"women are always making stuff that men take credit for"

>"women are always making stuff that men take credit for"
I fucking hate this movie

Other urls found in this thread:


>Google line
>Its actually in the movie

Well, hey, WOMAN UP, amirite?

It's on Pornhub if anyone wants to watch a grainy 77 minute video

Yeah, I saw that video too

>Paying money to see it when other people did for you

So this confirms she has a vagina?

>only at 43%
Damn not even pornhub likes it

Since when?


I was referring to IHE's review

Speaking of IHE, he should've at least make an effort on finding a pirated ver. of the movie instead of buying tickets in the cinema to watch it.

>"women are always making stuff that men take credit for"

Name one.


Science as a concept, for starters

He should have,but its whatever.It already made a decent amount of money anyway,his ten bucks doesn't really matter in the long run......but who knows?His ten dollar might have been all they needed for a new one.

Wouldn't that be some shit.

Women have done nothing of value in history aside from giving birth to men.


>Science not already existing in some form before the first century A.D.

She says it at 1:37, and it sounds ridiculous because she's scolding Gene even though all he did was figure out was she was suggesting, he even says "YOU'RE saying", so he wasn't even taking credit at all.

>tfw there are people who unironically believe this

There are none, thats the problem
>that scene where jailbreak complains about how the first female emojis where a princess or a bride
I want feminism to die a slow painful death. The emoji movie is everything wrong with the western world. Hashtag trendy feminist cancer, that is forever proof that north korea cant nuke us soon enough


You know we fucked up plenty of times.

Show me one thing a women has done besides bitching about male privledge or fucking up her job because shes bleeding outve her vagina

Are men taking credit for this movie? Because I'm sure women are fine with them nabbing that credit.


Tbh do emojis even have gender?

What's weird is that the movie tries to throw romance into the mix between the meh emoji and the hacker girl

>The emoji movie is everything wrong with the western world
Almost everything but the rest is covered by Shad

Knowing how to write in English correctly for one.

My english is fine faggot


they didn't but then they did because if something has no specific features that makes it male.


Women cant make babies without men.

Shut the fuck up grammar fag

*My English is fine, faggot.

But without women, what would we jerk off to?

You hate it 'cause it's actually true.

Don't be a fuckin' 19th century baby, you fag.

anime you idiot.


I dont care if your a falseflag or not, even ironically agreeing with that statement means you should be gassed

Why are we even arguing about this? Emojis are just pictures.

god dammit

Cartoon or vidya waifus.

Boy howdy,this movie sure inspires such debate!Maybe this dumb ass movie is more deep then i thought.

Emojis are a Japanese thing, so no shit females would be feminine.

Being a much more patriarchal society, Japan didn't care about feminist fragile sensibilities.

Are Moms girls?

Because they are proof of the trendy idocracy tier retardation thats affecting our society and the single thing that proves we dont deserve to live. People resorting to texting brown ghetto handsigns is evidence of how fucking retarded modernity is

Let's salvage this thread: How would YOU salvage the concept of a movie based up and focused around emojis?

Personally, I'd wipe the "Inside Out" aspect of the story and focus on the theme of communication. You'd have the kid who is afraid of saying how he feels, you'd have the overall culture of his school friends using emojis instead of words, and you'd have the girl he wants to bang. At some point, maybe because of sunspots or magnetic fields (or The Magnetic Fields), the entire world finds itself unable to communicate except through emojis, which leads to hilarity as people begin to wildly misinterpret what others are saying due to a lack of context, and it's up to Main McCharacter to find a way to evolve language beyond emojis, and by doing so he realizes a courage and confidence within himself to ask the girl he likes if she can stroke his eggplant until it sweats.



>Shut the fuck up, grammar faggot.

Sounds like Paperman, which is better than what we got.

>people actually jerk off to his stuff
fucking how?

>women are always making stuff that men take credit for
That has never happened in the history of the world, that's just what feminists tell themselves to hide the fact that despite being equal to a man and having more or less the same opportunities for decades women have not reached the heights of the notable men of the world or broken new ground.

