Ortega had great tits and Kovacs was good for the most part, but this was a hot mess otherwise...

Ortega had great tits and Kovacs was good for the most part, but this was a hot mess otherwise. So much wasted potential.

What'd Sup Forums think?

I liked it a lot, excited for a second season. I wasn't a bookfag and I don't hate minorities and women, so it was a pretty decent show. Not perfect, but the setting was cool and they addressed some interesting issues that arise once dying is no longer a thing.

In general the amount of nudity of a show is inversely proportional to its narrative quality.

I had the best little sister. Too bad they turned her into a complete retard by the last two episodes.


You are now aware she is 34 years old...and looks no younger than 45

I like the cyberpunk artistic style so I enjoyed it visually, lots of really cool scenes. Found the plot kinda sloppy and Ortega's acting bothered me.

>tfw no Poebro to hang out and shoot the shit with

Me hating women has nothing to do with her shitty acting and accent.

>So much wasted potential.
If it's so terrible, why do we keep having threads about it?

Is this the only hot part of the series, or there are more?

Rei-chan was the superior waifu in every way possible.

Torture episode had potential to write some television history. Instead they push retard Ortega family plot.

The script shit the bed the last two episodes but overall it was decent. Some of the actors could have been better cast but the combined effect was like watching a B-movie from the future.
Yandere yakuza sister best waifu
There's also a sex scene with the rich guy's wife. Tits are a little small but the body is on point.

A man of taste.

Would take on a picnic and romance

do you have the webm/gif my man?

ortage did have great tits, and you right about kovacs. honestly towards the end it felt like something you'd see on sci-fy. i hated waht they did with Rei des[ite have nice nipples and a cute bush. they cramed so much into 10 episodes, i feel like they could have done that whole arc with better character development in 2 seasons. i liked quellcrist and hope she comes back

what's with her head

>What'd Sup Forums think?
they did miracles with that shit material these new writters just lack the bite of the early vanguard (gibson,k dick)
this guy(writter) is not different than snow crash and snow crash is ghetto tier.

>hot mess

New grass roots campaign it seems.

>I don't hate women so I don't notice terrible writing and acting
dude what

It sucked material from her tits to make it larger.

yea her tits were disappointing. flat little pancake flappers.

>If it's so terrible, why do we keep having threads about it?
that should be in the banner here

I tried watching this with my dad and everytime that dumb spic said something we'd look at each other confused. we had to put on subtitles otherwise we just couldn't understand her shitty mumbled dialogue. also fuck how much time they dedicated to her mother, no one gives a fuck about the trials and tribulations of a fat latina bitch

Are they gonna make a s2?

Does the book not end at the same point as the show?

What else could they do in a possible s2?

I cringe-binged it the same way I cringe-binged Dark Matter.

she looks like a fucking cat.

>I need a dipper
Damn they're on top of the hottest memes!

>I don't hate minorities and women
get a load of this cuck

Its was good until they dropped the detective plotline
Every other sideplot was shit
The bald guy was amazing as a grandma
The show had a lot of plotholes and powerlevel inconsistencies
Kovacs was great until he fell in love with Ortega
Little sister being a yandere was alright, the problem was his brother dont sticking with her because of pussy
Quell is a mary sue
Ortega and Kovacs dynamic in earlier episodes was alright, felt a lot like “Lucifer”
Also, muh diversity

Didn't care for the back story of the Envoys with the Quell stuff. Felt like a cheap Syfy show. Ending also felt generic.

I finished the first episode a few hours ago. Neat visuals but the dialogue was pretty bad and the one liners did not help.

>hot mess

Are the paid anti-flix shills all working off the same spreadsheet?

Beginning feels like GitS meets Nightcrawler which was great until they brought in the whole Envoy plot line. Literally felt like I was watching the 100 again.

Kovacs was a good character that just wasn't fleshed out enough. Still not sure if his child's body was RD'd or not.

Ortega played her character well but I kinda wish that Ryker had been written off and Ortega would settle with Kovacs.

Having all the languages mixed in was such an imitation of Blade Runner's Cityspeak but I felt fine watching it with subtitles. Sold me on the world a bit more.

The Elliot family's story wasnt that strong and I really hated Lizzie's character as a whole. Her superpower martial arts were so fucking lame.

Rei's character was fine until the last two episodes where they did the old switcheroo too many times too quickly

But the most captivating things about this show was trying to figure out if Ortega's actor had plastic surgery or not.

It was like a car driving off a cliff after the little sister saved them from the fighting ring, I knew it was over then

Critics are upset because they don't get early access to netflix stuff. They didn't need to be paid to be upset about this. The threat of no longer having a job as they're rendered irrelevant is all that was necessary.

They felt the need to change things for social propaganda.

Shit adaptation, ok show. Lmaoing at people trying to make this a race issue when the universe explicitly allows body swapping.

Shit I knew that and totally forgot about it. That was the reason for all the flack for netflix movies when they are actually pretty good. Certainly contenders with the Hollyshit that's been released recently.

the fucking lady cop was so annoying piece of shit, but then I saw her tits and forgave her all.

yeah i hate her. i like quellcrist tho

It was pretty shit desu, none of the characters are likeable, their motivations are muddled at best, the writing/dialogue is complete shit, the technology is super inconsistent.
Just a bunch of shit, the author is laughably bad if this is just like the book.

