Hmm, sorry, sweetie, white boys can't wear Black Panther masks

>Hmm, sorry, sweetie, white boys can't wear Black Panther masks

Other urls found in this thread:

>liberals attempting to reinstate segregation
What a time to be alive

>implying a white kid would want to wear that trash


>sold out
Thats the most shocking part of that image

This is nothing new. The black middle class is at the forefront of this movement. They want the races separated, with them at the top, no competition from other races

Maybe that kids dad owns the store? Typical victims.

What's wrong with a white kid admiring a black superhero? Are these people retarded? Are they nazis? I'm starting to think these guys are being secretly run by the IV Reich.

FYI rap is only successful thanks to white kids. These modern day kangz are just dumber than ever and don't realize how worthless they are. The main problem with "African culture" is that they don't care about themselves as a whole they are all selfish creatures who self destruct for temporary gains.

>the nigger family is too poor to buy black panther suit

black panther was created by a white man

>Reverse psychology

Most of them were stolen.

The modern left hates white people.

Where the fuck have you been?

Back to Africa then

>blacks literally segregating themselves
are liberals /ourguys/ at heart and they just dont know it?

Better still once this whole stupid movement dies so will disney

>the modern left hates white people
Grow up already you brainwashed sperglord

Why stop here ?
I think only black people should be allowed at the back of the bus
It's only normal that white people get hurt first in case of frontal collision

not an argument, fag

I wanted a sailor moon wig and tiara when I was a boy. Now I am happily married to a hot chick with two kids, fuck my Nazi-esque father for not buying me them.

What a perfect representation of modern leftistm.
It's not the corporations fault the merchandise is too expensive, or that they didnt produce enough for everyone, its those fucking random white people!!

>We want it to be really successful
>We want a minority to be the only purchaser of mechandise
very cool

The new fascists are the anti-fascists, nothing new.

I seriously do not understand how you can cope with those racist niggers and the racist degenerates that promote them. I would never ever do.


>no rebuttal, just namecalling
Very liberal.

>but mama uz saids wez wuz gunna steal a black pantha costum

Can't wait to see them chimp out once Rap fades into history, it's already way past it's expiry date

>all liberals have the same opinion

is that the underground railroad?

>happily married with two kids
>still a little queerboy




At this point in history there is nothing to lose by telling the left to fuck off into complete and utter obsoletion

nice effort, but kys

or a congo line

is a liberal disconnected from the rest of them somehow relevant?

sailor moon's dumb, your dad was doing you a favor

winrar. nucarlos btfo kys

White kids are aware on race relations, that's why Mr. Schlomo works hard to infect the education system with his propaganda, and mold them the way he likes from a young age.

>two jews
>white men
Kill yourself, kike.



>he still actually believes this
Holy fuck dude do you realize how autistic you are?

My boy side is still a sissy, lucky for me he is trapped forever and only comes out when I buy collectible statues, figurines, lego and constructable models

Totally agree now. Not when I was 5 years old though.

>da jooooooos
>da jooooooos
>da jooooooos
>da jooooooos
I think that Sup Forums record is stuck mate, it keeps repeating

Jesus fuck...
All I feel is rage. I can't imagine how pissed I'd've been as a kid if I heard conversations around whether or not I could dress up as the Red Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Fuck this sorry-ass moment in history.

>the democratic party still attempting to reinstate segregation

ironic, how she looks like she will only fuck black guys

If following the american definition of a "liberal", everyone who isn't a conservative/left leaning political ideology of republicans, you're combing over pretty much the majority of the world and saying that they are all the same. I can guarantee most of us doesn't have a twitter account

>In an interview with BuzzFeed News in the fall, Sterling K. Brown, a star of “Black Panther,” thrilled at the prospect of children, black and white, dressing up as the title character. “This Halloween, the first time I see a little kid, a white kid, dressed up as Black Panther, I’m taking a picture,” he said. “You better believe I’m taking a picture, because that’s the crossover.”

>“I’m conflicted,” said Evan Narcisse, a senior writer for the website io9. He is completing “Rise of the Black Panther,” a six-part comic series for Marvel that traces the character’s early history. He has tried to explain some of that history to his 7-year-old daughter, but without delving too deeply into complex concepts like Western imperialism, which she may struggle to grasp.
>“You want that white kid to be able to think that he can dress up in a Black Panther costume, because, to that kid, there’s no difference between Captain America and Black Panther,” Mr. Narcisse, 45, said. But, he added, it also involves “trying to explain what is special about T’Challa and Wakanda without racism. And it’s like, ‘Can’t do it.’ I couldn’t do it.”



This is why I hate the left. They turn everything. Every fucking thing into a social issue.


but the promos...

This is why I hate the right, because they become upset and generalize a vocal minority

>that filename

Man, you've been mad at Sup Forums for a few years now, huh?

>refers to self as sissy
God, you are gross.

You just doing some lazy baiting for your own amusement? Your replies are pathetic

I'm left leaning and this shit pisses me the fuck off, stop generalising the left to imply we're all alt-left crazies. I don't do it to the right.

