Spider-Man's Aunt May

What's the point of Aunt May anymore?

Why spend so much time and effort bringing her back to life/keeping her alive when she does nothing and contributes nothing to Spider-Man's current story?

She doesn't even know Peter's secret that he's Spider-Man (again/still).

She's not even sexy like her Homecoming or Ultimate counterparts.

So why does Marvel keep her around?

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Spidey's character would have benefit if she died maybe after Gwen but before he got married to MJ.
Now its just plain retarded that the old hag still around.

I wish she knew Peter's secret again. I hope the MCU Spidey forces Marvel Comics to change this.

why is she even so goddamn old anyway, most Spiderman's are what at best mid 30s?

It was fucking stupid that they ever retconned away the "did you really think I wouldn't notice you were Spider-Man" part of her character because it just makes her come off as kind of a shitty aunt that she's that oblivious.

I can't wait until they cave in to the movie pressure and somehow rejuvenate her.

It'll be from one of those cosmic cube fragments.

I mean, it's not like a 30 year old having a 45 year old aunt is strange, anyway.

She's been part of Spider-man comics since the beginning. At this point she's kept around out of tradition.

What if one of those fragments falls into her lap, and she wishes for two things
>oh to be young again
>oh for Peter and Mary Jane to finally tie the knot

Would Marvel Comics allow it to happen?
As it stands, the suits in control of Spider-Man have a LONG list of strict rules and ideas of what they want out of Spider-Man. And outside of fighting whatever villain is showing up in the next movie, they make sure to keep Synergy out of the comic.

Which is sad because I think May knowing Peter is Spider-Man can be interesting and can lead to some good moments. Plus it gives her something to do and keeps her closer to Peter (instead of having her dating JJJ Sr or helping Peter's failing company).


They should really reverse everything that has happened since OMD and go from Aunt May's death onward.

Would be interesting. i'd read it if they got some actually decent artists on it.

She should have stayed dead after ASM #400. It was the perfect way for her to go out.


Why do every single female character has to be someone you'd want to stick your dick in? And no, I'm not being a feminist SJW. I like T & A fan service in my comics but it's okay for some of the female characters to be non-MILF mother-figures like 616 Aunt May. It's not like they put that much focus on Aunt May anyway. Mary Jane probably gets more panels devoted to her and Aunt May's been in Spider-Man since Amazing Fantasy #15.

>Why do every single female character has to be someone you'd want to stick your dick in?

Because then there's barely any point in reading capeshit.

>Because then


>Because otherwise

Me am retarded

>she does nothing and contributes nothing to Spider-Man's current story?
Last time I checked, she wasn't the only one with this problem. How many surviving characters from the old days are even relevant to Spidey today?

>it just makes her come off as kind of a shitty aunt that she's that oblivious.

She just lost her husband, she was in danger of being kicked out of their house due to not having enough income to keep it up without Ben, and got a near lethal heart attack in the first what, 20 issues of Amazing Spider-man?

Meanwhile, Peter was 15 years old and fighting crime lords and super villains and putting his life on the line on a daily basis. The same kid who was literally the only close relative in Mays life.

She just denied him being Spidey because it was easier to process than his son turning into a freak and risking death in pajamas on a daily basis. Then eventually she warmed up to the fact, understanding how many lives he saved.

>I mean, it's not like a 30 year old having a 45 year old aunt is strange, anyway.

Correct. I'm 20 and I have a niece who's 21.

i think she should be killed off because peter being forced to deal with her death and move on could be a really good story
i feel the same way about mary jane, which they should have done instead of that stupid OMD fiasco
and clearly there have been writers that have tried to get rid of these characters but there is always somebody at marvel that stops it from happening
what fantastic stories are there still to tell with either of those characters?
if you killed either of them off, i guarantee it would be a more compelling story than anything that will ever be written about them in the future

I'm 40 and I have an aunt who is 25. Grandpa never did learn how to use a condom.

Slott/Wacker/Quesada have pretty much cut most of Peter's cast. And the replacements at Peter's company and Horizon Labs suck balls.

>So why does Marvel keep her around?
You've never had a hummer 'till you've had a gummer.

Early ASM, FF, Thor (JIM) and Captain America (TOS)* comics are gooooood, user- and you can get you're TnA from post Dirko ASM.
John Buscema's Gwen is hot as fuck.

*I'm sure there are lots of other great old 60's comics too. I am just sticking with what I've personally read.

They should have killed them at the same time, in something that had nothing to do with super-villains or crime. Like a car wreck at the end of an Aunt May Demon in the Bottle arc.

Kill her

It's funny, one of the supposed goals of OMD was bringing back Peter's supporting cast, but they all disappeared again almost immediately.

What would it take to get Spider-Man back on track?

She makes pies for Peter

See, that's the most nonsensical part about the whole thing. It was like OMD didn't accomplish anything worthwhile.

She is actually the Joker and goes on vacation to Gotham to fight Batman.

>She doesn't even know Peter's secret that he's Spider-Man (again/still).
Why hasn't Slott done this yet? You'd think Marvel Comic offices would be excited at May finding out his identity in the movie and want to jump on that in the comics.

>Peter turns into a dog


Siblings can have disparate ages. Either way, I do agree they should've just made Ben and May Peter's grandparents, since the whole point of making them old was for Peter to mature faster with a less capable guardian.
