Black Panther Discussion Thread

Really Sup Forums? The movie has been out for 18 hours now and not a single non-troll discussion thread from the people that watched it?

How do you feel about Killmonger dying as a martyr?

Sup Forums doesn't watch movies.

What the fuck is wrong with the color of your skin?


He's African-American British.

How political is it? Like am I going to be rolling my eyes at Trump references?

This board is an american board for trolling only.
The shitposting will continue until it's released in the states. After which the shitposting will intensify.

thought it was a penis

Someone cock tribute this receipt

That says something about you

Obviously politics couldn't be avoided, but it definitely was not heavyhanded with it. There were a few mentions about slavery, about blacks having a terrible life, etc. but I was expecting it to be a lot fucking worse.

Luke Cage was more political and obnoxious about all this in my opinion, Black Panther is far more about Wakanda, and Wakandan problems like disgusting refugees and all their neighbours asking for handouts.

However there is a humorous line about 'white bois' that you may or may not dislike.

issa masterpiece

best marvel movie since winter soldier

even got some white girl's number on the way out


Who would win, Luke Cage, Black Panther or Black Dynamite? My money's on Black Dynamite.

< this has been up for 7 minutes you absolute faggot

It's an average marvel movie that gets some plus points for being a rare depiction of afro-futurism and actually having a good score. Talking about the afrobeats of course, not the rap.

It's better than gutter garbage like Homecoming or Guardians of the Galaxy 2. It's more interesting and varied than Doctor Strange or Ant-Man. But it's not as good as Iron Man 1 or the Winter Soldier. But this is the second time marvel has managed to produce a likeable villain after Vulture.

I'm sorry I didn't post in your thread m8, agree with everything you said though. The film felt way too plastic. It didn't feel like any part of the film was actually set in a real location. Even the korea shit.

Here is a summary and no I will not use black text:
Movie is about Tchalla about to become king of wakanda, first he must fight Mbaku the ApeMan to prove he is worth of the title, he wins and becomes king.
Klaw is running some vibranium scam on south korea, and we see bilbo´s character as a cia agent trying to stop him, eventually Tchalla helps and captures Klaw.
Killmonger is a literal cartoon of the Anti-Fa/BLM dumb liberal americans (So expect plenty of people go out of the theater saying shit like ¨I totally agree with the bad guy!¨). He wants to be kang of wakanda despite being an American,all because he believes american niggers are still being oppresed.
He frees Klaw and gets the Golden Jaguar suit to fight Tchalla, and reveals he is his half brother.
Tchalla loses and aparently dies, eventually he talks to Mbaku to help him out agaisnt Killmonger.
Tchalla and Killmonger fight cause Killmonger wants to destroy the white men because oppression and shiet, Tchalla gives zero fucks because he is not a liberal faggot.
Killmonger dies as a symbol for the leftards, Tchalla becomes Kang again an the movie ends with Bucky bleaching Tchalla´s kid sister (shitstorm will be hilarious).

What's in it for me?

How does Killmonger die exactly? I keep seeing people leave this out.

He's 56% white

>He wants to be kang of wakanda despite being an American,all because he believes american niggers are still being oppresed.
>Tchalla and Killmonger fight cause Killmonger wants to destroy the white men because oppression and shiet
How did you miss the point of one character this much? Also they're cousins, not brothers.

Stabbed in the chest during the final battle in the heart of the mountain. T'Challa gives him the option to live but he chooses to die.

third degree burns is the only explanation

>mfw black people actually think they were egyptian kangz

>How did you miss the point of one character this much?
what is the point of the character then other than being an angry BLM extremist?

Captain America beats him to death with an iron chain.

the egyptian people were never black, however there were a minority of black people in egypt and even a brief black dynasty (nubians) so they was kangs for a bit. not west africans like most african americans so its like finns saying we wuz conquistadores or vietnamese saying we wuz samurai

A slighted child that was robbed of his childhood?
A psycho with a bridge to burn?
A man that wanted a new family to replace what he lost?

Yeah, the guy had black panther (group) posters in his house and definitely nurtured his racism but there was a little bit more than just a BLM caricature. His father was robbed from him by a man and a country that arguably gives no shits. T'Challa was literally about to lie to his countrymen to allow Killmonger to be arrested for the crime of simply living and killing a man that he himself let escape. It's a story of revenge, almost point-for-point with Loki's. Race was an excuse. He would've killed all colours after becoming king.

before moking meme about wewuz which based on several photos and twitter words u should take a look on race theories which were written by whites where they claim that almost everything including japan/chinese civilization of the past was created by whites (and ofc all midle east civilizations) different story about proto super indo european civilizations which had suprerior technologies and live in atlantis

The whole plot is literally "We gotta get back whitey for making us slaves"

It's like somalis saying they were the founding fathers of america because there were some black slaves over there too.

