>this is considered white in america

i want to sexually abuse meadow untill she cries

Jesus Christ le creatura

you are fucking gay

you are fucking really gay

el monstruo...

Is that a Newgrounds T-shirt?

>nail polish is whiter than her skin

I noticed the tits, not her nail polish, but that may just be me though

Never thought meadow was hot personally. Kinda dumpy. Too dark.

The flashback where she yelled GOSH IS THERE NOTHING TO EAT AROUND HERE made me cri

Her grandmother literally commented on her darkness at birth. It upset Carmella.


Id give her ASSpen a trip with my penis if you catch my drift.

Its anal

I'm american and I don't

A show full of sociopaths and extremely bitter people and the least broken character happens to be the most infuriating one.


>ywn make fresh mootz-a-rella from her milk

everything below the ribs is dumpy. Boobs are meh.

I think she had weight problems before she got the part and lost a bunch.. she looks ok I guess. That hair is a rats nest.

hey! cool it with the offensive remarks my dude! this is a place for discussion and fun, a place to make friends! we want every one to have a good time don't we?
that's all my man, I know it was just a one time thing though so its all good!

keep it easy brother!!


looks italian

would still smash


ywn pull those cutoffs down and bend her over the counter. why live bros

wow, you are stupid

Where's the gabagool?

That is the most cluttered box of cereal I've ever seen

are you even straight?

We don't consider ourselves white, we just get lumped in with you milquetoast pussies.

Very. I just like prime rib over burger.

thicc meadow was best

her roommate was hotter

I fucking hate spaghettiniggers.
Such moody arrogant fucks.

>These Cheerios™ sure are a healthy and balanced breakfast!
what did she mean by this??

Watch it

>*tips fedora*

she looks like the typical italian who comes from the south mate

>I just like prime rib over burger.