What should we be watching instead?

What should we be watching instead?

You shouldn't watch anything "instead".

You should watch things IN ADDITION to rick and morty

Was the episode really that bad, besides Beth being a shitcunt as usual?

an actual animorphs cartoon

Anime. Western animation is a lost cause.

Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light.
I heard there's going to be a movie reboot soon.

As if moe blobs and flavor of the season waifu faggotry is any better


>Sup Forums keeps talking about there not being any good cartoons
>all episodes of Lastman available with subs, currently posted on the MEGA thread
>any threads about the show get less than 100 posts

Why aren't you giving it a try?

Stop shilling shitman.

premise doesn't sound like its up my alley, and nobody ever posts anything to suggest otherwise.
you wanna get people interested you gotta hook them, not just post the boxart showcasing a bunch of normal looking humans


Rick loves his family, lol

steven universe

Nah, that kind of shit won't last, man.

Take your puns and get the fuck outta here

I got puns all night you boner

Why should I give attention to a non american cartoon? Fuck off.

Hanging instruction videos, every night all night for 20 straight days.

The action scenes were boring and the serious scenes felt out of place.

So yeah, 3/10 episode

The writing is pretty hackey in that episode but the episode still manages to be okay when it focuses on Rick, like usual.
The therapist part was just terrible, the show basically reiterated all the faults the characters have, what it had already shown you over the previous episodes and just laid it out bare, kind of like explaining the joke, through the therapist, who some have claimed is a self insert, sheesh.
Have no idea why they thought that was a good idea.

Watch whatever the fuck you want to watch. Quit letting Sup Forums dictate your life choices for you.

glorious pseudo-anime from based France

Viva la France

wtf is that? Looks like shit

You should be strangling yourself, trip faggot.

Enjoy your lolrandom calarts flash shit then.

>Western animation is a lost cause.

What about just watching live action?

shut the fuck up dumbass

Wakfu. It's really good if you don't see the english sub

I-I just thought with both anime and cartoons being bad m-maybe live action shows might be worth watching.

I don't like anime

I remember I watched this some years ago. I loved the thicc elf that was with the green haired girl and like the chronomage design.
Why the warrior is now black? Wasnt he killed by some big laser robot in the last chapter? Where is the elf?

goddamn Dinotrux.

The animation looked pretty decent, but the lack of jokes and the clearly stating the obvious about the characters for the 100th time are really what made the episode mediocre. Easily this season's Get Schwifty.

>Western animation is a lost cause.
I was going to disagree then I realized Reddit and Memey is the top adult cartoon, Teen Titans God No is top kids cartoon and we allowed Emoji movie to exists
can only go down hill from here

Watch what you want. Nobody actually cares. Just don't pollute chinese slideshow forums with your shit and I can guarantee nobody will ever be bothered by what you watch.

This bull is why the series is going to go under. Political correctness gone awry. This will happen to every even slightly "edgy " series be warned.

Profit margins will always override creativity and actual free speech. We are barelling full speed towards a world where the professionally offended brigade have a say in entertainment, politics and creativity.

Tldr faggots

Jesus what a smooth transformation.

>like its up my alley

*like it's up my alley

Watching tv once every 5 years sounds fun.

Star Vs. Forces of evil. Everything else is over or equally shit.


Mike Tyson Mysteries and Venture Bros

You cast upon me a ponderous adventure trail I need to hike but i didn't pack enough water. Only you have enough for the trip and you're too lazy to share you jerk. Think about that Telemundo


Needs coconut


>As if moe blobs and flavor of the season waifu faggotry is any better
>Implying that every single anime is like that
Why does Sup Forums likes to cherrypick the worst part to generalize? Anime is indeed more popular then western cartoons nowadays, you like it or not. There's no denying it, no matter how much time you waste seething weeaboos in every corner of the internet.

Over in /m/, we're doing a 'Watch an episode of Ideon every day' thing.

We've just started. Care to join in?

Nope i definitely shouldn't

Actually, I think it would probably be for the best. It would stop your consumption of resources, create the most happiness and give you some peace.


>Watching tv once every 5 years sounds fun.
Oh yes it is. Avoid 5 years of bullshit, then binge stream it on the internets on the weekend.

Frees up a lot of time to do other stuff like, make money, masturbate, and make food.


This is unironically true.