>nigger argumentations
Come on now. You can't even make a coherent retort beyond a non-sequitur

yes but whites say "wewuz sumurai" watch gobineau`s book. he writes that japs (their aristocracy) actually white
and also he says that mongol empire existed because there were suprerior whites among stupid mongols

I'm asexual and also saw it as a penis

>little bit more than just a BLM caricature
He was the textbook definition of a BLM lunatic m8, dont try to sugar coat it.
>Race was an excuse. He would've killed all colours after becoming king.
Just like any BLM extremist, they just use the race card to play their dumb terrorist agenda.
>T'Challa was literally about to lie to his countrymen to allow Killmonger to be arrested for the crime of simply living and killing a man that he himself let escape.
Yeah cause lets just spare the terrorist psychopath´s life right? Tchalla is not that dumb, he wont risk an entire country for a WE WUZ KANGS N SHIEET asshole.

And how many whites believe that compared to blacks who believe they wuz kangz?

but im russian.
all meme "wewuz "based on several twitter post but wewuz white tier it is absolutly serious literature i readed it and i know what im talking about.
there were literaly not a single one civilization/ ancient country which was not claimed by whites as their creation including ancient egypt and some say that vikings helped to create civilizations of america before columbus

Because he's a butthurt Sup Forumsfag

>whites believe that compared to blacks who believe they wuz kang
most of white supremacists belive that.

oh w8 did i told u that whites claimed that jesus chirst was also actually ARYAN? Houston chamberlain says that and this is not some random twitter post by random guy those are respectul people among race theorists which created basis in all racism

during third reich some claimed that jesus was actually son of roman solider therfore he was aryan

because nobody cares about that here in europe fucking mutt back to nu-Sup Forums

>disgusted shriveled up nigger finger
bet it smells horrible too

>watched like 20mins of the cam version
>it is as serious and terrible as the trailers make it out to be

lol wow

Whites (Victorian orientalists) invented the kangs idea in the olden days by pretending that the rulers of the old and new kingdoms were lilly white northern Europeans somehow. Black nationalists just twisted it around while building the idea of 'black' in the 70s. People have been trying to claim just about every ancient civilisation as their own for literally thousands of years.

Some of my friends have seen it and say it is probably the second or third best super hero film of the last few years. But, that the action sequences are somewhat of a let down compared to the other stuff.

What did you think OP.

>tanned European

Why does your thumb look like a dick?

>watching a shit movie about literal niggers
no thanks

>reveals he is his half brother.

>Bucky bleaching Tchalla´s kid sister

Stop trolling.

Or read articles just screenshots of titles that trigger Sup Forums, or watch reviews.

most of Sup Forums are losers who don't have friends to go to the cinema with, wait til the rip comes out and there will be a ton of threads

jesus I never knew how disgusting is a nigger finger up close

not a black cock and just a thumb? thumbnail fooled me again

You clever bastard

It was good.


whats a nubian?

>First day
Is that the exclusive tax funded showing for "Asians"?

>and Wakandan problems like disgusting refugees and all their neighbours asking for handouts.

That made me smile.


Every fucking time

Everything I've read in this thread pretty much confirms the predictions:

Bog-standard capeshit with lackluster CGI hyped into a "cultural event" by Disney. So glad I won't be missing out by boycotting it. And just to clarify, I'm boycotting Disney over the Star Wars fiasco, as well as botching Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and Thor.

They've just lost my business for the foreseeable future, and having now skipped out on their last three theater "events," I'm feeling none the worse for my decision.

The Chinese are equally as bad. They claim that they invented almost everything. As a chinese-American I know that this is false

>as well as botching Doctor Strange

IKTF. I am still butthurt about that.

we sure have a lot of shills around

Exactly what reaction do you expect? The entire premise is "We Wuz Kangs!" If I want to see guilt tripping and race pimping, I'll go read any mainstream news article.

>He frees Klaw and gets the Golden Jaguar suit to fight Tchalla, and reveals he is his half brother.
>Golden Jaguar
We wuz Mesoamericanz?

a child born out of wedlock at a time rape babies weren't as accepted, he could have been the son of a roman

seethe whole WE WUZ premise comes from the bad guy, a literal murderous BLM libtard, which ironically the audience is playing as a martyr, Tchalla is pretty based desu,Killmonger is the personification of the whole WE WUZ movement and the dumb believe that american niggers are still oppresed beings

This is a bit of a ramble but here it goes.

My main gripe with the film: (very mild spoilers in this bit, just talking about the tech of Wakanda)
-Overall the deployment of the tech and the path on the "tech-tree" they've progressed on seem very strange. War rhinos fighting alongside VTOL's that fire projectiles? wat?
-It's suggested that they had cloaking-tech for their whole country before colonists explored their territory so that surely puts them a few hundred years ahead. And still no autonomous cars/planes. This one particularly irks me because I think the time is coming quickly when autonomous vehicles will be so common-place that a lot of sci-fi films are going to look real dumb.

