Character has to dive underwater, or gets pulled under

>character has to dive underwater, or gets pulled under
>I must try to hold my breath for the whole time he’s underwater

it's actually better to let all of the air out of your lungs and let them fill with water, painless death.

>eating while watching kino
>character is eating
>have to sync my chewing with his

>asshole character commits rape, torture, other brutalities that are uncomfortable to watch
>never gets punished in the story
>I autistically make up my own canon that they got punished offscreen after the movie and that karma somehow caught up with them.

and i thought i was autistic, holy shit dude

Confirmed for never having come close to drowning, faggot.

I've done this since i was a kid watching peter pan and pirates of the caribbean holy shit

>finish watching movie
>instantly read over the synopsis on Wikipedia

>he doesn't watch movies in his closed cycle suit for breathing oxygenated liquid

>character says/does something badass or witty or smooth
>imagine myself doing/saying something similar in a situation that could happen in real life involving people I know

>character takes a shit
>doesn't wipe ass and leaves toilet
>imagine the rest of the movie he still has shit in his underwear while doing cool stuff

>watching a movie I’ve never seen before in cinema
>need to piss
>try to wait for a scene where I feel nothing important is about to happen
>I’ve never seen this movie before, how do I know nothing important will happen in the next few minutes?

>finish watching movie
>immediately open reddit discussion thread for the movie

this happened to me while watching repo men
>movie is almost over, they're fucking on a bench while scanning organs or something
>poo in restroom and come back
>assume they died and go home
>find out months later half the movie didn't actually happen

>watch movie with a date
>scene with kissing/sex/romance happens
>try so hard to seem unphased and not-awkward
>know that I’m trying so hard that my body language and posture must be showing how hard I’m overcompensating
>eyes glued to the screen for fear of seeming creepy if I look at her

>character has a shit
>doesn't use a bidet when they're done
>rest of the flick all i can think about his how itchy his ass must be from running around with a dirty ass

>watching 22 Jump Street with loud, obnoxious, neckbeard co-worker
>movie isn’t that funny
>every time there is a joke onscreen no matter if it’s funny or not; neckbeard lets out loud, booming obnoxious laughter because (I can only assume) he recognized that a joke just happened and he feels the need to react to it
>every single time, subjected to deep, booming chuckling
>can feel everyone around us getting pissed off
>colleague is ruining the movie experience for everyone but himself with his obnoxious laughter

>character makes large, unnecessary purchase or loses a large bet
>cringe and remind myself that it’s just a movie

>watching show/movie with an “ugly” or “fat” female character
>she’s only “ugly” or “fat” by Hollywood standards -and maybe not even then, in reality she’s quite cute, maybe even an actress who has been downgraded to fit the role
>because the other characters treat her as lesser, she’s got low self esteem
>usually a very nice person on the inside
>think to myself that if this is what passes for “ugly”, I could easily get a girl like her
>feel great about myself for having a broader standard for beauty than everyone else
>constantly on the lookout for my princess that I can rescue and tell her that she’s great, knowing that she’ll appreciate the fuck out of me

>watching movie at home by myself
>fight scene
>stand up and start shadow boxing
>sometimes do this after the movie if the fight scene was especially intense

if you do this then you have a autism

hey that guy isnt really blind

>not mocking him by mimicking his laugh and staring directly at him

People that are psychologically incapable of feeling fear (Urbach-Wiethe disease) still manage to feel fear when drowning.

>village gets raided
>women and children get dragged offscreen
>I assume there were minimum casualties and unless explicitly shown otherwise, nobody was raped. If any kids were dragged offscreen, I assume they somehow got away and reached safety.
>the characters need me to use my headcanon to keep them safe.
>I’m a bit of a pussy

In all honesty, this guy would not have noticed if anyone did that to mock him. It would have just made it twice as bad for the other patrons in the cinema. Another colleague nudged him a couple of times and shushed him, but that didn’t work for long.

I’ve heard that in resteraunts this guy orders more than everyone else and tries to split the bill. I’ve also heard of him licking the plate if he enjoyed his meal.

>you're the grand master of the special fighting style

god this scene freaked me out more than horror movie

glad to know I'm not the only one. Same for vidyas where characters have to hold their breath

>character commits atrocities
>have to sync my atrocities with those onscreen

>play video game adaptation of movie
>obviously the game has to stretch some parts out and add in extra stuff because it’s a different medium.
>I try my hardest to integrate it all into one canon
>when rewatching the movie, I try to take note of when XYZ happened in the game and the movie just didn’t have time to show us, but it feasibly could have happened offscreen.
>feels great when there are minimal contradictions and then story runs cohesively between the movie and the game.

>movie with a date
Don't do this

>Big ass comes on screen
>I must instinctively yell "BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP" as loud as I can throughout the theater

>watching porn with gf, leads to sex
>try to synch my sex moves with what is happening onscreen
>try to choose porn that doesn’t last too long

>character is on a time limit to complete a task/diffuse a bomb/rescue someone
>I get agitated when the events clearly stretch out far longer than the allocated time limit
>ideally, I should be able to sync a timer with the character and have them complete their task before my timer goes off.