Movie is longer than two hours

>movie is longer than two hours

That reminds me to finish watching The Seven Samurai. Thanks user

>user has the attention span of a woman reading the newspaper

you have the attention span of a gnat

>Movie is shorter than 4 hours

If a movie can't manage to tell it's story in under two hours, it's failed as a visual medium.

>*binges 10 hours of netflix spew*
>"If a movie can't manage to tell it's story in under two hours, it's failed as a visual medium"

I don't binge Netflix, it's only good for background noise when I'm doing something else.

>if a movie takes more than 2 hours, it's a failure
>if something takes me longer than 5 minutes to read, there are too many words in it. books are a failed medium
>if music is longer than 3 minutes like the radio plays, there are too many notes in it. TOO MANY NOTES.
>whatever I am conditioned to consume by mass production industry, is all I can possibly imagine existing.

You are a failure of sentience.


A book shouldn't be more than like 400 pages and a song shouldn't be more than 5 minutes long to be honest. Ever heard the saying "brevity is the soul of wit"?

I really hope you are trolling. "Brevity is the soul of wit" is a quote from character Shakespeare wrote that is supposed to be a complete fucking retard.

I've never read Shakespeare but the quote still rings true to this day.

longer movie the better. anything to forget my pathetic existence

i just wanna live inside movies forever

No it doesn't you dork. Shakespeare wrote the fucking character to always be wrong, and lo and behold, he is also the one who said that quote.

You know sometimes books and movies just have long stories, right? Not everything happens in a day, and by that logic, tv shows shouldn't even be a thing.

>Brevity is the soul of wit

this happened to me with watching the last showing of blade runner 2049 and all transit stopped so i had to take a taxi for the first time and i had to spell out the word forest to the guy

>tv series season has more than 8 episodes

gonna have to agree with this. Alot of great movies are over two hours, but for capeshit and the like to be that long makes no sense.

>movie doesn't have a intermission