It's you who lost, Gobby. Lost your marbles!

>It's you who lost, Gobby. Lost your marbles!

Other urls found in this thread:

>it’s you who’s lost, Goebbels. Lost your marbles!

i honestly love these threads

How did this get past Raimi's mother?


>Shalom, Spider-man.

How did Raimi managed to film the scene without any of the actors being covered on fire?



>that scene where Peter found out one of his female classmates was a coalburner and beat her half to death
Raimi really didn't hold back at all

>Green Goblin breaks into Aunt May's home
Did Raimi go too far there?

>It's you who's out Gobby. Out of the closet, you fucking faggot!
The Director's Cut is really something else.

Youre talking about the director who openly hits his actors. He didnt care if they burned, so long as they said the right lines and looked good while dying.

>MFW reading the bruce cambell book he talks about how raimi would just beat them until they did better, and not always after takes.
>he said he had to do the scene where Ash is being pulled by the evil dead through the woods like 20 times, and how they simulated the trees hitting ash was raimi was behind the camera, hitting him in the face as hard as he could with tree branches.
>literally names like 20 people who watched rami just beat the shit out of him with poles, kendo sticks, branches, props, etc over all the movies hes worked on over the years with him
>laugh, thinking its just bruce being bruce and hamming it up
>Watch the behind the scenes of Spiderman 2
>Toby gets really sorta quiet, looks around, and starts talking about how Raimi would beat people who didnt do the scenes right
>says he just kept hitting bruce non stop, even if he got it right
>cuts to video
>shows raimi beating bruce

classic joj

A little, but it was a different time.

Holy fuck. Did Raimi go too far irl?!

i watched spiderman 1 last week and kept thinking about that

>Spidey: This is the end for you, Gobby. It's all over
>Goblin: Not until I shower Zyklon B on all the kikes in New York

damn, Raimi, chill out.

my fucking siderinos

holy FUCK



It was a different time

>You’re a bright kid Peter. But I never expected you to understand why I did what I had to do. You have a naïve and innocent view of the world. Defeating me only furthered the downfall of this city, of our race. The Jews laugh in great pleasure in us killing each other. You may think yourself their hero and a champion of justice but in the end your just another goyim and when they have no use for you they will cast you down along with everyone else you love to their nigger dogs. By the time you realize what you’ve done it will be too late.

Why are these Spiderman movies funnier than the new ones?

My favorite movie

As much as I enjoy the original Spiderman movies, Rami went too far with Peter murdering and raping MJ. And as stomach churning as that scene was why did Peter have to shit on her tits and smear his excrement over them. And it still made millions at the box office and the kids couldn't get enough.

>there is actual video proof of Raimi beating people on youtube AND on dvd's in millions of homes and he hasnt been called out
the fuck kind of magic is this

This is amazing

holy shit

nice strong leg

Jesus Christ Raimi

Man spiderman was ready to rock his ass before goblin fled. you can tell goblin doesnt have chance against him in hand to hand

>Whatever life holds in store for me, I will never forget these words: "With white power comes white responsibility."
>This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Shoah-man.

really amazing stuff from Raimi, it took me until my third rewatch to get the hidden message

Question: Why did the Green Goblin never used this bomb again?

they didn't create many of these, gobby was so angry he used them in the first chance he had

It was a different time

>It's you who's out, Gobby. Out of the closet you fucking faggot!

>Peter Parker
>Brilliant but tolerant

Too spooky even for Raimi

meme magic is fucking real

It was literally a different fucking time holy shit.

what in the living fuck

It was a different time.

>ctrl + f "it was a different time"
>only 4 results
It was a different time.


It's real
All of it

>mfw the theatrical release really did contain all the quotes from these threads
>mfw the jews have slowly conditioned and brainwashed me into forgetting all the good bits of the movies


Dial combos are the future capcucks

dumb Sup Forums

Holy fucking christ.

This memes lifespan just doubled


Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

kek haven't seen this one before

Woah, nice

>Now six-million-and-one

>You spun your last dreidel, Spiderberg
How did Raimi get away with this?

dont put me in the screencap

who dis?

but this was in the past... we didn create this...
in reallity we are the memes created by this events.

>remember peter... the 14 words...

>never saw the original Spider Man movies
What a fucking pleb

What do the skeletons represent




>Reverse image search
>No results

Christ almighty

>easily blocks the attack

the fuck? it wasn't impressive at all

Oh shit.

holy shit I thought it was all memes. Raimi is a beast lol

It's from another thread. Might be the same guy though. He's a legend.

For a kike it was

tfw i have the same microphone on my desk

>If I hear the word sorry again, you will learn the meaning of the word sorry

so.. what's that dildo for?

Jesus Christ raimi


Raimi is a monster

>it actually isn't a meme

Uh guys....


sexual pleasure I'd assume.

Mandela effect, memes can retroactively influence reality.

>not ending the pasta with "Don't tell Harry".

Because Raimi is inexplicably good at balancing drama with comedy.

>Goblin hiding in a shawl.
>That single punch to the nose sending Spidey flying.
Will never not be funny.

>inb4 Sam started his own meme

>Put me in the screencap

>"Stupid nigger, this is the 9th take, you do it right or I'm sending you back to pick cotton!"
I know it was a different time and no one really cared about verbal abuse back then, but did Raimi really need to whip that black man?

Bullying Tobey is one thing cuz he's a smug asshole but Molina doesn't deserve that I would have beaten the shit out of that kike fucker if that was me

>Peter! Look behind you for God's sake! You know who did that? Sandniggers, Peter and I'm not just talking about Muslims. Never forget what those Kikes did to our city, Peter. Never forget.

t. bruce campbell
you can't do anything, bitch

This is a watershed moment for a meme.

One that will send it into the annals of meme history for all time, much like the Germanwings flight 4U did for Baneposting.

Meme magic is real.

God damn that is literally a perfect body.


>Goblin hiding in a shawl



>Did you just talk back to me
I refuse to believe this timeline is real, wake me up immediately


Raimi actually is a fucking madman, holy shit