Is it worth watching if I already know they don't catch him?


yeah boiiiiii

Yes. David Fincher is that good.

Watched it recently, great film. Pretty kino in some parts.

>fincher movie
>distractingly bad cgi for no reason

youre such a huge fucking pleb oh my god

wut? lol

t. pleb

I can’t recommend the movie enough. Just like how The Social Network was less about Facebook and more about Zuck’s social network breaking down, this movie is less about the Zodiac killer and more about the obsession of people closely following the case.

Yes. The whole point of the movie is that they don't catch him and how the obsession with catching him undoes three men.

You fucking fag, use the spoilers next time

yes. its fincher best work.

and that's why these are the best fincher movies

Sounds good. I'll give it a watch then.

Watching in [current year] has one funny quirk. You get to the emotional finale of the movie and then Liam McPoyle shows up.

>implying we don't know who it was


I think we can all agree the Zodiac wasn't just one person, but one person taking credit for the murders of 2-3 different killers.

Movies are all about the plot. If you know what happens, pass.

>i watch movies for the story

>i care too much about what other people do

Gyllenhaal's hair is animated because he contracted leukemia, did you seriously not notice?

I.... don't believe you.

Liar. Fuck cats and fuck you.

FFS OP spoilers


I would bitch-slap that cat in the face.

Look at him, so smug

He won't be smug once I'm finished with it.

that lake stabbing scene is unironcally the most gruesome murder scene in the kino i watched. I mean there's the over the top torture porn like saw but that's mostly entertaining in a strange way.

Enjoyable film, Gyllenhaal and Ruffalo were bretty gud in it.

tfw i can't type

>threatening cats because [reasons]

Better use of Hurdy Gurdy man than Britannia at least

it's good just too long.

They should do one on the Golden State Killer.

honestly reddit: the serial killer

It's not long enough imo. I wish this was a 10-part miniseries.

Do we have a problem here, Do I need to take my jacket off user


The poster for this looks like a naked female body dripping blood from her boobies

>contracted leukemia

>Netflix generation the post