Here are some quick notes I took an hour or so after seeing it. (I've fleshed them out a bit and they're mostly gripes and a lot more spoiler-y than above)
-Scene with sister showing off tech seemed like Desmond Llewelyn's Q from 007.
-Start of casino scene seemed straight out of Mission Impossible.
-Never really cared about Forest Whitaker's character so when he died the dramatic music seemed a bit off to me.
-The Vibranium Mine setting for the final fight scene was a nice choice. I didn't watch the trailer and never really thought about it beforehand so it seemed cool and unexpected to me.
-Too America-centric for my taste. At the end they seem to be sending their main representatives to focus on developing predominantly african-american communities that are struggling. While I'm of the opinion that there are problems to be fixed in those places, surely the issues of modern-day africa would be closer to home and far more severe.
-Marvel-y "please clap" humor - The only genuine chuckle I had was the sister flipping off T'Challa at the start.
-At the end, when unveiling their tech, how on earth did they get that big of an audience at the UN if they're perceived as nobodies.

-After the purple stuff was burned are we to assume that T'Challa's kid will just be f'd when he comes to power?
-Daniel Kaluuya's accent occasionally drifted.
-Wanted to see more cross-tribal differences. My favourite setting was the 5th tribe in the mountain and I liked their alternate aesthetic.

Finally on the political/racial stuff:
-While unlikely, the idea of a highly advanced civilisation staying within its borders doesn't seem impossible to me, especially if their tech is so advanced that it can keep them comfortable by building up instead of out.
-A lot of opinions/facts about the past and its rippling effects are tossed about that, while valid, are uncomfortable and either difficult or impossible to fix. Most of these, however, were only voiced as damning indictments by the antagonist and while T'Challa acknowledges them he seemed to hold the opinion that it sucks but you can't really hold the inheritors of the benefits to account either and that morally the best option is just to go about helping those that you can and hope that those inheritors do the same.
-In fact I enjoy that they seem to point out that the Wakandan people themselves have inherited their a great wealth and knowledge that has been sequestered away from others and in the end decide that its distribution is of great enough importance to go public with the vibranium source.

Don't expect anyone to read this but I enjoy writing my own opinions down before reading/watching other reviews.

Why do niggers always want gibs?

>The whole plot is literally "We gotta get back whitey for making us slaves"
I think you mean
The villain's whole plot is literally "We gotta get back whitey for making us slaves"
imo T'Challa is pretty level-headed about the situation


nice try, but I'm not falling for that holding something with your big toe trick again like that mad max meme

Russians were actually originally white though.

>plotting points underneath the curve
american """intellectuals"""

25% is nothing though for a big corporation like Disney, they can easily afford to share 15% with the black community. 5% percent will go a long way in the community.

I'm sure it'll go a long way buying crack and KFC

did you color your skin

I just got back from seeing it. I'm 30 years old and in all my life I have never seen anyone clap at the cinema, but when this ended people stood up and applauded. I thought that was an americlap thing but aparantly we are doing it in UK now. Great

The film itself was actually decent, one of the better Marvel films. Andy Serkis was fantastic in every scene, acting in general was good, music was good, story felt neat and self contained and did a good job of introducting the character and back story. CGI was awful at times. I counted about 6-7 jabs at white people during the film, as if the characters had been getting their history and politics from CNN. I guess the main bad guy was American so it's believable that he did

I haven't had time to watch it yet, even though I want to. I'm a little concerned about the CGI fight scenes, though....

how can showcase cinemas keep getting away with it

The left loves blaming the Russians for everything just like how the right blames the Jews.

>I want to
Why? Why do you want to watch yet another Hollywood flick?

Where in the UK? I'll need to start making a blacklist of towns not to go to.

I read it and thanks for the info

I read it. I'm done with capeshit, but I'll probably get it on redbox.

Afro-centrism should really be renamed Afro-Amerocentrism. The whole continent of Africa is completely marred by poverty and injustices of all kinds and yet they focus on African American neighbourhoods in LA. Ridiculous.

post the video game fight

no pls dnt



>mad as fuck

literally /ourmovie/

Why yo finger look like a cooked snag brah?

You are a breath of fresh air. You don't know how many Chinese I've encountered who believe that shit.

>hero concedes that the villain had a point in the end

Sup Forums can chimp out all they want, this is different from all the marvel movies


ROFL. "Sure he said crackas need to die and that he needs to gain enough socio-political power so he can kill all white people, but there was nuance to the character like when he slipped and scraped his knee as a child."

I'm not a nigger why woukd I watch it?

Does anyone know if the Wankandans have the final Infinity Gem? Is it shown in the movie?

No, they don't.