If this is true then someone will steal it and the torrent will be up soon

Pretty sure Kenya is real.

user, no one in Kenya knows how to use a computer

You have to admit the soundtrack is fucking lit man

>Pretty sure Kenya is real.
That's what the Government WANTS you to think!

kek this place is going to be fun on the 16th. i predict this movie to easily make a billion dollars.

Kenya isn't fake it's where Obama is from.

100 US dollars

Unironicly looks like a gorilla LAWL

It's not even out yet where I live in California. I swear with a movie like this, they seem to release it in markets where people are either dumb or ignorant in order to increase the number of positive reactions, then they release it to the places where real human beings live where itmis subsequently trashed for being dog shit.

This, it could legit have some Sup Forums theater happening streams, it could be bonkers.

Most Africans are very disconnected from US black politics. They give even less of a shit about comicbook heroes.

This is probably being sponsored by the Kenyan-American political lobby there which grew considerably under Obama. Many Kenyans will probably not even see, in part because outside of Nairobi (which is a fairly modern city) there aren't many movie theaters available.

t. Israeli construction contractor that spent a year in Kenya

Black Panther is the new Martin Luther King

>real human beings


It's hilarious to see people identify so hard with a comic book movie.

they look like they fuck black guys

How? what the fuck gives you that sign? Take that shit back if you can't prove it, don't soil my wife

are they cyborgs?

How do you know for sure? Have you been there?

Real human beaners

>It's not even out yet where I live in California


>they're showing it in Africa now too

wew naysayers about to get BTFO. Disney pulling out all the stops

Big if true.


who is this willy witch?

>scale 1/10
Jesus christ, there's a life size version of this running around in the world?!

has it screened in Rhodesia yet?

What did he mean by this?

>not full of subhumans

Just wait til it premieres in Wakanda. White folks gonna be so mad at the black glory.

>My virtue is greater than yours.

Niggers always want that white booty

What "white supremacy" is everyone always referring to?


damn, good point user
They may have just been lying to me my entire life, saying Kenya exists

So instead of realizing he's been fed bullshit his whole life about white supremacy from those black leaders to keep themselves in power, he concludes that both must be part of the white supremacy.

whites being more civilized, productive people on average than blacks I think. unfortunately that's an immutable fact of human biodiversity not a social construct. and noticing it makes you Hitler Jr.

>Kenya is a fake country
I swear to God, Sup Forums's full of underage retards.

Not true i have a nigerian friend who wants make films, they have laptops over there from 10 years ago

I predict you are fucking retarded, this movie isn’t making shit with no foreign market.

Wow, it will do a million in the whole of Africa. Talk about big bux.

Richard Dawkins is from there. And I believe everything that man says

>a literal spearchucker

How are leftists not freaking out about this?

just like the patriarchy

do real honest to god african niggers give a shit about this movie? I mean they know what africa is REALLY like.

i will def be downloading the shitty torrent about a fictional nigger dubbed in pidgin.

Is no one going to mention those wonderful African tits?

everyone already knows it's an entire continent of fuckable butterfaces aside from the horn of africa which produces dark-skinned 10/10s pretty regularly because they've managed to hold off the bantu hordes

>that kid in the middle
>that manlet in the background

The reason Rhodesia lost.

whoa she looks just like the female wizard from champions of norrath with an ember coat