ITT Cult Classics and misunderstood under rated movies

>ITT Cult Classics and misunderstood under rated movies
Why did the critics hate this? I watch it almost every year since it came out and really love it

>Excellent cgi for its time
opening scene holds up fucking amazingly well SGI based as fuck later on not so much
>Basically the Prometheus of its time
>18 years later still holds up pretty fucking well

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Gonna post a couple of my favorites
>mfw no uncut edition because the film literally got destroyed it was so violent

critics hated this but loved le martian

this font is familiar

The martian fucking sucked it was the driest (sorry) use of mars as a backdrop

3 hours of nothing and most of that was because of the FUCKING boring earth scenes

the ending really filled me with a sense of wonder as a kid, really feel thats missing from a lot of science fictions these days.

i just watched it and i am 27 love it dearly

didnt a copy turn up in a salt mine in eastern europe?

So we posting good sci fi movies that went under the radar?
Ok I will start

Is this the one where they suddenly have a seaweed-produced atmosphere on Mars but just don't know about it?

everyone behaves like weird autists

the meteor scene has the most incongruous music/editing of any scene ever

hollywood physics and melodrama

rushed ending

the opening sandstorm is cool nightmare fuel tho

Great film


And where they use Soviet craft to escape and it has Cheburashka on HUD saying "Nedostatochno toplivo, TREEVOGA, TREEVOGA, TREEVOGA!"?


Modern critics probably aren't sci-fi fans unless it's Tarkovsky etc.

Red Planet (from the same year) has a similar score on imdb.

I enjoyed both tbqh & they both deserve higher ratings.

No, that's the other Mars movie that came out that year, Red Planet, with Val Kilmer and Carrie Ann Moss.

TREEVOGA just means alert dumbass.

>taking indian movie database seriously
Woah I guess you take those RT scores to heart huh

Funny how Gary Sinise acts all righteous and like "the chosen one" because he lost his wife, when Tim Robbins' wife also lost her husband and would have as much of a right as him to leave with the aliens.

I put off watching this one for a long time. It was a pretty good "weird" movie. The other repo men really make this.

>Estevez and black dude repossess a car
>casually throw boxes onto the road which are later shown to be filled with cash
>black dude going off about how this book (a Dianetics parody) changed his life
>tells Estevez he'll get him a copy
>cut to Estevez burning the book along with other junk they find in the cars

oh, ok

Another nice little 80s gem. This is one of those which could probably be remade well by someone who gave a shit about the original and doesn't have a studio making rampant changes behind the scenes.

The modern Repo Men was also pretty watchable.

This one is all but forgotten to time. For as super low budget and dated as it is, it has some pretty funny moments that still hold up.

But it says TREEVOGA in this weird generated accent that never gets old with me. I lost it when i saw it.

Love this movie. Critics hate it because it's kind of sappy at moments, like the ending, and has a positive ending. Well written, good FX, good acting. Has too many normal things, like a hetero marriage, men who act out of honor and loyalty, and there's no degeneracy, "alternate" lifestyle, human bashing, eco-warrior bullshit in it. Of course self loathing liberals hate it. It's too positive for space exploration, normal, healthy hetero relationships, and the human spirit.


yeah i always get these two confused, red planet isnt as good imho
i dont disagree with you but the ending and beginning is fucking KINO

This is an amazing movie.
You guys should watch it.

Maybe some user knows the movie im talking about

>Scifi comedy movie
>came out soon after star wars
>blonde woman is the computer of the ship


oh fuck yeah cunt another auskino pretty underrated too

Infini was decent but these movies are pretty pulp heavy.

star wars 1977?

Galaxina? Had to google it.

>Infini (2015)
Damn son I havent seen this.
I hope its is just as good because I need that space opera shit.

I can't recommend this one enough. I just watched it for the first time last month. There's a surprising amount of racial humor in it. It's stupid as fuck, but there are enough enjoyable little details to make it worth your time.

yeah thats it!



g8 b8 m8

I went into the movie without watching the series.
Thought it was a real space adventure I dont give a shit what kids and contrarians think.

>my nigga!

I love this movie so much. Seconding this rec. Also, I love Mission to Mars, OP. I'll never get the hate for it either. I watch it every time I see it on TV.

this was a pretty neat movie if only for the ending

It had a good cast and some entertaining episodes, it was before reddit or Joss Whedon turning into a soyboy so it's unfair that it is retroactively ruined

>This is the DNA of my perfect woman

Mission to Mars was an absolute steaming pile of shite.

It fully won me over with the space herpes.

Not really Sci fi as much as dystopian future, but i loved this and all anyone thinks of is that shitty Jude Law remake/ripoff.


Lol remember when movies had light hearted banter before everyone got offended and sjw soys like you ruined movies?

Both my brother and I enjoyed it.
Expected low tier production but turned out good.


does anybody know the syfy channel movie where some guards are escorting this super dangerous prisoner through a desert. he's the last of his kind, and his home planet got destroyed. you're meant to think the guards are humans are the prisoner is an alien, but when the masks come off the roles are reversed

i remember the designs being interesting and it being a generally good movie but i cannot remember the name

What are cult classics you don't get?

I couldn't finish this one. It just felt like a bigger budget Space Cop.

Riddick 1 ?

2 and 3 are absolute kino and the videogame (at least the EFBB) are amazing

Into Pitch Black
Prequel to Pitch Black.

i'm aware of the kino that is pitch black

back in 2012 lloyd Levin said he found a tape with his rough cut, anderson said he would watch but they never got around to it because they both moved away

no it's a syfy channel movie, it's feature length. i recall watching it on foxtel (australia). it is definitely NOT vin diesel

nfi then

Hunter Prey? Again, google says that.

>Dorothy Stratten

Don't google her unless you want to be profoundly depressed.

too late :(

It been at least 20 or more years since I watched this. But I remember liking it a lot. Is it good, or was it just because I was a child?

John Wayne was a faaag.


Because you don't immediately freeze in space when you take off your helmet.

Saw it recently for the first time. The Hollywood esque third act felt tacked on.
Read that the ending was changed for the movie, and the story it was based on had a more hard-scifi ending where he just leaves with the kid.
The acting was pretty hammy in places, but it's a product of it's time and one of those movies that just ended up being used as an idea for TV show episodes. IIRC quite a few animated series episodes I saw growing up that had the same basic premise. A 7/10 I'd say.

>fun characters
>genuinely compelling story
>creative cinematography
>good soundtrack

Yeah it's a bit outdated but it's still a lot of fun and Vanilla Ice isn't bad of a rapper at all. His lyrics are actually very clever.

Whedon has always been this way, and just because something predates Reddit doesn't preclude it from embodying Reddit.