You dont want to know, buddy. Ive been so gone sexually for years that i even get off to loli rape on hentai haven. Its over for folks like me. Dont go down the rabbit hole user

>having more or less the same opportunities for decades women have not reached the heights of the notable men of the world or broken new ground.
Because women are and always will be our inferiors

Women did invent complaining and whining

its true though, women are responsible for all of humanities achievements

You really should read the flintstones comic, they know whats up

This sounds totally legitimate and I have no reason not to believe it.

Shut the fuck up falsefaggot

i mean, Watson and Crick allegedly stole that photo of dna proving it was a double helix from rosalind. I even heard the notion that she herself may have come up with the idea but i dunno.

For the record (as if it means anything on an anonymous image board) but that statement is very hamfisted.

no, not that, his art looks like shit, how can anyone jerk off to it without getting deviant art flashbacks?

To say that it has never happened in the history of the world is straight up retarded, purely from a statistical standpoint. It takes only a 5 second google search to disprove that.

In times of deceit, the sheep will lash out at those who speak the truth

I told you, im so far fucking gone that anything remotely cute or sexual turns me on. I know his arts grotesque, but instill jerk off to it. Maybe bevause he makes alot of loli, i dunno. But whatever you do dont let your pervyness take control of your life like it has mine

The understanding of DNA is the most famous one.

nigga what

Let's archive that.


Meanwhile, feminists are becoming vehemently anti-science.

And women want to be applauded for doing the bare minimum or nothing at all. Fancy that
>Huffington Post
Never a good source for anything

How so?

Not him but the original discovery of the structure of DNA as a double helix was discovered via X-ray crystallography by Rosalind Franklin. Two other scientists uses these findings and essentially claimed them as their own or something along those lines.

I can't wait until the social communication app Emojr becomes a thing.

Doing gods work, i see

Feeling superior because of other men's accomplishments which had nothing to do with you, just because they were/are also male, is truly pathetic. You didn't do shit, they did. I'll never understand this mindset. I'm guessing it's just a way to make up for a lack of your own achievements.

The irony dripping from this post.

Ironic how? I don't feel superior because of the accomplishments of others.

>woman discovered a thing
>a man discovered same thing in around the same time but made it known to the world 10 days earlier
>that means the man took the credit of that woman's work

>woman made a song that no one gave a shit about
>man made cover of the song that got massvely popular
>that means the man took the credit of that woman's work

>woman made a board game that sold like shit
>man made a better version of the game that sold millions
>this is somehow the man's fault

who writes this shit

here, add whatever text you want to it.

Made this a few days ago

Alchemy is the direct precursor to modern science.

You should if you know history

Citacion plz

>Alchemy is the direct precursor to modern science.

Modern science had established itself by the 13th century, a full 200 or so years before the Neoplatonist revival that brought Alchemy into renaissance Europe, and even then it was used mostly for occult nonsense.


>that name
Bitch please.

It doesn't even rhyme unless you purposely mispronounce the words.

You aren't pronoucing loli right. It's lol-lee, not lol-li. Like in lolita, it's lol-lee-ta, not lol-li-ta.




Apparently we're both wrong, it's low-lee according to the internet, meaning it still doesn't rhyme with ravioli.

I'm still going to say lol-li

He needs to be legitimate about it

Not much good to take the moral high ground when it can all be dismissed because he pirated the thing

Woman produces images in research. Men view research without permission, publish its implications, fail to credit her. Woman gets to share Nobel prize because although she didn't understand her own research, it was still hers.

In Japanese, it's ロリ, that is to say "rori", which is to say LO-li.

How about their disdain for biology. Don't even get me started on their infiltration of formerly respected fields and how they turn them into "soft" sciences

That's actually not the case, Watson and Crick postulated that DNA formed a double helix but didn't have the evidence yet, then a college of Franklin's showed them her x ray diffraction images (without her permission) they then published a paper (that acknowledged Franklin's work) saying that there was now proof that DNA has a double helical structure.
The article omits some things, many of those women did get credit, just some not as much as their male counterparts, still credit though.

You don't know what you're talking about dude. She died four years before the men who used her research received the Nobel.

Shitposting like this wouldn't be possible with a woman.

it's as if they added that line just to make people even madder
o w8

No Lol-li would be ロつリ, Its supposed to be loli or ロリif you speak japabese you know I'm just being a smartass