Movie of the decade

Movie of the decade.

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Not even movie of the year

that is not Mad Max Fury Road

I haven't seen it but it was a pretty shit year :(.

I could go on for days about how Villeneuve constructs every shot, cut and line of dialogue as if they were not-so-subtle nudges to make the intellectually stunted feel like they're in on some intricate evolution in the art of plot; how Deakins' cinematography has just enough stylized gimmickry to pass off as something above-average to the ordinary moviegoer, from which such people can pat themselves on the back for having sat through their idea of cinema; how each "instropective" moment with the camera superfluously lingering on Gosling's dopey, emotionless face as he stares at nothing feels oh so very contrived, deliberate and unnatural; and how the movie is completely devoid of artistic merit and is merely a product that builds off of the legacy of a timeless classic.

But I won't.

Funny how contrarians can just spam meaningless buzzword pastas again and again and not produce a single actual argument.

fury road is shit, mate

I agree. Not much of a decade for movies though

shut up and watch real films already instead of LARPing like you do you fucking mongoloids

Without a doubt

But Bresson is not alive for a good two decades user, how is that relevant to this thread?

They are literally too dumb to argue.


Lol, Blade Runner 2049 is a rare example of real film in our time.


Avarage post quality of BR hater.

See, the only possible reply from these coping brainlets are buzzword pastas or brainfart posts like this one without ever saying anything about the actual film at all


that's funny cause I don't see you saying anything either

Totally agree.

Also, remember how when it came out it was almost universally praised on Sup Forums and then when the torrent came out it was shit all over?

I hypothesize that a bunch of people watched the torrent and realized that they missed out on seeing this masterpiece in theatres.

>tfw refuse to watch original blade runner because 80s
>have to skip 2049 because of it
>pissed cause it kinda looks good
>decide to just shitpost and derail 2049 threads instead
>guaranteed (You)s


TV shows are not cinema, fact.

Twin Peaks The Return is more CINEMA than 99.9 % modern movies.

It's because people who don't bother watching this in cinemas are fucking plebs anyway. Don't listen to any of them.
It was a very good movie but honestly it felt like half an hour too long. It dragged a bit. Still the best movie this decade, together with Interstellar.

>Living with a loving 2D waifu
>Able to pass the Baseline test.

How? The question "What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love?" and "Do you long for having your hear interlinked?" should at least spark some reaction after living with Joi for years.


This desu

He never thought that it was real love until the events of the movie

cool dude

Huh. If that's the case, then the question "Do you feel like that there's a part of you that's missing?" should trigger some reaction right?

Having Joi is what made him so stable.

Did I like this movie??

That's the movie tasteless redditors were saying was movie of the decade before my dude

A challenger appears..


You wish you knew how to critique

You keep autistically replying to them, so there's no reason to put in any more effort.

>Also, remember how when it came out it was almost universally praised on Sup Forums and then when the torrent came out it was shit all over?
Ah yes just like guardians of the galaxy, avengers, capes hit #23, starwars 7, the list goes on

Truly babbies first year on Sup Forums

>Did I like this movie??
yes you loved it but you thought the blade runner throwbacks over stayed their welcome

Blade runner was one of the best visual pieces of cinema I've ever seen. The scene where the fire turns into the city mixed with the GOAT sounds was probably the best thing I've experienced at the cinema since watching LOTR as a kid. If you didn't watch this at the cinema I feel like you won't experience the full potential of this film.

Finally a movie that resonated with me! Cuz sometimes i feel like a robot inside Lol!! And i wish i had a hologram waifu since i have anxiety and i dont like talking to real women :( what did you guys think of the scene were joy got stepped on? I was so sad :'( their robot hologram love was so pure and beautifu, l!!! Nothing like the typical modern woman if you know what i mean. My favorite part was probably when the goose was standing in the rain neon lights with a bandaid on his nose, made me wanna listen to some vaporwave and cry! Haha anyways CELLS INTERLINKED my brothers

Why would she when she doesn't watch actual film? She'll say she does and that you can appreciate both yet ask her and the best she'll come up is a "best seller" on criterion.

That's pretty on point.

