Jadotville (netshit flick)

Does this film just lionize the Irish U.N. enforcers or does it explore the fact that they were their to crush Katangan independence (a stable and prosperous region) and force them back under the shoddy rule of the communist infiltrated central Congolese government? Because thats what they were there for, to bully people who wanted to be left alone......

You can see the results of these evil intentions in the Congo to this day.

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I hope there's a bunch of FAL porn in it

from the bits i watched on youtube there is. Made me do some research and it turns out the U.N. were total fucking scumbags in this situation

It just lionises them, still makes the un look like shit though

Is it just bullshit propaganda with a bit of criticism for "authenticity" or more balanced?

Theres a reason people think the U.N is a joke.
Decent little movie, gave me sleight hints of Zulu, but only a little.

I don't know how accurate it is but it's solely about the soldiers trying to survive and how the UN willingly leaves them to die

>Butthurt Katangan separatist detected.

You are as bad as the catalans

Suck Lumumbas dick harder you pleb. Look at the state of his legacy. Katanga was prosperous and stable under a black government that utilized the skills of its white population to uplift the state. The Congo is a fucking basket case because of shitwits like you.

Heres the true story lads: youtube.com/watch?v=rvgBvwfW5Dw

Well fair enough. I suppose if the story is about the Irish at Jadotville then there probably isn't much room to explore the context. Still it made me interested enough to research and holy shit, what a disgusting situation.

>help white ppl ruined our separatist movement from a well stablished country.

Nigger of angsty sjw detected.

It wasn't really political from what I recall. It was more about soldiers surviving a bad situation, but I watched it awhile back though so it's been awhile.

>wah why don't people accept the bungling incompetance I attach myself too!? abloobloo!
Get fucking bent dude, nobody brought up identity politics into a decent indie gunporn flick until your nonsensical statist rant because some OP was wondering if the film was about the geopolitics of the scenario (which it really isn't, it's more survival story).

Katanga is and always will be legit clay from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Eat shit.

And now stand up for the anthem you separatist cuck.

And you're a globalist mulatto neo serf, so fucking what? Why is when a man like Tshombe or Ian Douglas Smith seeks to forge a prosperous future for all the people they are responsible for the U.N. (with serious communist influence) comes in and wrecks up the place?

Your reward for you shilling and your bating here is the life of a slave who doesn't even know his master. You will die an old used up non-functioning economic unit, abandoned in a commercial care home by any spawn you may have while they seek to eke out a modicum of economic success in the shitty system you now shill for. Your immigrant nurses will abuse you and pick your pockets as you gracelessly expire. Don't call it oppression, its the future you chose.

Like your state could hold onto any clay anywhere. You can't even pave roads without the Chinese. We've all seen Empire of Dust, things could have different you know, you could have prospered

I didn`t know there were so many butthurt Katangese here. You are and always will be part of Congo, whether you like it or not.
Go back to dance in the street.

>t they were their to crush Katangan independence (a stable and prosperous region)

Yeah, I can see in the pics. Verily a futuristic utopia.

Thats because the U.N. came in and forced them aback under the rule of Lumumba and his useless fucking cronies. Their standards of living were higher than most of the rest of africa until then. Holding up a modern picture just proves my point further you retard

Again, Holding up modern pictures of Lumumbas legacy AFTER he crushed the Katangans (only with U.N. troops though, his army was useless) Only proves my point further. Are all Congolese this fucking brainwashed by soviet propaganda?

But the UN later changed the side and started supporting Katanga.

he was in power less than a year before he was exiled by his communist infiltrated government. By that point all his succeses in Katanga province had been wiped out by U.N. military attacks. The U.N troops actually machine gunned clearly marked red cross ambulances. Its in the documentary linked in this post

t. butthurt nigger that 155 white men killed 300 africans and injured 1000 of a 5000 strong force without loosing ONE man themselves

I found it to be a pretty boring movie as it's just niggers frontal charging a trench for two hours. Maybe that's how it really happened, but it's not as dramatic when the bad guys were so incompetent. Even the niggers in Zulu flanked.

