/rlg/-Reylo™ General

One thread per Day Edition

Will we have any official Reylo content in 2018/19?
>New Forces of Destiny episode featuring Reylo, voiced by Daisy and Adam (TBA)
>TLJ Blu ray with ~20 minutes of deleted scenes (March 27th?)
>TLJ Novelization (March/SOON)
>More Reylo merchandising
>The Last Jedi Graphic Novel Adaptation Coming in May
>Expected days left for reconciliation ~ 668

Based content from Footnotes user (highly recommended (not only for FanFicFans)) :

Some links:
Some Reylo quotes from directors and co. : imgur.com/a/cLeu7
Adam interviews Daisy (for real, not a fanfic): vmagazine.com/article/driving-miss-daisy/
Rian ultimately confirms Reylo to a fan: instagram.com/p/Bd1voS8nPBy/

Short videos:
youtube.com/watch?v=m7rm779U6_I [Open]

Long videos:

Thread archive: archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/subject/reylo/
Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


First for one bread per day should be enough (pace is too high on Na/aussie times)


So is there any decent sfm of these two getting it on yet? Is there's infinite overwatch out there you'd think there'd be something already

Kylo makes Anakin look like a manlet in comparison there.

Yeah Kylo is even more huge than Anakin

Reylo is cute!

>k-kylo senpai, m-my hips are moving on their own

You are a big brainlet fellow centepede



Its the first time in my live but wow anime was right in this case

p o t t e r y

Don't you fags get bored of spending all day, every day of your pathetic existences making and posting in these threads?

You are like goldfish swimming to one side of the pool and back again.

Lol now I can remember the force bond was not really a big thing in the PT but they hinted it.

Need more romantic Reylo lewds


That's a big nose


Kylo must love sand I guess



Padme and Anakin didn't have a Force Bond because Padme wasn't Force sensitive. Rey being Kylo's equal in the Force is just one of the ways of correcting the relationship between the chosen one and his mate.

Are there any better quality TLJ rips out yet?

It's a deleted prequel scene, probably deleted because as you said Padme isn't force sensitive and they'd have to handwave it as the power of love or some shit.


R-Rey what do you mean w-with this.

>correcting the relationship between the chosen one and his mate.

So you mean both are the "choosen ones "?

Rian has been dropping the pottery on us the whole time. It's too bad normies didn't listen and still refuse to accept it. It's so baffling to see veteran fans acting so obtuse and lacking any will to understand their treasured property.

>So you mean both are the "choosen ones "?
A failproof system.

I guess that the reason why Kylo is so obsessed about killing the past,because they never learn from the past so killing it would be the only solution.

>we will never see Rey talking to Leia about Ben and how he tried to marry her
>we will never see Leia reconciling with her son
>we will never see giant Ben bend over and hold his tiny mother in his huge arms
Why even live.


Who needs a real Leia in 2018, when you have CGI (cough)


Some old reddit "plot leak"

>Is M Night Shamalamadingdong writing the film?

>Disney are telling a child friend story that is the continuation of the Skywalker saga. Rey is Luke's child because it's safe, simple and obvious. Skywalker sells more everything.

>Killing Snoke in Ep8? The most menacing and terrifying villain in all SW movies being killed by his young emo apprentice? Doubt it very much. There has to be a Snoke X Luke confrontation at some point as a battle between the 2 most powerful Force-users in the Galaxy. Something like Yoda vs. Sidious or even bigger.

>I really hope you are wrong. Particularly kylo x rey and finn x other girl.

>Just seems like that is shoehorned in because there are people who can't take a interracial interspacial romance.

>Next thing about snoke being killed by ren so quick would be a shame but I like that luke lives

>Edit: If refugee turns however could be interesting if it means he gets back to being a thing with rey, but not if refugee in 3rd movie has a crisis of conscience

Lmao, 2 years

Actual Solo movie dialogue leak:

>OLD TIMER: "You better watch out kid, or sooner or later in about 50 years you'll find yourself stabbed with a lightsaber through your fucking heart."

>Rey is Luke's child because it's safe, simple and obvious. Skywalker sells more everything.

Luke is a virgin monk, this makes no sense oh nonono.

>Killing Snoke in Ep8? The most menacing and terrifying villain in all SW movies being killed by his young emo apprentice? Doubt it very much. There has to be a Snoke X Luke confrontation at some point as a battle between the 2 most powerful Force-users in the Galaxy. Something like Yoda vs. Sidious or even bigger.

Classic retarded plebbitor muh snoke is sooo powerfull and interesting he must be reincarnate of plaguis (or whatever they call him).He is even stronger than sidious !!!

>>I really hope you are wrong. Particularly kylo x rey and finn x other girl

But that's rascist !!11

>Just seems like that is shoehorned in because there are people who can't take a interracial interspacial romance.

That's the best one hhaahhah cry me a river fucking finnfag. I hope you enjoyed TLJ.

>Edit: If refugee turns however could be interesting if it means he gets back to being a thing with rey, but not if refugee in 3rd movie has a crisis of conscience

Another finn faggot but this one loves triangles

You can see why a bunch of hypocrites hating TLJ now.

