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lil bush set the bar too high

Suck it down Klumpftard. Based Colbert will be on television for decades, Grumpldf will be impeached and assassinated soon. Then Bernie will finally become President.

>the reason it's bad is because it humanizes Trump

It's just Sup Forumstards and other right wing shills dropping the score and writing fake negative reviews. Fucking typical, go on to a good, PROGRESSIVE and VERY FUNNY television show's RT page and try to mess things up, god damn fat WHITE virgins!

Eh, tone it down a little and you’re golden. Nice effort though.


Why cant he stop talking about Trump?

Most of the negative reviews say the show is too soft on Trump.

It's a new posting artform I'm honing, hopefully it'll work

His shtick has been talking about presidents since Bush was in the whitehouse and Trump is giving him a lot of material.

>Then Bernie will finally become President.

i think we have to accept the possibility at this point that rotten tomatoes website has been compromised by russian hackers

Why does it feel like making fun of Trump has gotten so old already compared to other presidents?

Um sweatie, we all know Based Bernie would have kicked Frunghpsf's ass. But Hillary just had to rig the DNC. Sad!


all the comedians blew their load 10 times faster compared to the other presidents

I mean the art style is hideous, the animation seems wooden and the jokes were already ran into the ground before the show even aired, it's not that surprising a score tbqh.

Because it's been nonstop since he started running in 2015, three years ago.

will television die in our lifetime, lads?

I cut my cable cord 4 years ago and never looked back

Because it started the moment he joing the campaign and the jokes are still the same.

>cartoon Melania

Some good has come of this.

Actually, all the cartoon characters are pretty spot on.

All except Trump for some reason.

I don't recall him talking about Obama much. Was he even on the air during those years?

Cause he's doing a good job and their jokes are petty.

It's becsuse they portrayed the tribesman Miller as a scheming merchant.

Putin is really bad too, basically any of the ones that weren't made for Colbert's Show are the good ones

So burnt orange is an improvement over regular orange?


Because now it isn't just comedians, its even more unfunny newcasters. My mother has CNN running always and I have to hear those guys make boring, corny jokes about him every time I leave my room. I'm saying this as a guy who considers himself liberal.

Seriously fuck Don Lemon and his fucking smug ass.

Rotten score for a rotten president, pottery!


Can anyone who has watched this give a quick rundown?

Wow he's even losing when he's being made fun of XD

Yeah. Most presidents tend to get 6 months or so in before the universal jokes happen. I also think people tend to forget how much jokes there are a year or two later.

Bush was hung in effigy and regularly drawn as a monkey, that shit wouldn't have flown with Obama.

Well she did work as a high class escort in her past life so it fits.


Super Bowl had a decrease in ratings for the first time in forever. Football is the blood of America. TV is dead.

>hungry skeleton creates a wide figure by bending her arms at her sides in attempt to appear intimidating

Big media is pushing for online presence.
They are not going anywhere or they will turn like the radio - ads non stop.

he actually makes me miss all the bush jokes, which were equally bad

clinton was the best, though.

the real reason is because this is the first election you were old enough to vote in and you feel emotionally invested in this man who doesn't even know you exist. When someone criticizes trump you feel like you're being attacked.

Once you get a bit older you'll mellow out and realize it's not the end of the world when someone gets made fun of

Trump jokes already feel so worn out compared to Bush jokes and it's just over a year in

well he was the face of the birther retardation.

At least Bush came from family linage of aristocrat politicians.
Now there is a charlatan leading the country.

How do they think up these jokes, like little hands, bad tan and hair and toddler tantrums?
What will they think of next?

How many times can you tell the same joke? I voted for Bush in the day and watched every episode of Thats my Bush and bought the DVD because it wasn't just "DUDE, BUSH LMAO" the show but a pretty funny satire of 80's/90's sitcoms.

Russian hackers are at it again.


It was still better than Obama's cartoon: "Our Coon President"

A true golden age was missed just because you fucking retards opted to make a mockery of the position.

Fuck you memers, America could truly have been great again.

>skull and bones secret society is good goy

>implying any politician ever has done what they said they'd do

I haven't had a tv in 10 years. I wonder why anyone still uses them

this comes across as way more forced than even with the Bush jokes.