I hope it will be FAL kino

And you're a butthurt Papist Teague that "highly trained" Irish troops got defeated and captured by Africans so badly that your government refused to acknowledge it even happened for the next 50 years. Absolutely pathetic Paddy, you got whipped by Africans. No fatalities sure, but 158 prisoners who had to be bartered for release. Absolutely pathetic. Fucking useless bogtrotter....

>Thats because the U.N. came in and forced them aback under the rule of Lumumba and his useless fucking cronies. Their standards of living were higher than most of the rest of africa until then. Holding up a modern picture just proves my point further you retard
You just proved my point. Separatists like the catalans.

What is your point? That they were right or succeed or wrong?

This movie needed gore. Prove me wrong.


they willingly surrendered only after running out of ammo but ok monkey

Even if they were fighting for the wrong side, they still fought well and the movie has great combat scenes. You gotta give credit where credit is due

Also there was a thread earlier about an old documentary about mercenaries crushing the Katangan independence. Was it you, OP who made the thread?

I'm a white blue eyed Brition you fucking potato nigger. Unlike you we could beat the blacks in combat. adding the prefix "willingly" before mentioning you surrendered just makes you out to be the filthy papist cowards you really are. You also neglect to mention that 500 Irish U.N. troops tried to battle their way to the relief of Jadotville and were repulsed by (mostly anglo) mercenaries. Running out of ammo isn't an excuse, it just proves your logistics were as shite as every other aspect of your army. Only good for murdering volunteer female ambulance drivers. Fucking paddy pussies, google what the Rhodesians got up to so you can learn what war looks like

It was indeed. The mercenaries were fighting FOR the Katangans though. The 1960's in Africa are a really fertile ground for Merckino

>yfw former Executive Outcomes mercenaries got hired to train the nigerian army/fight Boko Haram

Glad someone else knows whats up, all the Nigerian army did was get caught on camera executing civilians in the street after the battle was over. The Great White Tribe is literally the finest fighting force on the whole continent.

Here's Mad Mike Hoare, the most famous merc of the era: youtube.com/watch?v=fqOiNJRcqkA

They are in every situation, they're like the league of nation on steroids and see it as their mission to enact jewish world supremacy on a global scale

The UN is literally filled with war criminals, rapists, drug and human traffickers, basically glorified paid thugs protected by the perceived sanctity of the organization, this isn't even obscure information or conspiracy theories you can just google examples of all these things.

The head merc was the best character and saved the movie. So far it's the closest we've gotten to a Rafal Ganowicz biopic.

It's a decent war flick, it doesn't really go into any political or existential stuff.

After reading about Katanga and Rhodesia this is becoming very clear. Christ the whole post war order is built on bullshit and lies

This guy really knows about the african mindset

He's well worth reading into if you don't already know him. Spent a long time fighting among the africans and in yemen too i believe. One of those characters from reality that make fiction look pale in comparison

The film criticizes the UN while praising the Irish soldiers.

Ahahahaaha! Yeah im sure we could learn tips in how to fight you, faggot. I mean, we won our independence from you at the absolute height of power of the British Empire, the strongest Empire on Earth. Fucking India, a nation of 400 million people (at the time) on the far side of the planet failed twice but we, a nation of "papist cowards", located 50 miles away, beat you out of our homeland using farm tools and service rifles we kept from the Boer Wars. "but muh civilians in Northern Ireland", no where near as horrific or cowardly as letting a million of our women and children die of famine, but you'd no problem letting us lay down our lives in Flanders and Gallipoli! Don't talk about cowardice you fucking fat pom. The absolute state of your country lad.

