Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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Seth Rogan mostly because he's doing the same shit

Kevin Spacey, then they can do a double feature

fat Channing Tatum

Me because I have the same body and haircut as him.

I am also a pervert.

Aidan Gillan or Tom Hardy


Paul Giamatto desu

mike starr

Jonah Hill

Dane Cook.
Anyone see how much he resembles Weinstein now?
It's uncanny.

Jeff Garlin.


Dane Cook, somebody post that picture

all he needs is gain some weight since he looks like a slimmer harvey now

DAMN, Dane Cook looks like *THAT* now??

A pork roast.

christian bale

Rich Evans.

>marlon brando will never play harvey
Fuck, it would have been perfect

I’d like to see this

James Gandolfini

>that scene where he fucks Richard Pryor without any butter

Almost was sick

Idris Elba

Meryl Streep.
