Bjorn saved my life

Bjorn saved my life

Best support character in this dreadful season desu

There's only one Bjorn, user.

>literally betray your brother because some random guy saved your life once

This show is treading on TWD levels of shittiness after youknowwho died

To be fair, they did portray him as conflicted, specially in his final moments, but still didn't make this any less stupid

fley ok fagrar árar
fara á brott með víkingum

I have that beard and that haircut.

What's his endgame?

never watched this, but did snow niggers actually wear their hair like this? they look like your average hipster

>most autistic viking


dying in bed at the age of 90

I'm 1 episode into season 4 and it's starting to get unbearable. Is it worth finishing the season? I just want to see Ragnar get thrown into a pit of snakes already.

You could almost say he was Bjorn again


daily reminder rollo did literally nothing wrong

Season 4A is the worst of all if you manage to get through it you will manage to get through 4B and the clusterfuck that was mid sason 5A

>starts off as literally who
>ends up becoming /ourguy/
how did he do it bros

It was pretty fucking stupid when me massacred the camp of vikings, it would have made more sense if he paid them off with farmland in Normandy thus fulfilling the history of Normans as Viking rapebabies.

But I mean is it even worth it or should I just cut my losses with having seen the siege of Paris?

He's responsible for the first king of england.

>Normans as Viking rapebabies.
marrying someone of a different culture isn't rape.

I really really don't want based Floki to die in this season's second half bros

Normans weren't viking rape babies, they took French wives forcefully but were otherwise settlers. The new French king tried to kill all the Normans after the old king died, and the Normans BTFO the French because they were still vikings at the time.

>third wheel
>dumber than any of his bros
>acts on a whim like a retard
>starts spazzing and shaking when he's happy
If he weren't a good fighter, he'd be a 100% Sup Forums.

I want to know if they're going to keep going with the show because it's eventually going to overlap with The Last Kingdom's timeline. It would probably be for the better, considering The Last Kingdom is boring as fuck.

Well if you want to see Ragnar thrown into a pit of snakes i suggest you watch the whole season 4 then you can decide if you want to continue.Imo the show only gets worse after his death.

Why do they always wear leather armor when actual Danish raiders wore chainmail and full helmets? Has there been a single viking on this show wearing real viking armor?


They want the skyrim audience

There are 30 more episodes on confirmation. Might have another season with 10-20 more episodes, but I really hope they don't do that because the show has been showing its age for a while.
Better they'd rush through Alfred's taking back the future English caliphate and the series could end in a badass death of an older Ivar's and the last scene being Bjorn telling all the Viking stories to his young grandkids by duskfire in the woods.

*blocks your path*

They don't really have the budget required to tell some of the bigger stories. It would have to end at some point with the Danelaw coming into existence, and there's just about a thousand battles they'd have to show.

Future King of The Normans, ROLLO

Like they hadn't skipped through bullshit before.
I'm pretty certain they'll show Alfred mowing through Vikings and taking his shit back, but that'd be about it.

Christianization of Scandinavia.

Harald will convert, mark my words.

The show was horrible since the beginning which I constantly said. "NO IT'S FUN NO IT'S GOOD"

You're all disgusting plebeians.