What movie



its real funny how you think because you can't talk intelligently about films no one can

post jois

Movie of the decade... The only memorable scene is the Digital Threesomes scene....

my decade top 3 in no particular order
Mad Max

two of those are shit. i leave it to you to figure out

sounds about right for videogame minds

pure reddit

BR and Gravity
Easy to figure out

Meh. Sicario was better.

Shit taste.

BR2049 is alright but

Hell or High Water
Good Time
The Social Network

Are better than Mad Max or Gravity.

see me after class. leave the soy

You're right
This trash is not even close to film or cinema


Blade runner sucks now as it sucked then. Always sucked. Akira and ghost in the shell animated movies are Kino, check those instead.

Here's mine
>The Great Beauty
>The Hunt
>Inside Llewyn Davis
>The Embrace of the Serpent
>Oslo, August 31st
>The Witch
>Manchester by the Sea

og shit, totally forgot about whiplash and social network.

>being so patheticly contrarian that you have to shoop an image just to have anything resembling some negative evidence
Beyond embarassing

>being so new to Sup Forums and even this site in general that you have seen the many edits of this image
Why do 2049 fans keep proving they're new to this site?

>big soy was angry about the problematic depiction of women in the movie

not to mention the roasties getting toasty after being reminded they will be replaced by waifus soon. 2049 is anti-soy

How in the goddamn FUCK is BR2049 anti-soy (aka manly).
Which themes does it convey that would fit this description?

Please be specific.

I've been here far too long actually, it's just that I don't go to videogame/capeshit threads so I didn't enounter this pic.
And please now don't even start with archive link spamming along with the "I'm le oldfag" green oval circle meme reply, that's even more embarassing.

>not about identity politics
>depicts women as what they are: sex objects and baby makers
>gives a peek at the glorious age of waifu that is ahead of us

It was great but I think Drive and Birdman were even better.

The film is an antithesis of the usual Hollywood lefty "we're all born special teehee" bullshit by showing how you can only become special through your own actions. One of the reasons why every single major SJW site has wrote an article against it.
It's as antisoy as a film can be.

>skinjob this, skinjob that
>racial epithet spraypainted on the door
>there's a wall in our society
>you bring that wall down and you start a war
>evil white male kills his ""children"" that mirror a lesbian whilst also believinghe is god
>poor black man is forced to have child labour to make stuff for the evil white man and his enterprise
>the savior is a mixed female (assuming deckass is human and the evil white male who enjoys the good old days was lying)
>aryan cop (madame) wants the mixed child and all evidence destroyed to protect the world
It's full blown propaganda like Fury Road. The person you're replying to is a surface level Sup Forums drone that only commits to the Sup Forums and Sup Forums brotherhood enough to post on twitter without getting in trouble.

The concept of isolation/alienation. The concept of finding purpose. The concept of selfless morality and self-sacrifice for the greater good.
All strictly male themes.

>The film is an antithesis of the usual Hollywood lefty "we're all born special teehee" bullshit by showing how you can only become special through your own actions
K was special as the memory he received is a legend among the memebellion. They ended up cutting it for run time

Then why do all of the sjw absolutely hate it?


They all don't otherwise it would have bombed on their biggest propaganda site

I was shtting on the last hew day 1 in half the threads when it was the entire catalog full of them, stop pretending

Literally every single major SJW site made an article against the film

Pretty sure all these sites are far more representative of their opinion then a single RT review out of thousands. And don't even start with twitter

that wall speach and talk of war if it comes down is 1000% turbo/pol/. youre forgetting that what she is saying is true in the movie, not some kind of crazy racist rant

they probably only made that character a female so they could slip those lines in

Again they all don't otherwise it would have bombed on their biggest propaganda site, sage posting coward

Mind you this doesn't include Black Panther reviews which are 100% "fresh" rated because of SJW politics from the same people.

based good taste katie, Kingsman truly is trash
How much of a turboautist you must be to spam this image thinking that it says anything at all

i can really relate to him bros............

thats why i say movie of the decade

normies just don't understand man...........

