Why doesn't Iron Man provide suits for all the other Avengers? Does being selfish go hand in hand with being a manlet?

Why doesn't Iron Man provide suits for all the other Avengers? Does being selfish go hand in hand with being a manlet?

lol just turn you're brain of

really he should be feeding all the starving africans instead of playing around in metallic onesies.

Each suit costs about 3 billion, and those are the basic models. Each suit is deisgned to respond to certain people. It's why Rhodey went nuts during the 80s. Furthermore, an IM suit is the most complex weapon on the planet. And hell, what is Widow going to do with it? Or Hawkeye? Or Cap? Or Hulk? Or Thor? Or Spider-Man? Each character has his/her own specialty. Besides, there is a What If issue about this.

>tfw Ult!Tony gave Nat a suit
>tfw he proposed to her
>tfw she killed Jarvis and revealed herself to be a Russian Spy who just used his "capitalist ass"
Being Tony is suffering, no matter the Universe...

No because then their population will rise too quickly and the world will be full of blacks, stark knows this so let's nature take its course

>Be rich
>expected to have to feed people who can't do shit for themselves


Tony is an alcoholic dick what more do you want?

And yet retards consume this utter tripe with glee.

Next suit is going full on lazy, its just pure cgi this time, african magic suit

Why didn't that one turbobrilliant african scientist give magical Panther suits to everyone in the Wakandian army?

Where does he store the fuel for his hand jets, and space for missiles

They all have skillsets that don't require them.
>Hulk, Vision Thor: just as strong as Tony's best tech
>Cap: more about being agile in hand to hand to take people out non-lethally, wouldn't want to be covered in weapons
>Black Widow: stealth and infiltration
>Hawkeye: accuracy with his bow
>Falcon: can already fly and more used to piloting his wings
>Wanda: can already shield herself and attack with energy
>Spidey: actually did get a suit built by Tony that fits his skillset
>War Machine: does have his own suit since as a fighter jet pilot he can make the most of it
It's called having balanced team-comp, if you try a cheeky meta like making everyone a flying brick you lose out in other fields.

3 billion my ass, he built one out of scrap metal in a sand niggers cave in just a week

The hand jets are powered by the magic that is the ARC reactor.
Being a manlet helps with storing the missiles within perfectly normal sized gauntlets. Tiny, tiny hands.

how doesn't he get eye strain from having his face 1mm away from a computer monitor which wraps around his head? and why does the HUD appear to be a few inches away from his face?

The jets run off the arc reactor in the chest and he only has three dildo sized missiles that fit in each forearm and mini-ones on his shoulders.

in his thick shoe soles


he's used to it from watching oculus rift hentai for years

How big is his helmet if the hud is like 4 inches away from his face. How does he read anything off it if it's that close and orients itself relative to his face.

No I'm not putting question marks there because the real world answer is STYLE.

Pepper used a fucking suit. It can't be that complicated to operate.

>Model I is the same as the Secretary Armor

She had an Arc Reactor, was trained by Tony, and Rescue is purely a defensive armor with no offensive capabilities.

>be person of any wealth class
>expected to pay money to cunts on the other side of the world


if you had one you wouldn't share and you know it

I want bruce to put one on and hulk out of it to piss Tony off big time.

It's gonna happen in IW according to leaks.

It's happening in Infinity War.

>Knows the different types of armor and their names.

I bet you kiss girls too, faggot.


In my headcanon i'd imagine they'd be extremely difficult to operate or something like that
If you're not a super genius

he cant build a less restrictive armor with non lethal weapons for cap?
a stealth suit for black widow?
same for arrow man?
full body wingsuit for bird nigga?

can die from bullets
>Black Widow
can die from bullets
can die from bullets
can die from bullets
can die from bullets

Tony can at least give them fuckin armor. Otherwise he doesn't give a shit about his team.

>get proven wrong
>only other argument left is "hurt durr virgin faggot"

>>Knows the different types of armor and their names.
Iron Man has been my favorite character since I was a wee lad. I've dropped most capeshit,and I only read a few indies here and there, plus EuroComics, but I'll always keep up with Iron Man. I've always found him more interesting and reletable than Spider-Man, Batman or whatever. He was really just a guy. Same goesfor Question, Moon Knight, Constantine and some others. I was never a fan of the hyper-competent, flawless self-inserts.

>I bet you kiss girls too, faggot.
I wish I did... Girls are pretty...

Why doesn't Iron Man provide suits for all the other Avengers? Why doesn't iron man just send an armor of Ai Iron man suits instead of risking peoples lives to begin with? Why arent capeshit movies good? There are endless questions.

>feeding all the starving africans
>what is wakanda
not even niggers care about other niggers

Rhodey uses one
that extremis goon used one

Honestly, Hawkeye and BW shouldn't have been on the field in AoU. Put them in the back or in the quinjet.

Jesus fuck, you DO understand Hawkeye, Cap and Black Widow base their whole skillsets on agility and stealth, right? An armor would hinder them. Something like a light, "weave" armor is already provided by SHIELD. There's nothing for Tony to do.

>needing armor
She's a fucking reality warper who got infected with Chaos Magic back in the Marvel/DC crossover. What the fuck does she need the armor for? I guess Strange should ask for an armor too. When he goes to fight the Living Tribunal, it's going to help a lot...

Didn't Cheadle put one on at a party?

>agility and stealth
suits can be agile and stealthy. don't tell me they can't.

He put on an experimental model and barely kept up with a drunk Tony. MCU aside, in the comics each suit is calibrated with a specific user in mind.

Suits, not armors. There's a reason why Tony's Stealth suit is more agile but cannot tank nukes point-blank like his normal ones. Now you're just being an autist for autism's sake. Clunky, Iron Man armors serve no purpose to a fucking secret agent.

He had War Machine for a while before the party scene...it just wasn't painted or loaded.

I've always thought Cap could use an arc reactor in his shield. Perhaps for some extra flight and defensive capabilities. Also it could sit behind the current pattern in his shield and make it glow in the dark for aesthetic reasons.

look at the IW trailer. He'll wear one.

>look at the IW trailer.
give me a screenshot or never post on Sup Forums again

Civil Warrior over at Contest of Champions is a Cap from an AU where Stark died in CW, and is using a quasi-IM armor with an arc reactor in his shield.


Agility? Fucking Spiderman has an Iron suit, so the argument that other Avengers "cant have one" is Moot (god rest his soul) except for Black Widow who needs to go undercover and shit. Also Black Panther doesn't need one because he basically already has a better, more functional Iron Suit made out of smoked meats and reparations.

Well there you go

Parker was Stark's protege at that point. What people miss about Tony is that he's a massive control freak. There is no chance in hell he's going to give his tech to anyone that he cannot oversee 24/7. The guy fought the Avengers and the entire US Government to protect his tech.

>yfw Happy in the Hulk Buster

Why doesn't Black Panther provide suits for all the other Avengers? Does being selfish go hand in hand with being a kangz?

he's in Hulkbuster during the alien invasion in Wakanda

Now I want this. Add Mjolnir to his other hand and he'd crush Thanos.

That looks lame as fuck.

I wanted to say it looks retarded but then I remembered it's Marvel

>How does he read anything off it if it's that close and orients itself relative to his face.

hes not looking at a screen , its being lazer projected directly onto his retina.

why doesn't Thanos convert the infinity gauntlet into an infinity power armor suit?

You're joking if you think that suit wouldn't translate excellently onto the big screen.

>keeping power source in a shield
>shield that's meant to take hits
>shield that you throw around as a weapon
It's retarded


nigger did you see how many suits he had in iron man 3?....