Yes, Marvel Writers Are Conservative, And?

What did Rich Johnson meme by this?

>Yes, Marvel Writers Are Conservative
sjw are conservative, I see
well they are worst than nazis, so it gotta be true

If they're conservative then Bernie Sanders is a neocon

>you cuck libtard
>no, YOU cuck libtard

>an average day on Sup Forums

Rich got paid by Alonso to argue that because Marvel writers aren't espousing Communist rhetoric that they aren't left-leaning liberals.

He's an asshole equating the Tories with the GOP.

Sheesh. And they call US the shitposters...

>Marvel writers block everyone who doesn't suck their dick on twitter
>haha only conservatards talk to themselves

and thats why Marvel Comics death is not only inevitable, but it is also welcome

>Arguably, the Conservative Prime Minister is to the left of Hillary Clinton

TL;DR anyone to the right of a literal socialist is conservative.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

How about Marvel just tell their writers to stop popping off on Twitter? You never hear this crap from DC's people.

They either keep their politics to themselves or tweet about cereal.

The crazy person who writes Kim and Kim got approved for the DC writers' workshop. Fortunately that seems to be where writers to go never write anything for DC again.

>giving Rich the Leech views and press
come the fuck on

It's an archive link, so really just "look at this narrative-reframing nonsense" press.

Mother of god.

It's very accurate

British politics have swung so far to the left that the Tories today are further left than New Labour was.

There's barely any difference between liberals and socialists these days.

Difference is they are somewhat self aware of what they're doing, in it's meant to be that neither party knows what's happening and are arguing seriously instead of just shitposting

>fucking go back to Sup Forums
>no, YOU go back to Sup Forums

>an average day of the nu-user

Social Democracy is an economic system that has been proven to work in the nordic states. it's just a fact that nordic states have a much more stable economy compared to the US

Actually, that would make an eerie amount of sense.

It would accommodate for the obvious, tone deaf left-lean attempts that always miss.

They make terrible ideas with leftist basis, cast their own group as unconvincing caricatures, and just let things play out. People see the left-leaning negatively, and mock Marvel for making all conservatives look like nazi.

They essentially false-flag themselves to prove a point.

>make observational humor
>trigger's the Sup Forumsster

Damn wasn't even trying and it happened

>Less buying power
>Nords make less money overall
>Everyone lives in shitty apartment blocks


Oh wait, they get the "free" stuff that 50% of their income pays for in taxes. Yeah better...

>political cartoonist
If you call Rich out on this being one of his self-aggrandizing lies, he'll first of all tell you you're totally wrong, and then when you fail for his bait, he'll come back with dcitionary definitions of both "political" and "cartoonist" that technically can apply to something related to him, and then challenge you to deny those words mean those literal things.
He does this with literally everything, like this shite with the Tory party of the UK in relation to Marvel comics.
Rich is the most unashamed 'I am always right' bait-artist and shit-talker in the industry. He cannot be wrong about anything ever and will argue down to specific punctuation in a sealed environement divorced of contextual information to try and either be the winrar or cause controversy he can make money from.
fuck marvell, fuck most of comics people to be honest, but holy shit fuck Rich Johnston, literally worthless as a human.

Fuck you, I came from r/the_donald I love Sup Forums because of pepe memes.

The nordic model is now falling apart because they've decided there's no limit to the amount of immigrants/refugees they'll accept.

Social capitalism**

One correction there

>They don't come to my board
>The few newfags that trickle in get bullied into learning how things work there and assimilate properly

And before anyone asks, no, Sup Forums, you can't go there too. You'd only make it as shitty as your own board.

Sad to hear that /u/ has gone downhill, though.

I am a Sup Forumsack and tou need to go back

>the Nordic model is falling apart.
Says who?

Y'know this whole replying to your post with a spelling correction thing is the biggest giveaway that you guys aren't even from here.

yeah, I also have a mystery board where everything is great

I love how you people try to dress socialism up so you can pretend it's something different when people properly call you out.

It was nevery very successful in the first place. Countries like Denmark largely rely on their oil to pay for their heavy welfare state and Sweden operates by taxing the shit out of everything down to basic necessities like toilet paper. But liberals eat it up because they're told about all of the "free" things those people have. it's like when people try to advocate for Castro because he increased literacy while ignoring that Cuba is a shithole.

Untrue. They tweet about politics, just not fucking psycho shit, and don't go on massive tirades against their fans or get in flame wars.

>It was nevery very successful in the first place.
Says who?

You're not as Sup Forums as me, SHADLILY

/u/ sucks, we are the magapedes who are better then everybody

>The original poster was defining conservative as a Trump supporting, pro-gun, anti-gay marriage, anti-socialised medicine, anti-abortion. And I wanted to define conservative a little wider.

>t. Cuck Libtard

>someone actually took time of his non-life to make this

Yeah, pretty much everywhere that actually requires more than the shallowest understanding of the boards topic is actually really great.

Only exception though is /po/, too many dyslexics wander into there when they're trying to find Sup Forums.

It was from Sup Forums

Says the rape gangs roaming though the cities.

I believe there was even a councilwoman that was assaulted and was sorry they'd put the refugees in that situation.

Bout game over for Europe. Time to go get the remains of Churchill and Lafayette them in Arlington and call it a day.

is it too much to ask to have one piece of media without people virtue signalling?

>Says the rape gangs roaming though the cities.
I really wouldn't take their word for it though.

That explains it.

>if I tack nu onto words I look insightful and not incredibly dumb

>portraying online discourse as it actually happens
>virtual signalling

Name one faggot worse then Animat

I miss when internet wasn't real life. Phones ruined everything.

I am Sup Forums incarnate you lil shit, I make Hitler look like Gandhi every day. You never heard of me because the government deem my name too dangerous to be acknowlegde by the population

Virtue signaling is there to stay. It's just so easy to "win" argument by indirectly telling people that anybody outside of your clique is a nazi/pedo/weeb/rapist/ugly/virgin/poor/whatever. You don't even need to address the argument at all, you just need to be there and talk.

When people get sick of it we'll face a new dawn of weabooism.

Anyone who doesn't subscribe to the autism of keynes econmics

>could I actually be holding reactionary ideas and prejudices?
>no, it's actually a libcuck conspiracy

Could you explain a little further? I didn't really take econ.

What's more reactionary than calling someone a Nazi pedophile the moment you have any kind of disagreement with them politically.

And before you say calling someone a cuck for the same reason, the former usually comes with getting publicly humiliated and fired from wherever you're working and the latter usually comes with guaranteed social praise.

>the moment you have any kind of disagreement with them politically
Or maybe it's because he's posting anime girls with photoshopped nazi imagery, all while claiming there's a white genocide going on.

>b-but it's just for fun
I don't doubt it makes you funny bone tickle, but I believe you're old enough to understand how it makes other people perceive you.