Amazon's Lord of the Rings

Will they finally reveal Aragorn's tax policy?

they're remaking LOTR? how many of the lead roles have gone to niggers or women?

They will cast MC Tulberr as Gandalf and Willa Holland as Aragorn. Frodo and Sam probably will be Latinos.

All of the heroic characters will be black men (with white love interests) and the comic relief characters like Merry and Pippin will still be white.

It'll be watched religiously by normalfags. Like GoT is.

Just be glad there is not a single negro in the original trilogy and nothing they can do with change that

I love Nic Cage but. Imagine him doing that Aragorn speech:
>I see in your eyes the same fear that will take the heart of me. A day may come when the strength of men...

nazgul are now the white riders and wear KKK robes, sauron is literally hitler.

well Gandalf is played by Idris Elba and Kevin Hart is Gollum so you tell me.

Did it really need a series? Out of dozen of fantasy IPs to choose and all we get is some rehash.

>MC Tulberr
Who the fuck?

this. lotr will continue to be the best fantasy series ever filmed. cast 100% white. makes me laugh every time just thinking about the diversity outrage the films would face if made today

>Aman is now africa



Unless they bring back a few original actors not going to bother with it

I'm offended that they're making this. The LOTR trilogy extended cut is the last version of LOTR I'll watch..

It's not a remake, it's an original story do not steal -series set between the hobbit and lotr.

AKA we're totally going to get a million gondorian niggers and feisty elf gurrrls as the main characters since they will all be original.

Are the extended editions worth it! I watched the fellowship, two towers and return of the king last week cause it had been a while and wondered if it they were added anything

The movies are not complete unless you watch the extended editions.

>1. ReBuild a wall with Mordor
>2. Make orcs pay for it
>3. Don't look our suspicious tax exemptions to the (((elves))), nothing to see there m8s
>4. Make Gondor great again

So here's something I never understood. Isildur's line was gone from Gondor for centuries.
Why didn't Denethor or any of the dozens of stewards before him crown themselves king? It's not like there was any actual heir to the throne around with a legitimate claim to oppose him. Changing royal dynasties has happened all the time throughout history, and Denethor could have done it without even needing to go to war.

Numenoreans are quite literally superhumans. You don't just "replace" them.

Denethor explains it in the book, it's because the people of Gondor are incredibly loyal to the line of Elendil, and so would never accept someone from a different line basically.

>the people of Gondor are incredibly loyal to the line of Elendil
Why though? Since when do peasants actually give a fuck about that kind of thing? Especially since said line had been gone for centuries, the Stewards is all any of them have ever known.
And since when do rulers give a fuck about what peasants think in the first place?

Read the book. They thought hes line had died out when all of hes heirs died out along time after ilsudurs death hence the reign of the stewards, truth is that some of his kin went north and became the rangers

Pretty much this deathnor says not after 10000 years would they accept a new king not of the line of elindil

That doesn't answer my question. In fact, if the stewards thought that there were no heirs period, then all the more reason to crown themselves king.

Kings were super humans to much prestige was held in the kingship and they would not accept less

No one would of accepted him as king and he also respected the title and had honour for it.

Because it's a fantasy world and Elendil's line were basically all fantastic at everything.
Also, for all intents and purposes he was king, all crowning himself king would do is upset the ones who actually do care (who are probably old, venerated, and have power). It would just create hassles for themselves.
Further, it's fantasy, stop trying to think of it like things are normal. God is short, and lives in a forest near some Hobbits. Stop being a faggot.

>Imagine him doing that Aragorn speech:

no. there is no reason at all except your own vanity. he ruled gondor anyway, king would just be another title but not really more power. why would he risk a likely uprising for an empty title?

>imagine him singing during the coronation

well technically the valar and eru are without race or sex and can be racemixed or sex changed to what ever the creators please without actually breaking the lore

>“The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends," Ser Jorah told her. "It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace." He gave a shrug. "They never are.”

Imrahil has a much better claim to the Throne than Denethor.

valar are adressed as he or she. pretty sure eru is called he.

A few scenes in RotK are kinda bad and shouldn't be there. But the ED is, overall, extra comfy.