Genuinely good people

Deborah Ann Woll, been dating a man who's slowly turning blind. And after her breakthrough role, she used her fame to raise awarness for his desease. They've been together for 10 years now.

Other urls found in this thread:

i am planning to murder him

thats sad but really only says morally neutral

>dating for 10 years
>not married

I guess you could say they dont really 'see eye to eye'

I thought she was dating Foggy, not Matt.

Riley was married to mew 7 years, didn't end up very well.


What's the point of raising awareness for such diseases? It's not like it will find a cure for the disease. On top of that it doesn't seem like a disease where you should be aware of its symptoms or perform checks on yourself.
Does the short term publicity help long term research? Does research happen according to popularity?


What's with these fucking freaks on social media?
>thejoker351@deborah_annwoll why are you created ?so you are born and then you die and become you like to live in such state ?
>thejoker351@deborah_annwoll every human has to believe in some power to return to regarding the method of his/her life and to look up to in case of fear and upon death...
>thejoker351@deborah_annwoll Deborah Ann Woll dont go searching the true path...with evidence...with clear...proof...means...... every word of religion what is written...must be proof...with evidence...with clear proof...
>thejoker351@deborah_annwoll every single word...goodbye Deborah Ann Woll take care besafe have a nice time

Damn, she looks better and better with age. 33 years old


>falling for the marriage meme
She makes more than him, and somehow he'll still get financially cucked

>does research happen according to popularity

It kind of does, if a disease only affects .02% of the population, it's not going to get as much attention. My uncled had fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, died last year and theres only one doctor doing any kind of research about it

>i get all of my information from echo and hugboxes like r9k and mgtow and my brain can only express itself in parrotted opinions with buzzwords
Fucking retard. But then again, don't worry, because you're too obnoxious to ever find a partner, so no risk for you.


what a good looking couple, neat story OP

reddit is here

she cheats on him!

I realize now that she is the only reason I watched true blood

>believing in a thing that only ends in disaster


Who else thought from thumbnail the upper picture was a young Dan Akroyd?

And he never saw it coming

ok, it exists

but its not cancer so nobody cares

Wollfu thread? I think she plays dungeons and dragons also and was a bit of a nerd growing up, but somehow doesn't play up to this shamelessly. She seems like a nice person.




Deborah Ann Woll > Amber Heard


Schizophrenia is one helluva drug.

>Does short term publicity help long term research?
If enough funds can be directed to the right places during that 15 minutes under the sun, yes. Never know when a breakthrough will occur.
>Does research happen according to popularity?
Yes, look at research on cancers that only occur in males versus research on female only cancers. Small pox was the rockstar of diseases.

I really don't know what he sees in her.

So making fun of some blind cunt is reddit now?

Well you have to look at it through his eyes

I can only assume, but does throwing money blindly at something help? There's a popular theory in computer related work where they show that just throwing money and hiring more people doesn't necessarily mean it will get solved faster. I assume the same applies to medical research, especially where there are not many experts in a field.
I also assume that for it to be effective, you'd have to keep the funding up for others to catch up so they can contribute to it.

>throwing money blindly
oh you

Reddit invented puns.

If they ever break up there might be some unforeseen circumstances for him.

Things always do look better in hindsight

>accuses someone of using buzzwords
>proceeds to use 10x as many buzzwords
You are pathetic. Go back to tumblr

btw she was in fappening

She looks like she fucks black people

To be fair the pun was pretty low quality, most of the humor relied on the dude in OP's story being blind.

No she fucking doesn't.

They say love is blind

It's time for me to use this properly: literally no pun intended.

She should stick it out. Sounds like something that new Stem Cell therapy will cure without needing any nasty surgery.

Just keep y'self in top shape lady. You want to give that man something great to look at when they peel the bandages off.
Do it right and he'll need another round of treatment to get his sight back again.

Are you 50 years old? Because no person under 50 writes like that.

Look at this picture and try say your mouth doesn’t start to water

>Tfw no DAW leaks

Who took this pic if her bf is blind?

>going blind

He probably have mad dick.

Yeah, going blind on his gf's infidelity.

I am not attracted to sluts

Why does he masturbate so much if she is so great? Checkmate.

Yeah like '9x'7

>I am not attracted to sluts
I bet you are just drowning in pussy user

Not being a roastie slut maybe

Why? I've been with my chick for 7 and there's no marriage plans. Don't see a reason to involve the government in our lives.

god i wish that were me

She is also close to 6 feet tall so she has the dating opportunities of a manlett.



give me a single non-kike related reason for allowing the government to put your life stability at risk.

My jigga you need to go back to browsing through subreddits thst reaffirm your beliefs this place is for actual arguing

Wasn't he talking shit about the previous Superman films prior to JL? Sounds like he shot himself in the leg there since fans didn't like JL at all.

Too flat

Fuck just read the wiki on it. Sounds fucking horrible. Sorry for your lose bud.

He was more a weasel of corporate WB mind that dumbed down on Hope(tm) and Optimism(tm). In other recent interview he said his favorite Superman story is For Tomorrow which is one of the legit darkest Superman stories ever.


>husband going blind
>’what he can’t see, can’t hurt him teehee’

muh fuckin marriage papers

that's a reddit

is that roberts dad

>a character from a marvel show with another character from a marvel show in which they have worked together
what did she(male) mean by this?

she looks like older sophia

i knew a big breasted girl that wore glasses, and when she took off the specs she was a 10/10 but a homely 6-7 with them on
really weird

yeah, I thought the same, she's hotter the older she gets. Rare that.


best part of Netflix MCU shit desu

What a perfect tight body who is that turboslut??

Fucking based DAW, goddamn man.

>MFW being in a longterm relationship is less socially accepted than being a trap

me and my GF have been together for 10 years and see no need to change things.

every relationship we've witnessed goes through the same lines of pressure from family and so-called friends..
>"when are you moving in together"
>"when are you getting married"
>"when are you buying a house"
>"when are you having kids"
>"why arent you having MORE kids"
>"come on, why not have another kid?"
>"when are you getting a better paying job?"

Thankfully we've essentially told everyone who tries this on us to go fuck themselves and to concentrate on their own failing lives instead of bringing us to their level (just in our experience. everyone we know who got married young has either been divorced within 2 years with a massive debt hanging over their head, or are so unfulfilled in their own life that its affecting their marriage and even their own personalities)

not trying to be bitter, just sick of people telling us how to live our perfectly functional lives

pusy pics?

this is fake right?

Yeah, its Deborah Ann Wolf, not Deborah Ann Woll

It's obviously real you brainlet


should blind people be forced to date ugly people? its a win win

ma man

Fake. That's clearly her evil twin Deborah Ann Wolf, not Deborah Ann Woll

Great idea. What's your number? I can pass it along to the blind people.

that seems like a rude thing to do

>Books by the tub

I hope this is bait

people read in the bathtub

you have never heard of that? illiterate parents?