Star Trek. It is only similar. We arborists are in it for the fun. If you are too much of a stickler for details, or seriously arguing with trektards over the minutiae of plots, props, or personalities, then maybe The Orville is not for you.

>It's legitimately cringeworthy
Its called fun and is not meant to be taken dead seriously. If you are too jaded to enjoy it for what it is i feel sorry for you. The writing is good and the actors are obviously having fun while being good enough to not distract from the show itself.

>as bad

You know Star Trek Discovery is a success when you have fan art of this quality

It was actually really bad. The whole spin off is really bad.

A tv show can't be bad when you can create art from it

Emergency Autism Hologram