Black Panther Box-office

The tracking keeps going up. It's at $170 million 4-day presidents weekend, ahead of Deadpool's $155 million, the previous record holder.

For comparison, it's double that of 50 Shades of Grey the third highest in February with $85 million

It has also set a IMAX presales record for a Marvel film ahead of the likes of Avengers, Age of Ultron and Civil War

February movies usually gets multiplier of 3X (even an R rated Deadpool's managed a 2.75X) which means $400 million seems a lock and it might end up beating Spiderman and Wonder Woman to become the highest opening solo superhero movie yet.

What are your final predictions were for Black Panther's opening weekend Box-office?

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The absolute state of Sup Forums which predicted that this movie will flop. Looks like it might even have a shot at becoming a billion dollar film. Despite the racism narrative, Asia is receiving it quite well. It is setting pre-sales record in South Korea


Sup ForumsSup Forums BTFO. Sup Forums screeching might actually be attracting free publicity for Black Panther

Racists BTFO

Sup Forums eternally BTFO'd. Press F to pay respects


>that picture
was already immediately debunked

2004 was a magical time for video games

What is the China situation? Or does it open there later?

trillionths dollar and the money is used to fund a real world wakanda in africa

It opens on March 9th since there is a Hollywood embargo till that date. It's good because this weekend is Chinese New Year and is swamped by big local releases that would have cut BP' bo there. Now it has a good possibility there.

Contrary to the narrative, BP' might make good money in China considering that Infinity War is the most anticipated Hollywood release there this year. If BP makes 100 million + in China then it has has a shot at 900 million+ worldwide, possibly more than even Jumanji

>built up the pre sales buy booking tickets for schools to see the movie
>the kids will have already seen it so the parents won't go to see it
>this actually reduces the ticket sales after the first week

Infinity War can make potentially make $400-500 million in China alone.

Look how excited Chinese chinks are for IQ

Isn’t that pretty small for a marvel movie?

Only just above an R rated Fox flick isn't that great

If it opens to 155 million+ 3-day as the tracking says then BP would be the 5th highest MCU opening and the 14th highest overall above Rogue One. It can potentially beat The Dark Knight too

It will be a February record and the 14th highest opening of all time above Rogue One.

Pretty impressive for a movie that Sup Forums claimed would be a flop



People will forget about it when infinity wars comes out and makes more money.

"The tracking keeps going up"

Amazing how well a movie can potentially do at the box office when it's supported by public-funded institutions buying hundreds of thousands of tickets for the 'disadvantaged'.

lol, whatever faggot

I can’t habeeb they’re STILL make 50 shades of grey movies

To be fair, who could predict schools would be paying for tickets and retarded gofundmes? Your average film can't compete with that.

This thing will have 70% drop.


An R rated Deadpool didn't have a 70% drop. You're delusional. It's a February release without any competition and no major release since Jumanji.

There is no reason for it to drop that big other the fact that you want it to drop that bad.

They'll release the second trailer for Infinity War by in the first week of March and BP' will get even more legs as Infinity War trailers are basically free marketing for BP