This is pure projection. Supporters weren't the ones rioting and having embarrassing meltdowns after the election

>Gonad Dump
*canned laughter*

any normal person is agree with that

Socialism doesn’t work

>He said something I don't like! That means I don't have to treat him as a person!

This is what CNN actually believes.

>minimum wage to $15
There is literally no way any politician (even Bernie) thinks that this isn't an awful idea
>demilitarize the police
>In country where half of population owns some sort of weapon

>honeymoons in the USSR
But I thought you liberals hated Russia?

Should have brought it in and watched unemployment sky rocket.

It would have been hilarious



what did he mean by this?

>end the drug war


Rand Paul was the ONLY candidate who has been consistent for YEARS on ending the drug war.

>people are sick of hearing the same old and tired “jokes” after 2 years
Who would’ve thought

>having a literal retard is better

>Bush, 9/11, and middle eastern jokes are super comfy and nostalgic to me
Team America and That’s my Bush! Are kino

I'm a leftie but God this show is pathetic. Why does Corbert want to hate fuck Drumph so badly?

>Everyone has been saying the same 6 jokes about him for 3 years
>He says such retarded things on Twitter, it's hard to even make him look more absurd, at least with Bush he was trying to look smart but failing so that was kind of funny
>Every joke made about Trump in leftie Hollywood is hailed as genius and ground breaking, really they're just sucking each other off

I'll give you a hint - he's being instructed to.

Is he? Out of everyone making Trump jokes in a cheap attempt to get attention, Colbert always seems to get sexual gratification from it. I'm not Sup Forums or a Trump supporter, in fact I hate him to but Jesus, Colterb nuts every time he makes a SMOLL HONDS joke


At this point I can only assume Trump took Colbert’s virginity and never called him back. Why is he so asspained

>"so, drumpfy.... I see yet again you have conspired with the Russians to hack my Rotten Tomato score down. Why can't your childish, orange head just learn to accept criticism at this point? Grow up Donald. Oh yeah and I almost forgot. Fuck white men and fuck Drumpf"

Tell me what I'm projecting, I suspect that you're just using that word without knowing what it means

Probably thinks there's lots of money and viewership in making fun of Trump non stop but doesn't realise how burnt out jokes about him are

>birther retardation
that was literally just a ploy for media attention, you fell for it too. sad!

>be colbert
>make $
>make fun of trump
>get $$$
>people on an anime forum are confused as to why you keep making fun of him

Nigga lmao.

Free healthcare and college would cost all of United States BNP.

>jewish socialist (surprise surprise)
>golden age
the only golden age is when you faggots decide to starve yourselves or get executed behind the as shed as per usual of socialism and myself, family, property and country is unaffected somehow.



>wanting dynastic rule
>thinking that isn't the very reason our Forefathers told England to fuck off.

The right time and place to post this review I stumbled upon...


Aye or nay?

>this is the first election you were old enough to vote in and you feel emotionally invested
>" this is the first election you were old enough to vote in and you feel emotionally invested "
This is what you are projecting. Leftist liberals were the ones who thought Trump winning was the end of the world and who were so emotionally invested that they had literal cry ins at colleges. It's 100% pure unflitered projection

Well, he is still the same joke

You're an idiot.

>end the war on drugs

The only reason you didn't have masses of conservative tears after 2016 (like during both of Obama's wins) is because Trump won. Conservatives would be acting the exact same way if Clinton had one considering they had built her up into some sort of demonic cult leader.

>defending trump
>calling anyone a good goy

He’s never done anything other than talk about political shit.

>he's doing a good job

Fuck off back to t_dumpster and continue sucking jewish cock there.

all wrong

the real answer is that his supporters are soft-skinned little crybabies who can't handle their political father figure being mocked. trump has built a cult of personality around himself, and contrarian brainlets are completely given themselves over to it.

here's the thing though: they are a shrinking minority. unlike obama, trump only secured the electoral vote. he is not a popular president and his approval ratings with independents is consistently dropping. all he has are his base. and they can shriek and whine about comedians and late night shows all they want, but they don't have the numbers to actually matter. the ratings for these shows are through the roof, because the majority of people enjoy watching a historically poor president get shit on. it's a shame these seat-sniffers are missing out. the next president is sure to be far more boring, regardless if its a republican or dem.

>literal retard detected

>mass replying Sup Forumsoid crying about trump
this happens way too often


>hillary won the popular vote!