Be honest. You just like right wing comedy because it’s edgy

Be honest. You just like right wing comedy because it’s edgy

Other urls found in this thread:


im gay lol

That’s basically Sam Hyde

Isn’t that what makes comedy funny? Breaking boundaries that otherwise should be?

What even is right wing comedy? Don't say Sam Hyde because a lot of his material is non-political.

>Don't say Sam Hyde because a lot of his material is non-political.


Why did his eyes change?

No. Edginess is not inherently funny and anyone who relies on it for comedy is a faggot. It's middle school tier humour.

Probably true, but who likes safe comedy? It's boring.

leftists do

Name one funny thing.

Should be: Don't say Sam Hyde because none of his material can be considered comedy.

damn... really makes u think




>right-wing comedy
>dude minorities and immigrants suck lmao
Right-wingers can't into art or comedy.

Exactly. Glad you are the arbiter of what adult humor is with a wit like that

We need to open wider

The problem is modern comedy is ruined because of SJWs. Comedians have said they can't perform at college campuses because it's so unpleasant.

All of the good acts from the past wouldn't be allowed today like eddy murphy's black people hate niggas routine.

t. redditor

The worst is when they make fun of jews just for the sake of being edgy
What did jews ever do to you? They are just an easy target that won’t fight back that’s it



the one where the guy falls through the bar lol it's soooooo funny

>Right wing comedy
Name literally one funny right wing comedian

they broke my heart :(
Jessica if you're reading this i miss u

>right-wing comedy
so Jeff Dunham? lol

I can’t. They are all low iq annoying edgelords

i like it because it's honest

hurr hurr hitler and jews hurr hurr

He's Kira from Death Note.

Pick one and only one.

>right wing is now considered edgy and not associated with alarmist soccer moms
>left wingers are the moral panicked soccer moms of today, but actually the most vocal are not parents but rather childless 20/30 somethings who declare themselves to be 'progressive' and behave in the most flamboyant ways imaginable
I can't get over how fucking ridiculous the late 2010s are.


oh and tim allen and jeff foxworthy. so there are your right-wing comedians.

tim allen, jeff dunham, and jeff foxworthy form a comedy trio and tour with the alt-right. what would they call themsleves?

jokes are only funny when they don't hurt my feelings

No one can really stand up on stage and say the things that are truly funny. That's most of us non-redditors are here.

Yes nothing hurts your feelings until you see an interracial couple on tv and cry about Jews on Sup Forums

Let’s be real. Right wingers are just as soft as left wing soyboys

I wouldn’t call being a racist asshole honest

hey now

not true, but if your sense of humor is based around edginess and you can't find anything else funny then you might be retarded

they are very insecure and fragile men.

That's a retarded measurement though, what's edgy for you isn't edgy for everyone. In India they fucking lover Hitler but would probably beat you if you disrespected a cow, edginess is totally subjective and a retarded meme

whoa nelly

your post

woah woah, we got ourselves a cultural relativist here. are you sure you're right wing?

Nick DiPaolo is basically alt-right. He shit talks cultural marxism and trannies.

I mean edginess just for the sake of it. You can be edgy and still be funny.

Right wing can't be funny it's impossible. Even Sup Forums isn't funny anymore

i'm sure he's epic

So Sup Forums wasn't right wing when it was funny?

it never was. you just grew up.

It started taking itself seriously and became unfunny

>Don't punch down meme
Are you fucking insane?
Jews have more wealth and power per-capital than literally any other group on the planet, they are EASILY to most influence and powerful people as a group, and you think anyone is going to believe they are just pwecious babbys to pure to be mocked? Get the fuck out of here. Comedy isn't just mocking people you hate for personal reasons (maybe to you it is) it's poking fun at sacred cows and sticking it to people, if you think Jews or anyone is above that then fuck you.

Real humor is when you make your mark feel like they are losing their sanity and questioning whether or not you are telling a joke or expanding their view of the entire universe

nah, i enjoy it because its my fathers humor
if was even remotely tech savvy he would probably be shitposting on pol and k
he probably is

Sup Forums doesn't even try to be funny anymore, there's too many newfags and shills.
last good meme was the Bogdanoff one.

Yes I agree, but the other element on the board that doesn't shut the fuck up about Sup Forums constantly is so fucking annoying. All the political shit is fucking annoying. This board needs better jannys

>its my fathers humor
so basically its blue collar comedy tour

I'm not political retard just making a pint that calling something edgy doesn't mean shit and is just a way of attacking the person personally.

>I mean edginess just for the sake of it
Yeah but that's the thing, just because something shocks you or doesn't line up with YOUR morality it doesn't make it edgy, and just calling it that is bullshit, you just don't like it or agree and want to try to tear it down.

Daniel Tosh

i'm not saying le monkey face but le monkey faec xDDD

he said funny

>What even is right wing comedy?
Sup Forums has never seen it, it's what my parents watch. They have this show where they watch the guy from Home Improvement vlog about his sporting good store and shit on his daughter's atheist husband.

That's actual right wing comedy, the kind of thing ordinary middle class flyover state moms and dads watch. It's not alt-right.

>Dude I'm into progressive comedy


>hurr durr its not funny in my relative subjective abstract metric therefore your point is invalid
Suck a fat black one my man, Tosh is pure kino

His early stand up is great, now go back to listening to Doug Stanhope tell you that destroying your brain out in bumb-fuck nowhere is cool.

'No' I like things

>Left Wing humour
>I can't even. you don't support __ social issue, haha what a backwards bigot.
>tip-toes around humour of black people because they're scared of them

and the show you are talking about is called last man standing. tim allen is an example of right-wing comedy. if you want more right-wing comedy then a good source to find that stuff would be any facebook profile of someone between the ages 45-70.

those are memes. memes are terrible regardless of political leanings.

I like it because they aren't worried about SJW bloggers crying, they also don't care about being politically correct.

political humour generally sucks. It's lazy.

hahahaha so funny XD



every comedian prior to 2001 would be considered far-right nazi's in todays political correctness

you're an all star

>left-wing comedy
>dude white men and old people suck lol


Carlin was considered a raging liberal in his time when he really was actually quite libertarian. Now, the far left would consider him a Nazi and his humor "problematic".

People don't laugh because they think Hitler or "muh 6 trillion" is funny they laugh because it's something your taught not to laugh at and to think is above laughing at or not taking it seriously, people always rebel against sacred cows, especially when barley anyone that was involved in WW2 is around today.

Yes, right wingers are obviously just as soft as left wingers

>Accuse your enemies of what your guilty of
Hey Alinksy

You think sacred cows make good sacred burgers?

No, just funny, which is really all that matters. It's pretty hilarious too, I wouldn't consider some of the comics I like as conservative years ago but by todays standards they are.

so true. like in this video this woman flips shit over very light ribbing from stanhope that would be considered nothing years ago.

conservative just means libertarian who believes the earth is 6000 years old.

>You think sacred cows make good sacred burgers?
Yeah, just don't tell Indians.

I dont think every single joke abot rape is funny, but the comic should at least be able to attempt to tell it. If it's funny then it's funny, but don't try and shield audiences from making that decision.

Why are you so bothered by them then? Go back watching your unfunny female """""""""comedians"""""""""" like that kike pig, I forgot her name, but I bet you know who.

the SS

The Aristocrats!