>fucking heart
oh i don't think so


Who the fuck is old timer, that is the important here.

I'm amazed that this is a thing that exists on this board. this is like tumblr tier shit

>Leia will never smile fondly at her son's romantic exploits and give love advice to those kids

>Just seems like that is shoehorned in because there are people who can't take a interracial interspacial romance.
Why is their only interracial romance bmww, and not, you know, Finn and Rose... who are two different races

>Haha. Keep telling that to yourself. She is a direct descendant of The Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker. Her father is Grand Master Luke Skywalker. It's very obvious.

Leia should bitch Rey out for blowing her only chance for grandchildren.

>Love advice

idk about this

>he knew exactly what that moment would be

I'am sure Rey will try to avoid every confrontation with his senpai in IX.

What I meant to say is that it gives a whole new perspective of that conversation when you know that Kylo literally meant: When [I kill Snoke] you'll stand with me. It makes it ten times more satisfying that Kylo knew Snoke had to go the moment the girl entered his life.

Yeah his alpha instinct is pretty strong


She is the force god himself hellooo !!!

Christ Snoke was retarded.
Sometimes I want to write as this evil, smart mastermind but he's just fucking dumb in canon

My first reaction when I saw Dryden Vos for the first time was "This guy's mask looks kind of like Kylo Ren's mask!", which got me thinking..... did Han tell a much younger Ben Solo a story about Dryden Vos which later inspired Ben/Kylo to make a mask based on Dryden Vos's mask?

I dont know how but somehow all TFA characters expect Kylo (That's because he is the most important guy in the ST) are all very poorly written. Poor Rian.


Snoke is acting short sighted because he's being blinded by his arrogance. He's a megalomaniac drunk on power. Typical personification of Ego that meets the end by his own stupidity in these mythical types of stories.


Kike Kylo has nothing on Aryan Anakin.

>Veteran """""fans"""": "Kylo shouldn't be redeemed because I'm tired of redemption arcs and they're a rehash and not the heart of the whole Star Wars series which is about hope and good triumphing and love."
>Veteran """"""fans""""": "I don't understand why Luke didn't light the green and slaughter half the First Order. Why would he overcome his demons to instead take the peaceful and nonviolent route to overcome his enemies and still end up a legend for it? What kind of dumbass story is that?"
It's honestly getting depressing at this point. How do they even call themselves fans? There's a lot to complain about or misunderstand in the ST but those basic points aren't two of them. Yet they're the ones I see brought up constantly.

Instead Leia's last words about her son were giving up on him.

Rey Skywalkerfags were so obnoxious and it will never stop being amazing that they were dead wrong and BTFO in every way. They would screech down every other option, particularly Reylo, like deranged banshees so smug and sure that they were right. Kek.

Your Anakin is just a meager manlet

Im sure they will make some hints for IX, they cant resist.Canon is still veery blank they need something to fill it. Btw the main design of the mask has his origin by Revan.

Your Kylo is just a hook-nosed Darth Vader wannabe child in a mask. Kike Kylo will forever be inferior to Aryan Anakin. Kylo will never be the Chosen One like Anakin was.

Yes, I'm already aware of the parallels between Darth Revan and Bastila and Kylo Ren and Rey.

Anakin looked like that at the end

Oh, sorry guy, you're wrong

Anakin was conceived by the Force Itself. Crylo Ren is nothing more than a kike faggot. I hope your mother dies of bowel cancer, you bitch nigger. :)

Except I'm not wrong. Kylo Ren will forever be known as the poor man's Darth Vader.

>I hope your mother dies of bowel cancer, you bitch nigger.

Holy shit the buthurt is real, you know that Kylo will not die as a failed creature


Chad Ben
>has the rank of Master
>supreme leader of the Galaxy
>has hands, legs and dick
Virgin Anakin
>doesn't have a rank of Master
>literraly just emperor's dog
>half-machine without dick


Ah, just assblasted tumblrwhale

Just ignore the kid

Kylo has waaay more achives than Vader ever had

>you know that Kylo will not die as a failed creature

I don't want Kylo to die as a failed creature, I want him to be redeemed just like Anakin was redeemed. All I'm saying is the simple fact that Kylo Ren is the poor man's Darth Vader. At least Anakin had a valid reason for turning to the Dark Side of the Force, he wanted to prevent his beloved pregnant wife from dying in childbirth. Kylo turned to the Dark Side of the Force because his mummy didn't give him enough hugs. What a crybaby faggot Crylo Ren is! kek

When I look around the general reactions to the movie it becomes clear why all Marvel villains suck so hard. It's almost like the only people who appreciate Kylo for what what he is are the movie critics and some intelectual outsiders. Everyone else (read: both fantrads and tumblrinas) completely dismiss him. They dsimiss any intent behind writing him as a more complicated character. They dismiss the character entirely. The GA plebs and tumblr PC police does not wish to see a complicated villain, they refuse to acknowledge that creators intended for a sympathetic villain and that they put some effort (the most effort as it turns out) into imbuing them with nuance and conflict. They wish none of that, they reject the very idea. What they want is a one note, disposable bad guy who's only there for the pure cinnamon roll heroes to obliterate. The sad truth is that only SW Disney can allow itself to have a nuanced villain in this day and age because in this case they just don't give a fuck. Everything else is doomed to the fate of a Marvel villain trope. I can only hope that it's just the online chatter and the less indoctrinated parts of the GA see the effort and appreciate it.

