ITT: Villains who did nothing wrong

ITT: Villains who did nothing wrong

How are they villains then?

he ruined his entire operation for 3% purity, he knew walt and jesse were 2 idiots that had no idea what they were doing
id say he is an idiot

He was based. Should not have been killed off.

Conflicting moral views of the world.

like trump

they hinder the protagonist

that better meth was competition many people were interested in bankrolling, son im disappointed in you

he could have just forced walt to give up his recipe and then killed him and jesse in the beginning, why a man so calculated and intelligent decided to risk everything to go into business with them makes no sense


I think he saw himself and his former partner in Walt and Jesse

He said himself in the show that he doesn't believe fear to be an effective motivator. Things would have went smooth if not for Jesse's conflict with the other two drug dealers.

he said that to get walts trust, he was manipulating him the whole time hence why he asked gale how many cooks he would need to get walts formula when they were setting up the factory and then later threatened his wife and daughter and sent hitmen to kill walt at his home.

>was based
>knows the hazards
>accepts the risks of being a drug kingpin

>ya insulted my facking kids?

>forced walt to give up his recipe
It’s not a recipe, it’s a method. Why do you think they had Jesse chained to Meth lab? He knew the method.

>will sell drugs to anyone as long as its out of his sight
>sells amerimutt fast food trash

the guy was probably Satan

He said those words to Mike not Walt. And asking Gale to understand Walt's formula didn't happen until after things disintegrated in Half Measures. That was the moment when Gus realized that they were too much of a risk.

Gus’ only mistake was not realizing that not only did Walt have cancer, he WAS cancer.

Already have a thread up you quadruple nigger

He only had concerns about the mission.

>Shot the kid
They had to leave no witnesses, otherwise he would have blabbed to his parents or friends about what he saw, which would eventually be traced to the heist. Jesse sure as hell wasn't going to do it, but I wouldn't be surprised if Walt would have been willing to if it were not to objections from Jesse. In the end, he did what Walt and Jesse were unable to do but had to be done.

>Held Jesse captive
Jesse was going to be killed otherwise; by convincing Jack that Jesse was more valuable to them alive, he spared Jesse's life, even if it was tortuous. Bear in mind Todd was rather nice to Jesse during his confinement, giving him ice cream, leaving the tarp off when Jesse asked, and was overall a gentleman the whole time given the circumstances

>Killed Andrea
Done as punishment to Jesse for stepping out of line. Jesse knew that the Trump supporters knew about Andrea and Brock, and the implication that they would be targeted if Jesse did anything wrong was very clear. When Jesse tried to escape he knew the risks when he failed, and the killing of Andrea was just following through on that. A threat you cannot follow through on is no threat after all.

That's an antagonist, not a villain.

Except killing his henchman, threatening Walters family, kwowing he would retaliate, and trusting a recovering drug addict who had previously tried to kill his employees to be loyal to him. All things that he admitted previously were terrible strategies. He brought everything on himself.

He was literally an anti-hero against degeneracy

Also visiting Skylar and making sure she's scared enough to not talk about whatever she's seen or heard.

little did we know about the actual actor...

>literally an anti-hero against degeneracy
Funny how that played out.

I felt bad for him. Everyone was just creeped out by him giving Jesse ice cream and paid no attention to the fact he bothered to lure Andrea outside of her house so her son wouldn't bear witness, also assuring Lydia that Skyler didn't need to be taken out of action. Also I thought it was funny that Todd seemed more amazed than horrified at Walt's gun-in-the-trunk move

>Definition of villain
>1 : a character in a story or play who opposes the hero


hero =/= protagonist
villain =/= antagonist

he was only really a villain by virtue of being on the opposing faction to the protagonist, and even then it was generally confirmed that killing gus was a huge mistake on walter's part that only served to further destabilise his standing

Hes just a greedy fucker but i admire him a lot.


>I better leave out the next two meanings so I don't look retarded.
>2 : a deliberate scoundrel or criminal
>3 : one blamed for a particular evil or difficulty


>I better disregard the context and list all other meanings to look smart


Wait, he was the villain? I thought he was the protagonist.

his only crime was that he loved democracy

>wanted to make the world a better place
>somehow he's in the wrong
Why are japanese so bad at writing?