Jej did i have this same argument with you last night? Your country is a backwater shithole in which the whole country looks like the worst examples of a british slum, your President IS an Indian and within the last 10 years you had to come begging us for a loan because you're so corrupt and useless you went bankrupt in the crash. The one time you sent your army abroad to fight you got BTFO'd so badly by africans that you actually banned all mention of it for the last 50 years. We might have lost an empire but you never had one and had Britain actually decided to bring the full weight of its army to bear on you you would have collapsed in five seconds flat, we didn't because you weren't profitable. As for letting your people starve; you hate us, you make it very clear so why not let you fuckers starve because you practice monoculture instead of diversifying like sensible people would. Ireland is pathetic! We could enter a dribbling retard at eurovision and you'd still have to give us points because you NEED our goodwill. Go get molested by a priest while your whore mother is enslaved in a Magdalene laundry you shamrock sporting, pope fellating, wode daubed bogtrotting teague savage. Go ahead, call the PIRA, see if i give a fuck.....lad.

Oh and porter (thats Guinness you uneducated mick fuck) was invented in London, can you potato niggers not do anything for yourselves?

its UN propaganda trash

Its bullshit Propaganda with the Belgians characterized as le ebil nazi caricatures

>UN propaganda
But it accurately depicts the UN as the shitty ineffectual corrupt organization it is though?

Belgians where evil nazis in kongo...

ywn have your own private Congolese mercenary army

Shit gun

>muh semi-automatic precision

Infantry's main role should be to maximise and converge suppressive fire to force an enemy withdrawal, not take Potshots.

It's why the MG42 was the best weapon ever invented; a solid accompaniment to the Kar98k, a precise but outdated marksman's rifle. Only the anerimutt retard armchair generals attach any relevancy to the StG44

Does it have lots of Based Irish Cath'lics BTFOing the shit out of perfidious Anglo-Rhodesian mercenary mutts?

I watch it only for the 'stache

Dude was based on Roger Faulques. He led a pretty baller life.

You get to see based irish soldiers killing french paras and african infantry. Is great.

yes but it ignores the 500 Irish troops who tried to relive Jadotville and got BTFO'd by anglo Rhodesian mutts

I wont be in complete denial, you've said some valid points alright, But your some clown if you actually believe the U.K hasn't gone to the dogs too like. Our half Indian taoiseach?Your one to talk, look at the state of England man. At least I'll die in the knowledge that my great-grandchildren will inherit my skin colour and blue eyes, and wont pray to Mecca five times a day (nah only joking, that probably wont happen to yous desu). It just honestly fucking annoys me that loads of yous have a problem with us, considering there's way bigger enemies you'd think you'd have put your differences to one side. The only reason we hated you in the past was because you stole our fucking country, that all ended a 100 years ago lad. Have you ever been in Ireland? The Irish people vilify the IRA, despite the odd jokes we might make. A small group scumbags who blew up our own civilians and servicemen don't represent the views of 4 million people. Get over yourself like. As for the boys at Jadotville, they were soldiers, they did what they were told until they ran out of ammo and supplies and surrendered to French and Congolese mercs. Don't harp on about "hurr they surrendered like faggots", yeah man, you surrendered Singapore in WW2 instead of trying to defend the invaluable colony, that doesn't mean the entirety of British military history is dog shit. I have great admiration for loads of British military feats. Credit where credit is due like. We don't hate the English, the Rising was a long time ago man, there's no need to hold grudges.

Thanks user, that was a great read

Man we're all bullshitters here. Give me an Irishman any day over the muck they're filling this country with. I don't bear you any more ill will than goes into the average shitpost on here. Weird as fuck on this board tonight, i've reconciled with everyone i've shitposted at and been shitposted by. Think it that WW1 thread putting things into perspective. I watched Jadotville and I liked it, the poor bastards really couldn't have done more than they did and they were brave no doubt.

Too true man, im more or less only a lurker but I felt compelled to post there. Well resolved anyway, like a true gent. (and Id take an Englishman over Varadkar any day haha).

Its nice of you to say so. There is trouble in paradise no doubt, but we've all prevailed through worse, and we'll all prevail through this too.

well said boyo.