>Kylo turned to the Dark Side of the Force because his mummy didn't give him enough hugs.
What a blind faggot


Leia isn't a princess anymore, she's a general.

>has the rank of Master

Citation needed. Anakin could easily fuck Kylo up.

>supreme leader of the Galaxy

Except he's not, faggot. He's just the Supreme Leader of the First Order, which doesn't control the Galaxy, it just controls a small amount of territory in the Unknown Regions.

>>has hands, legs and dick

So does Anakin. And Anakin has a bigger dick and an uncircumcised dick, unlike Kike Kylo.

I hate Tumblr with a passion, faggot.

You watched TLJ ? I guess not.

>Kylo Ren is the poor man's Darth Vader.

Nobody needs a new Vader, Kylo is Kylo Vader is Vader. He goes his own path in TLJ without hanging on Vader.

Except I'm right and you're wrong, but you won't accept it. Deal with it, nigger.


All of those guys look a lot like the Knights of Ren. Maybe there's a connection there.

This ! Kylo is one of the better written characters in the capeshit timeline.

Is this real holy shit

>Leia isn't a princess anymore, she's a general.
It doesn't matter faggot, you just have nothing to say
>Citation needed. Anakin could easily fuck Kylo up
No, he can't. Kylo is stronger than Vader was.
>which doesn't control the Galaxy
It does. At the end of TLJ FO took control of whole republic space.
>And Anakin has a bigger dick
Lmao, no. Adam is waay more bigger than manlet Heyden.
Anyway, it's just a bait. This is your last (you)

Kylo Ren is a shallow, whiny villain for the shallow, whiny Millennial generation.

No, you're just assblasted tumblrwhale. Get out

You mixed up

>Leia isn't a princess anymore, she's a general.
Pic related. Leia had a right to a title and so did Ben.
>Citation needed. Anakin could easily fuck Kylo up.
Kylo is already demonstrating more finesse at Force manipulation than Vader. Official sources also point that Kylo might be stronger with the Force than Vader. The potential ot outgrow Vader is easily there.
>He's just the Supreme Leader of the First Order, which doesn't control the Galaxy, it just controls a small amount of territory in the Unknown Regions.
Which is already more than Vader ever was in his life, that beaing, Palp's dog of war.
>So does Anakin. And Anakin has a bigger dick and an uncircumcised dick, unlike Kike Kylo.
Adam Driver isn't Jewish. And if his dick is as big as his everything else then you can bet he dwarfs Anakin's. He's also much taller.

t. too complicated for the capeshitter joe

He represents part of them they're uncomfortable with and don't want to acknowledge on purpose. Characters like him are tailor-made for just that reaction. If you're having a kneejerk angry reaction to him, especially if you're a man, you're having the exact reaction they wanted.

That's Anakin though. Millennials grew up with him. Also, reminder that Vader was one note until the end of ROTJ.

They better make and release this cookie mix. I'd buy in a heartbeat.
>you never know if the cookie you're gonna get is bitter or sweet

>It doesn't matter faggot, you just have nothing to say

It does matter faggot and I have everything to say, you have nothing to say.

>No, he can't.

Yes he can.

>Kylo is stronger than Vader was.

Vader is infinitely stronger than Kike Kylo is.

>It does.

No it doesn't.

>At the end of TLJ FO took control of whole republic space.

No it didn't.

>Lmao, no.

Lmao, yes.

>This is your last (you)

Only because you're a coward who can't accept the truth that Anakin is the REAL chad and Kylo is the REAL virgin. Kylo is LITERALLY a virgin and worse than that, he's a wizard. Anakin put his dick in Padme in CANON, that's how Luke and Leia were born you faggot. But you wouldn't know how children are born, because you're a virgin faggot. kek

Not hating, honestly I don't care because 90% is just shitposting like this thread, but I'm just honestly curious. How come this waifu garbage is never pruned? Usually, mods delete shippy or waifu threads really fast.

>No, you're just assblasted tumblrwhale.

Except that I hate Tumblr with a passion.

>Get out

No, I will NEVER get out and I will ALWAYS call Kylo out for the shallow, whiny faggot he is. Stay mad, faggot! kek

Wait till you hear the spin they put on identifying with Kylo. Apparently, if you do then you must be a white male. YOU are the problem. If the only character you can identify yourself with is a white male villain then you're only doing this because you'd rather chose a white male villain than anybody else. As a while male, there's no way you'd ever chose to identify with a woman or POC in the movie. That's why they see white males identifying with Kylo as a problem, they are the villains (duh!) but they prefer to see themsleves as the victims, and Disney its catering to those "problematic" individuals. Which is also a problem.

Because at least one mod is Reylo

The reasons SJWs hate Kylo and the reason fanboys do are very different but they both come to the same conclusions and often use similar language and it's fucking hilarious.