They don't have to worry. I don't think any black panther merchandise is going to be sold out.

that's because the jews are pushing black males and red haired pale girls in their media

Jesus Christ,white people! If you want to help diversity,just sit down! Be humble!

and that's a (((good thing)))

i bet the same person who bought her those toys bought her those clothes

Are these people legitimately retarded? Not everything is systematic oppression, and white kids potentially connecting with a black character is definitely not one of them.

If you actually read the article it's not "grrr evil whitey". The picture's just to get attention. It's mostly white parents saddened that they can't talk about "le complex racial issues" to their retarded kids like

never got this meme. the back of the bus is the comfiest spot and you can whip your dick out there and flash it to qts

If you read the article, you'll see that the writer says everyone can. The title and image are just for clickbait.

liberals are just north americans/europeans who follow whatever the media tells them to

>defending anti white leftists

Yea, Rick Rubin and Lyor Cohen are just fictional characters who didn't create and mass market degenerate hip hop and rap.

I don't think White kids wanna dress up as Black Panther, they like Thor, Spidey, Iron Man, Batman etc

This. This is another article by some literally who Buzzfeed or Buzzfeed-tier """news""" website that would fly under the radar under normal circumstances but since Sup Forums is full of reactionary babies who don't have the sense to ignore crazies and these kinds of things this thread is probably going to get 400 replies and then be posted on Sup Forums and presumably Sup Forums until it makes its way through the internet's rectum to Normiebook and twitter and then becomes another ""big issue""" that we all have to fucking hear about for the next few weeks and that, through gaining more exposure, gains more acceptance and gains more sympathy since a large percentile of the people raging about this shit are alt right racists and people will be unwilling to associate themselves with the kinds of ideas they have even if they're right. Bravo, Sup Forums, you've done it again and shown everyone once again that you're just Sup Forums: brainlet edition!

White men can show alliance to POC by bowing down to superior black men and begging to be allowed to bare witness to superior black products and culture like Black Panther.

>turns out they aren't anti white
>stop defending anti whiteness
Legitimate mental illness

Their not crazies, the vast majority of leftists are anti white

>write anti white articles
>brainwashed cunts scream that is isn't anti white

Because the left isn't liberals
Liberals believe in individual rights
Leftists believe in collectivism, authoritarian systems of government and idpolitics just as much as the hardest Nazi

Hardly. The MSM does this too.
Just go a week back for an example, when MSM outlets find literal nobodies on twitter who have expressed disapproval of Friends, and would run that non-story with the headline: MILLENNIALS DISAPPROVE OF FRIENDS.
It's a cheap way of getting across the message you want (i.e. all-white shows are bad) but acting as if it's not your opinion, but the opinion of ordinary people.

oh yeah i should be high minded and treat leftists individually while i get called hitler for downvoting black panther. no thanks commie.

All leftists are anti white subhumans

it's a certain segment of the left that could best be described as "alt left" given that they're essentially the mirror image of the alt right.

the thing that really grinds my gears is the way that corporations like disney and sony are using ideology as a marketing gimmick and people are falling for it so fucking hard. weird to see people so against bigotry decide that a blockbuster film for children is the hill they should die on. mlk and x are turning in their graves.

Jesus fucking christ the hypocrisy

That anons right, learn to pick your battles

>i get called hitler for downvoting black panther

How's that work, user? As if a pussymouthed faggot like you would even attempt something like that without a gurantee of anonymity and the benefit of at least seven proxies.

this is how it feels to be lonely
this is how it feels to be small
this is how it feels when your word means nothing at all
nothing at all

>gurantee of anonymity

There's an "a" in "guarantee", sonny. Trousers down!

>let's get mad about a picture of an article we didn't read about a movie we didn't see making 100 assumptions along the way so that I have a reason to get angry at a made-up group of people that don't exist in the real world because I'm being controlled by Rich People who want me to think, react, post in a certain way

They're neither turning in their graves nor is it the hill they're going to die on. The mob has always been useful to corporations. The thought that using the culture war for profit is a misnomer when the entire concept of a culture war was derived for benefit for various factions within our country, namely corporations. Remember the V for Vendetta masks that early Sup Forums larpers loved? Not the greenfaced anonymous, the one that had no obvious corporate ties. No V mask was owned by the WB and they used that as a symbol to fight scientology.. It's all connected and it won't be the last battle, nor hill they die on. There will always be another battle. Corporations are just finding ways to make use of it. How many extra millions does this messaging give them? 200 million? 500 million? Without this marketing strategy, what was original baseline for this movie? 500 to 750 million worldwide? Now who knows.

>be watching The Morning Show, a national fucking news network and they mention Buzzfeed as a legitimate source of information and news
>the MSM continues to pump out as much distracting idpol as stormfront websites as an actual distraction to real socioeconomic issues and to generate ratings
user you have no fucking idea how bad actual mainstream news is if you think buzzfeed is just some small non-part of the problem, it's literally a symptom of the current megacorp distraction/pr machine disease