ITT: Cute Sup Forums female characters

ITT: Cute Sup Forums female characters.

And which company has the cutest ones? Marvel, DC or Image?


I'd go with DC.




Going to hell for this, etc.


my brown girl is better than yours

Based Frank Cho.

Pretty cute.

Of all the Kamala's official designs i find this one of the cutest. It was a hard choice, since like Gwen she's generally quite cute no matter who's drawing.

>NOt posting Squirrel Girl
WTF Sup Forums!!!

Another one.

Kind of a shame how she often acts like a total spoiled brat for plot reasons tho.

She was always very wacky looking to be honest.


More on the sexy side but Wanda Wilson looks pretty good too with and without the mask.

Another one.
Hastings and Gurihiru are doubtlessly keeping the comic afloat with their magic.

American beauty style


I can never get bored of Bruce Timm's work. I don't know how he does it but the charm in his illustrations is overflowing.

Dat lipstick. Very nice.

Another one.

Image obviously.


Is this a serious question!?


Wolvering banged pretty into her.

Yes, and i know Teen Titans is full of qts, but i still want people to contribute with more girls from different sources so we can get a better insight on cute female characters, maybe we'll find some we didn't know existed until this thread.

True. The japanese too.

I feel rather conflicted towards the character's current design: on one hand the new Squirrel Girl is not really pleasing to look at in my eyes (mostly due her upper lip, which frankly makes her seem a bit too goofy for my taste), but on the other i understand i'm of course not part of their target audience, and i also imagine having one deliberately ugly heroine probably bodes well within the segment of below average looking female teenagers the product is most likely aimed at. On that note, i could never really hate the character since even I can imagine the hardships the readers must face, so i don't blame them for wanting to feel represented (Which obviously doesn't imply i'm okay with rally groups trying to force Marvel or other publishers to make their characters look worse to suit their whims).
At any rate, i think people should vote with both their voices and wallets, which alas isn't happening as much as it should.



More on the sexy side but you know the drill.

Japanese artists could give some westerners currently working in the industry a run for their money.




Anyway, i hope you liked this thread and feel free to continue it if you want. I may or may not come back to post more later.

Only one Korra per thread, please.

Whos the artist?




I googled it and got hairy armpits




Irene doesn't stand up to Gurihiru, but I like her work. She's really good at making cute.




I agree.
And i think Gwen's Venomverse issue was even more fitting for her style. The Gurihiru team excels at drawing cute, but when you need edgy drawings Irene can do a very good job.

Is Hellcat any good? Haven't read her comics.

Cute short haired girls are an amazing rarity.

God bless that man!

>them muscles
>them scars
>them gams

Well I know what I'm doing tonight. Masturbation. That's what I'll be doing.