Will he ever return?

will he ever return?

Hopefully not. What he did was repulsive, degradable and insulting towards all women.

He was never funny.

He’ll be back selling out theaters in 6 months

Self deprecating humor is only funny at first, then just gets pathetic after the first joke

ILYD was the best movie of 2017. It will become a cult classic.


Dude, he's going to jerk himself to death enjoying the public humiliation. It's his fetish.

the #metoo movement is going to age like milk. some of these people are going to come back stronger than ever.


He could release a special tomorrow, and it'd be a huge hit. If I were him, the revelation that I was surrounded by ungrateful cunts would probably be more embarrassing than the masturbating thing though.

have you actually seen it? how?

This. He is the American version of Ricky Gervais.

Filename, asstard.

Awards screeners sent to critics for review got leaked the week before it was supposed to come out. It's everywhere you can torrent or stream shit.

ok mr grumpus

of course he will. he'll return and he'll be bigger than ever.

nobody is actually mad at him for showing his weiner. its all pretend rage from a small minority of people who're only trying to look good.

listen to his Opie and Anthony appearances before he took himself too seriously

hopefully not rapists have no place in this society

It was unironically the best movie I saw at TIFF

>O and A
I never listened to them when they were on but listening to them now makes me miss them. I’m seriously considering subscribing to compound media.

I say this in every Louis thread: he seriously needs to start writing. He can become American Houellebecq.

does he still do stand up at all?

He'll come back and he'll be wearing glasses and his special will be in black and white and it'll be the same old "self deprecating louis" act openly discussing the entire scandal in """"hilarious"""" and """"honest"""" detail

He's laughing. It's ironic. The scandal that supposedly "ruined" him will hand him his "best material" yet

True scum so hopefully we hold strong against his faggotry and he ends up on Jim Nortons faggy new show

Young people won't understand his comedy.

not until feminism is destroyed in the west.

I don't see how he can't go back to work.
He didn't physically touch any of the woman, so it's acceptable to let him work under the conditions that he's supervised or something.

I guess I'm still kinda young but I get what you mean. His humor isn't just self-deprecating; it's upsetting and real, almost to the point that it's more autobiographical than comedic. No other comedian can admit that they periodically wipe their ass throughout the day, or describe the World's Saddest Handjob they got from their wife with such candor as Louis.

Go back to your soccer game, soccer mom.

Compound Media is a train wreck. Ant is a mere shadow of his former self. I would advice against it, friend.

Dark, nihilistic, and with a WICKED sense of humor

>You know where "nigger" came from, originally?

I hope not

I didn't say it was any of those things.

to make dickflash videos on pornsites? probably

>Ant is a shadow of his former self


yeah, this, his first couple specials and all his appearances on O&A are great, oh my god is a great special as well, and the first 2 or 3 seasons of Louie are kino. Honestly I think it just became annoyingly cool to hate him because he's a lefty and a bit of a cuck, but he's always been genuinely funny

How? He's the very thing Houllebeqc would criticize, the self-hating white man perpetually steeped in collective guilt for the """"""""sins"""""""" of his ancestors.

No his quote did.

subscribe for East Side Dave and Michael Malice. Artie & Anthony is okay but I generally go through all my other podcasts first then catch up with AA on the weekend

my podcast hierarchy is

High Society Radio
Drew & Mike with Tom Mazaway
East Side Dave Show
Part of the Problem
Drew & Mike on non-Maz days
Artie & Anthony

you're missing the real podcast kino familia

Just saw it today, it's a great movie.

>its all pretend rage from a small minority of people who're only trying to look good
This. I think just about every sentiment I've seen, that wasn't from some media personality, basically boiled down to "yeah, it was wrong, but c'mon". In a year nobody's going to care. Worst case scenario, he might get some flak from SJW-website #98425 when he releases a new project.

sorry I don’t want a fat Greek hack cackling in my ear for an hour

I've heard a lot of people complaining about that, but it never bothered me. It's all about Nick bouncing dumb ideas for bits off the other two. I can't listen to this show in public cause I just laugh and smirk like an idiot.