It's absolutely nothing like the book except sharing some of the same basic pieces and plot progression. A ton of shit is explained better in the book as well.

Why was cloning so expensive?
Why was anything so expensive?
Surely if you have AI as intelligent as Poe, you could use more simple AI to create a post-scarcity economy by automating all forms of labor.
Why did the Envoys want to stop people from living forever when they could have just staged some sort of communist revolution instead?

>Why was cloning so expensive?
It wasn't in the book, not really
>Why was anything so expensive?
Most of it wasn't in the book.
>Surely if you have AI as intelligent as Poe, you could use more simple AI to create a post-scarcity economy by automating all forms of labor.
They did, to some extent, in the book.
>Why did the Envoys want to stop people from living forever when they could have just staged some sort of communist revolution instead?
That part is 100% fanfiction, in the bok Envoys are UN spooks who get sent around to murder the shit out of people who threaten the status quo. The Quellists were kind of revolutionaries on Harlan's World, but had nothing to do with the Envoys.

Thanks bookfriend. I didn't really hate the series, it just seemed to have a lot of inconsistencies and a bit of lazy writing.

Are there more synths in the books? The lack of synths/prosthetics was another strange thing. If you were rich, why would you want a normal human body when you could have a fucking titanium skeleton?

>Why did the Envoys want to stop people from living forever when they could have just staged some sort of communist revolution instead?

What would even be the point? As the book friend pointed out, they already live in a post scarcity world. They would just be oppressing individual rights? Sounds retarded, not to imply commies aren't retarded anyways.

Yes and no, there are more later in the series when they explore a planet in war, but they mention quite explicitly they most people really hate to be in synth bodies because they don't quite feel "right", and most synths aren't cheap like natural bodies since they're usually made for combat. Also there are a shitload of genetically modified bodies too, which are essentially the competition product to Synths, so it drives the numbers down.
Lots of prosthetics though, especially in book 2.

>What would even be the point?
Actually it's not exactly post-scarcity and there's still a shitload of conflict. In the books they really push the effects of the commodification of existence and how it affects life.


Still dont see how communism would fix anything, since we know historically it doesn't work.

I can't actually remember if the Quellists were communists. As best I remember Harlan's World was run like a fascist dictatorship/monarchy and they were pro-liberty rebels but don't quote me on that.

Go aboard a Martian space ship like in the books. Or go back to water planet and fight a shadow war with weird theme that the aliens are trying to come back through machines or something. Third book is a bit weird.

>run like a fascist dictatorship/monarchy and they were pro-liberty rebels but don't quote me on that

This a million times more sense, we only get glimpses in the show how the protectorate is like an authoritative state. I just wish it was more clear cut, the envoys on the show are so vaguely developed.

The Envoys in the show aren't even Envoys. In the books they undergo insane training where they're pretty much brainwashed and train their minds like Tibetan monks. In the show they're just mercs who get magic lady's VR powers.

This show is pedestrian. The writing is sloppy, character motivations come out of nowhere. Deus ex machina in every episode.


>I wasn't a bookfag and I don't hate minorities and women
threadly reminder that cyberpunk is intimately linked to asian culture, specifically japanese. you literally can't like cyberpunk and be against copious amounts of japs in it.

funny, game of thrones was narratively better when it had more nudity in it

this. so much this.

This honestly just sounds like they butchetered the lore/world building in the show.

Book envoys make more sense to me, now that I know context. I don't like how vague and boring they painted the quellists just be some boring revolutionaries.

It makes more sense if they're freedom fighters against the monarchy of meths and the totalitarian state of the protectorate.

>nobody is actually human
>it's mandatory that human children are implanted with a chip that takes over their body when they're 1 year old
>from that point on they're essentially AIs plugged into human bodies, larping as humans

Terrifying shit.

>This honestly just sounds like they butchetered the lore/world building in the show.
Oh they did, they fucked it up very badly.
>It makes more sense if they're freedom fighters against the monarchy of meths and the totalitarian state of the protectorate.
I don't even know if meths existed on Harlan's World, but Kovacs definitely hated the everloving fuck out of the protectorate. Seriously if this stuff sounds better than the show try the book. It's pretty good.

>I don't even know if meths existed on Harlan's World, but Kovacs definitely hated the everloving fuck out of the protectorate.

Oh wow, so they really just did twist the story to be some bullshit about class warfare. That fucking sucks, the meths are like shitty cartoon villains. I would have loved to see a totalitarian state as the main antagonist instead.

I might have to pick up the book, sounds way better than the repatched shit we got to match current year politics.

Well the first book does take place on Earth, and Meths do exist on Earth. But as much as there is an overtone of shitty class warfare it's not really the focus. It's hard to explain, but the show tries to make the book say something it doesn't. The book is about a world where your life can be bought and sold on a market, death is an inconvenience, and people can live forever. The show is about rich assholes fucking over the poor. Both of these things happen in both adaptations, but the actual focus is different.

>both adaptations
both pieces of media* is more correct

The potential was lost when they hired a female showrunner.

Tak was gay and a failure as a samurai

Alright, thanks for all the info. This sounds infinitely better than the show.

At the very least, it's a lot more coherent and better realized.


Something on Netflix was disappointing? And they had such a great track re-