Fun fact: In the books there was a dragon under Winterfell. In fact...

Fun fact: In the books there was a dragon under Winterfell. In fact, most likely there's a volcano under Winterfell(it explains the hot springs) and the Dragon lived there. Summer(Bran's direwolf) saw it fly away.
Too bad D&D are too fucking stupid to actually put it in the show

People are right to talk shit about Cara, but who's pushing this troll bitch?

Which book/chapter? I don't remember reading that


D&D are under no obligation to include every single half-baked idea the hack GRRM haphazardly shat into his convoluted ass books.

>The smoke and ash clouded his eyes, and in the sky he saw a great winged snake whose roar was a river of flame. He bared his teeth, but then the snake was gone. Behind the cliffs tall fires were eating up the stars
There was also a bunch of other stuff, I'm just going to copy a youtube comment

>summer hears a ROAR and feels a CRASH, which was the tower bran later sees destroyed from the inside out by fire as they circuit the yard. this is an abandoned tower, for centuries abandoned. there are no dead men inside, just fire damage and lots of demolition. why would the Bolton forces waste such time?

>bran points out many times in the chapter, THE STONE WALLS HELD THOUGH BURNT. Well, all the stone walls but one...the abandoned tower burnt from inside out spilled it's wall out into the yard. out into the yard, gargoyles of stone...

>but my favorite? THE CHARRED MAN. Bran and Rickon come across a charred man blackened to a crisp in the yard. he is crouched against the sept, his hands are balled up in front of his face as if ready to punch away any attacker...tell me ser, how the fuk does one char a man to a crisp? if the Bolton did it, they'd use oil and flame. but you don't wind up seated covering your face whilst burning alive from an oil roll, you writhe, you scream.

>but, what if the charred man witnessed a massive dragon Rage out of the tower? sank against a wall as the beast approached...and as the giant dragon opened its endless maw to reveal a flame, he put his hands up as his final act? charred

I think its from when winterfell is on fire and "a serpent of smoke" flies into the sky or something

I also think OP is reading too far into shitty fan theories and doesn't understand metaphors

It's just a theory
There are a million shitty fan theories that include a secret dragon hidden all over the world. If all of them were true there would be more dragons than people.
The most common are in Winterfell, Inside/Under the Wall, Summerhall, that giant sea-monster skeleton on the Iron Isles, Dragonstone and plenty more

Not a serpent
A "winged snake". Why the fuck would smoke have wings?

The books sound prettry cool. Should I read them?

Only if you're ok with never finding out the ending
And no, the show ending isn't the same thing

ya after grr gets done writing them

if you're a fan of the show they're worth reading


>God Tier
>Atlas Shrugged

based "No!" poster

How does Karazamov compare to Crime & Punishment?

Its from the eyes of his direwolf, it doesn't have to be literal.

"Winged" can only be taken literally. Why the fuck would Summer see wings that aren't there?

>not posting the real one

It's very slightly better in my opinion, all personal preference tho they're bost masterpieces

>no quotation marks
>not even HP related
You absolute disgrace.

Why is Michael Jordan's book in such a high regard?

Atlas Shrugged is an interesting read but how is in a better book then 1984? Is it just held in high regard because people like Objectivism?