Whats the edgiest comic you've ever read?

Edgiest I've ever read is Preacher, but its not really edgy at all (by todays standards)

Is this series any good?


it sucks

edgiest I ever read is anything by Verotik

I'm tempted to not say Crossed because I don't believe for a second it's written seriously.

It's not just one series. I suppose you could start with the original Ennis series for setting familiarity, bad physics and horsecock. After that I can really only recommend Spurrier's web comic and Moore's +100... I'm sure there's more good stuff but most of Crossed is bad to shit.

Here's the rec list




Some People here Say that Bleedman is Edgy, but heck it's fun
And it gives you those moments of "oh shit i remember that show"

when I was a kid I read this comic my brother had, about soldiers in Vietnam fighting demon monsters or some shit, had a ton of blood and gore, wish I could find it and read it today.

Why does the gore feels so unatural and bad?

Specifically, the Screaming Barrel.

this comic is very self-aware
it knows exactly how silly and over the top it is

This is so out-of-character for the sake of being edgy it hurts

What about cliff?

Exactly the point im making
Might story time it tomorrow

Hooooly fuck I remember this. Been a while.

Honest question, is HIM the biological father of the little kid?

crossed isnt even edgy it's just your average tumblr comic

Wich kid?
The one in the wheel chair or the Daughter of aku?

because flesh doesn't just unglue from the body like it's made of post it notes

also no cartilage or ligaments anywhere, those things are TOUGH.

Probably in No Hero where the guy got castrated and lost all his skin when getting his powers, then pulled out another guys spine in one motion, then wrapped the tendons around his waist to use the guys spine as a surrogate dick.

So edgy it caused his wife to leave him

I think Nemesis pretty edgy. Maybe not in the same way Crossed is, but it is still fairly stupid like womb bombs and such.

>That filename
Muh Battle Brotha

Bomb Queen

You faggots have no idea what edgy is

Lamest part was they never showed us the conception.

>Crossed is SJW-positive

What a joke. We might write comics about psychotic incestuous rape cannibals with absurd gore and nudity, how humanity is shit, and trying to out edge the edgeist of edgemeisters, but good Lord above, lets not touch something icky and toxic like bigotry.

>Mandy did 9/11
Ooooh fuck it's coming back to me, god I remember this.
Even back when I was a kid and I had no standards for anything I thought this was shit.

Please do.

I actually liked that comic. It was the 90s in a nut shell.


I want the life I had before clicking on this thread back.

Oh you sweet Summer child it's lost now and forever
It's ours now
And boy it's edgy to no end
From the begining or just the Whtm part?

If you had a life you wouldn't be here. All we did was open your eyes.

Kick Ass or Spawn

I've always wanted to make something as edgy as Requiem mixed with late 80s and 90s hyperviolent cyberpunk anime, but I'm way too lazy. Those comics only work if you put a lot of detail and effort in your art.

>Is this series any good?- 36 posts and 15 image replies shown.

In all honesty, the original Crossed was a perfectly serviceable zombie story. It hit all the right beats, and it did them competently. It just happened to have a layer of silly taped over it that never really contributed to the story or themes. It reads like someone trying to make a point but getting lost in simply telling a pretty normal story.

The derivative works chose to really run with that silly tape, and they suffer for it.

looks metal as fuck, that cheesey old metal ya can't hate

Granted I can't speak for all of the Crossed series (most of Badlands, +100), but I have read enough of the series to say "no".
The problem with Crossed is that it lacks any substance. It's not funny, scary, or intelligent. It's just torture porn with a forced "man's inhumanity to man"/"we're the monsters, it's us" moral that's beaten over your head like a sledgehammer. Some stories are less preachy, some are more preachy, but from my experience it's just The Walking Dead with no characterization and more skull-fucking.
And edgiest comic goes out to Electric Retard for me.

>xause cause his wife to leave him

guess he's gonna be doing a lot more edging on his own then.

Why does it seem like Bleedman is always phoning it in when he draws adult women?

He's not intrerested in Adult Women user, it is no secret

that looks surprisingly good coming from him.

This is edgy in a good way

It has some amazing out of context panels, tho.

I watched the movie then read the comic for Kick Ass. It just has no redeeming qualities, its just mean spirited and you get nothing out of it.

there's a mix of great and shit, like equally so oddly enough

: 3

The manga Dorohedoro but it's not serious so it probably doesn't count.

I'd almost argue that deliberate over-the-top edge isn't really edgy, because the edge is dulled when the work doesn't expect you to take it seriously.

Not to say that self-parody can't still be edgy, but I think to really sell edginess, you have to play it straight. You have to know that the work considers itself completely serious and, more to the point, expects the viewer to view it completely seriously as well.

In fact, you could say that the most transgressive act of all is to be straight edge.

If my husband wrote such lazy, predictable, poorly constructed doggerel and considered it publishable, I'd leave him too.

crossed is basicaly a low quality attempt to mess with every censorship law ever symultaneously

>she'll never have children
Bullshit, just get a loan mother. Take her DNA, there you go. Jesus, how can people be so ignorant of modern science?

hellblazer #100 was rather edgy.
Granted I am biased against it because I hated that they tried to mess with his past with his father and shit.

Is that The Scotsman?