One minute into it and it's a lesbian sex scene followed by interracial

It has nothing to do with anything. It was just put there as a bait. This garbage tries so hard to look like Blade Runner and fails so miserably. Terrible acting, dull main actor and the sassy mexican woman was fucking annoying. The director of this shit is a no talent hack. I watched the first eppisode because there was a thread saying it's good. BAD IDEA , BAD SHOW

but you’re wrong

Two first episodes are pretty bad, I almost dropped it but decided to give episode 3 a go. It became much better and I'm almost done with it, two episodes to go.


buddy. any new show that comes out that you, as a white male may think "oh fuck that sounds good", can be expected to have at least 1(one) interracial scene along with at least another 1(one) scene that challenges social norms. fucking expect it because they'll sure as shit shove it done your throat every chance they get. guaranteed brownie points with at least half the cocksuckers in the world and 100% guaranteed to get a buzzfeed or other shitty blog post about it. guaranteed 100%

that being said, save for some poor casting it was pretty good.

I decided to give it a try, this show is really hard to watch. It claims to be cyberpunk, but there is barely anything resembling the genre in it.Altered Carbon's sets look cheap, the overuse of cgi almost gives me a headache. It looks like Netflix tried waay too hard.

Sorry but if episode one doesn't get my attention I never go further, I did the same for GoT, only watch the first one. Watching TV should never be a chore.

i hear ya. check out the lethal weapon tv series

>They are trying to force it on me, so I may as well roll over and watch it.
(((they))) love people like you.

>Altered Carbon's sets look cheap
More like, reuse the same four sets over and over, but from different angles and with props placed differently.

i came for the cyberpunk and stayed for the AI hotel manager

>One minute into it and it's a lesbian sex scene followed by interracial
No, it's not

>my life revolves around watching fictional characters in fictional shows being blacked and it freaks me out!!
Wow sounds scary user. Did you try to take some meds for your paranoia and white frailty.

mmmm lesbians

premise is good
when it gets near the end it just goes full retard low effort dialog and just terrible

that hispanic woman doesnt get better as the show goes on, she just gets lazier

>Yes goyim, be angry and isolate yourself from culture and society into shitty cesspool echochamber websites where you can be monitored and plied more easily.

I think gritting his teeth through a few minutes of ZOG propaganda is not going to turn him into a baizuo cultural revolutionary

>fell for a Netflix shill on social media

i could care less m8 i pirated the damn thing.

listen, if you're the type of weak willed flimsy pussy that will easily change their opinion or outlook on life based solely on a fucking tv show you deserve to give up your free will to the hive mind. i on the other hand will watch whatever the fuck i like and talk shit about it on the internet if i damn well choose.

>One minute into it and it's a lesbian sex scene
I knew there was SOME reason Sup Forums shills this show so hard.
You guys are so thirsty holy shit.

Thats fine. And these shows can expect to keep tanking in ratings. They can just blame Netflix. But who does Netflix blame when nobody watches their crap either?

Watched it with my girlfriend. Some parts were pretty bad, but we liked the plot overall. There were just enough mysteries to keep it interesting. Kinda boring final fights and conflict resolutions, but the final character resolutions felt good at the end. I wish they tied it all up with the protagonist outsmarting the big baddie, but he nope. I think the best thing about it was the tech and how the story utilizes it to create unique plot mechanics. The worst was probably the romance and the final fights.


Yes. White suburbia will totally influence Netflix in the future lmao white frailty is cute. You are a minority cuck, be happy if you get sloppy seconds and stop whining like white faggots.

that makes sense, but if you do that start with a later episode, pilots always suck

one job, user

Go back to pol Hans. Also shouldn't you lick your mommy clean, pretty sure even Tyrone is done by now.

Every single run down/sleezy bar/strip club was the exact same location. The only things that changed were the lighting and the signs on the front.

Tried to watch the first episode and got bored. Seems like style without substance desu

Don't you have a bar mitzvah to be studying for?

Fuck you I voted for trump. He isn't a racist little prick like you white boi.

If I did I wouldn't waste my time in the company of losers like you Hans.

Recent cyberpunk/neo-80s pandering is a huge red flag.
Anything getting in on the fad this late is guaranteed to be garbage.

Mmm.. that doesn't happen at all OP. But that aside, this show isn't good.
I think it's pretty mediocre overall, especially the characters/writing.
Not to mention the inconsistencies throughout.

Don't bother, it only gets worse.

>consuming Jewflix ever


Had to furnish off after the scene where he walks out of the office and the people in the hall pretend that they recognize each other.

Shit was cringe on steroids.

Dude netflix is pretty much the 2nd life for most chicks.

Evry Single chick I know spends at least 1h per day watching some garbage show. And this is germany. I can only imagine how bad it is in the jew S A

Why is it so rare for cyberpunk to be done well. Disappointing

Even if they fixed all of that.
Their *((writing))) will always be autrocious garbage for soy boys and bug men

The social engineering agenda is just a bonus.

What is it that gets good ?
The writing ? The action ?the characters ? New elements ? Direction? World building ?

What is the thing that is so good that it's worth my time ?

o please, people beg and beg for some cyberpunk movies/media because we never get shit and we finally get something half decent and everyones ready to shit all over it, ffs

It's not decent though it's pretty bland

>Mmm.. that doesn't happen at all OP
It does, the lesbians kissing and right after you got the asian fucking a black woman. i get this is not
how you picture "interracial" but it still is.

>Modern tv

Girls here seem to shirk TV in lieu of social media