Why does Sup Forums hate this film?

Why does Sup Forums hate this film?

>turned great idea into an action flick
i guess. I like it tho.

Because Sup Forums hates Ellen Page

>Why does Sup Forums hate this film?

Better question is why anons like yourself think Sup Forums is a hive mind?

Inception is pure KINO.

Nolan’s dark sentimentality may seem classical to naive filmwatchers. But the way his clichés manipulate viewers’ perception of the world and human behavior is merely timely, not profound. Like Grand Theft Auto’s quasi-cinematic extension of noir and action-flick plots, Inception manipulates the digital audience’s delectation for relentless subterfuge.

Inception should have been called Self-Deception.

It seems like every time this film is brought up you immediately have like 20 autists bashing the shit out of it though and I’ve never heard anything positive about it on here. So I’m just legitimately curious

it's pretty entertaining in my opinion

>It seems like every time this film is brought up you immediately have like 20 autists bashing the shit out of it

Because that's just a part of Sup Forums. Edgy kids who have to hate everything. But there are plenty of normal idiots like you and me posting too. You just have to look past the triggered kids.

Its boring and feels like they made it up as they went.

Since it a genuinely good movie that normal people can like (Hell, my mom who hates everything remotely science fiction loves all but the "James Bond" sequence at the end).

Since normal people like it, there will be some who will just bash it.

I unironically adore the film and think it one of the few kino films that hit the public nerve.

The only thing that I don't like is that every film since then wants to copy the Inception horn effect.

>Its boring and feels like they made it up as they went.

>Inception is pure KINO.
wew cringe

you know I'm right.

Because they wanna be contrarian. It's Kino.

I don't. I loved it.

I saw this in the theater and laughed at the end cause it is a movie for brainlets to think they saw something deep.
My gf turned towards me and we both said gaaaaaay, while we walked to the car.

>wew cringe
>>Edgy kids who have to hate everything.

Proving my point.

>The only thing that I don't like is that every film since then wants to copy the Inception horn effect
Fun fact, it was never in the movie, only the trailer.

Even Games do that shit too its so annoying
>Get to Main menu in vidya

you take a setting as limitless as dreams, and make it a chase movie set in the modern world. it exposes nolan for the shallow redditor he is. the movie is only deep enough to write a catchy title so plebs can upvote without having read the post and pat themselves on the back for being smart.

Trailers triggering now lol like what normal person cares if trailer uses it, none.

I bet you feel really smart for saying that.

The grounded nature of the film is a huge plus.

I dont know what you are trying to say. I was pointing out that sound osnt in the movie, just the trailer. Im guessing english isnt your first language.

>an action flick
This is the way to approach this movie. As an action blockbuster it is extremely high quality, tense well orchestrated action and novel concepts and ideas. If you approach this movie expecting to analyze something deep you will be left disappointed.

I know, I'm just expanding on it and I agree with you. No need to assume the worst ;) and English is my second language of 4.

Any OP that assumes entire boards hold the same opinion on a subject need to be autobanned.

That said, I never got the impression Sup Forums hated Inception. I personally hate it because it was overhyped trash that had all the components of a potentially groundbreaking heist film but it wound up being piddly schlock, with a cop-out ending that is downright insulting, the lead actor literally phoning it in, and a top-tier ensemble cast that is totally underutilized. It didn't help that Inception, like anything else Nolan did since his overrated capeshit, was hyped to the ends of the earth and the second you mentioned any flaw with Inception you got flooded with "2deep4u" pretentiousness.

>and I’ve never heard anything positive about it on here
Yeah because you're a literal newfag, fuck off.
>Since normal people like it, there will be some who will just bash it.
And then there is always this bullshit. There can be unique and legitimate criticisms to things even if they are generally popular or well-regarded, and dismissing them just as being "contrarian" on principle is dishonest as shit.
Even if you approach it as an action flick (since if you want to be accurate, Inception is a heist film), it still has most of the flaws that make me hate it; lead actor half-assing it, the top-tier ensemble cast being underused, a character being built up for a third of the movie than doing fuck all, and finishing off with an insulting ending. The pretentious themes and outside hype are just gravy.

That all being said, Inception isn't a horrible film, it has a lot of top-tier components, it's just the whole product fails to live up to the sum of it's components. Also on a personal level for me, I've used Inception as the condenser for all of my dislike that has accrued for Christopher Nolan himself. Inception was the last time I bought a cinema ticket.

>just as being "contrarian" on principle is dishonest as shit.
except that many of the people who hate things like inception genuinely are just like

>Oo look, a Nolandrone, I bet you think TDK is the best film ever.

Not say

>there too much james bond in the 3rd act

which I would disagree with, but I heard people have that gripe with it.

Maybe because those offhand dismissive comments are a response to bullshit offhand dismissive comments like "You just didn't get it" or "too deep for you?" Get bent hypocrite.

You sound contrarian to be contrarian . :^)

Nolan fans can be the biggest assholes. However when he avoids his normal shortfalls, (Inception was so well made it avoided it, Dunkirk just avoided unneeded dialog) his movies are quite good.

I will always have a softspot for Inception as

1. It is one of the few films in the last few years that was a original script that was a hit, and wasn't a reboot or sequel.

2. It won't spawn a sequel.