Here's a new one, but I'm sure your articles are more proof that I'm wrong I guess

oh wow 5 more people think it's a good film, wow user great detective work that's surely more represetnative than articles made by The Huffington post, Telegraph, VICE and the entirety of SJW twitter

How about 295 more?


a skinjob fucked his holowaifu

ah yes yes, every single reviewer on RT is a SJW cuck yes amazing work user bravo


meant for

>rt is fine and full of both sides now!! i haven't been saying for the last 3ish years that its sjw site!!
Right so I'm correct that it's all surface level with you drones?

the reddit cant meme


>patriarchy controls all resources
>imperator furiosa (affirmative action/women's rights)
>morbidly obese women generating milk because women who have children are yucky breeders
>antagonist's unwilling brides are all skinny and more attractive than other women in the movie
>one-armed woman in charge of war machine and troops
>max crucified to vehicle (christianity is evil and part of patriarchy)
>3 main antagonists: joe, bullet farmer, gas town "people eater" (patriarchy, military industrial complex, capitalism)
>both of joe's sons dissabled in some way (eww don't have kids, it's yucky and they'll be retarded)
>war boy Nux (men) gets accused by women of having destroyed the world, tossed out of truck
>pregnant wife puts her own baby between joe's bullet and truck (abortion)
>pregnant wife falls from truck, dies a few hours later from injury (don't marry and reproduce or your life is over)
>side character named max is big and burly but can barely fight a scrawny one-armed woman
>side character max bests woman only when he gets a gun and places it to her head (gun control. also, Theron's father killed her mother with a gun in south africa)
>bullet farmer nearly kills all women (gun control again)
>max has to wash blood from his face using breast milk (motherhood is the death of happiness)
>Nux is rehabilitated and now a male feminist
>group of amazon lesbians setting traps for men in desert
>women able to live in sand filled void because MUH STRONK WOMYN
>old women in desert shoot better than war boys who have constant practice in raids
>old woman has a bag of seeds (hope)
>side character max wants to retake joe's citadel because it is unguarded
>convoy turns around (leftist revision history)
>people eater (capitalism) fat old bald man with gold nipple piercings, has to be lifted to his vehicle on the backs of poor
>desert lesbian amazons making perfect headshots from speeding vehicle on uneven terrain

>gf said joi was a great gf and was sad when she died
>waifu threesums fucking when

Then why don't the "le alt right" films then get 0% on RT if they are all strictly SJW's my dear detective turboautist friend?

>polecat minion plucks woman from her friends, delivers her to patriarchy
>desert lesbian amazons fall from motorcycle and dodge speeding vehicles
>amazon grabs rifle, continues to make perfect shots
>finally run over by people eater (capitalism as he takes control of the wheel and purposely kills woman)
>pursuit vehicles use harpoons and plows to try to slow truck (patriarchy holding back women's rights)
>max and nux now male feminists must help their women leaders
>max nearly falls from truck, charlize grabs him with the sheer might of her robot arm and strong will can hold up man three times her weight without prosthetic arm flying off
>max's v8 interceptor destroyed (manhood and patriarchy destroyed while saved by a woman)
>furiosa survives stab in gut by evil man
>nux given command of truck as furiosa jumps to joe's car
>max uses people eater as human shield against joe's bullets (using patriarchy to destroy capitalism via male feminist)
>max jumps to safety of women as capitalism explodes
>joe's massive son corpus fooled by woman who helps her get furiosa to joe's car
>max fights giant corpus
>furiosa rips mouth from joe (patriarchy no longer has say in women's lives)
>women quickly leave war machine for joe's leadership vehicle
>blonde wife takes seeds from old lesbian who is now dead but smiling
>nux sacrifices life to destroy war truck, corpus, and stop pursuing vehicles and thereby serve women
>gang returns to citadel, present dead patriarchy, toss him from hood where legions of poor tear his body apart
>intelligent but disabled son of joe pressured to let furiosa and brides up to citadel via lift
>he allows them up, they ascend to paradise while the poor are allowed to come up with them (open borders to promised land)
>furiosa looks down at sea of poor, sees side character max look up at her as he disappears into obscurity

this but 80% unironically