Character has the same name as me

>Character has the same name as me

>Character has the same name as me
>Its a girl because I have a girls name
I fucking hate my parents

Hi Ashley

There was a minor character in the Office who had my name, that's really all I can think of

>Be me
>My name is Tim
>Casually pick up the ukulele because it's fun and I like the sound
>Friends in high school keep asking me to play Tiptoe Through the Tulips for them

Its Bailey

>character has my former name

Hey Sam

I bet you are american. Only americans are stupid enough to do this.

Dont know that feel. Even though I meet tons of other 80s kids IRL with the same name in can't even recall a movie character with my name.

That's such a basic bitch who loves horses name

Shut up Achmed

>14 yo when What about Bob came out
>my name is Bob
That shit was unending

>protagonists has the same cock size as me

is your receding hairline doing okay ?

>character has the same name as me
>his parents are played by actors that look exactly like mine
>his character is symbolic of neo nazis that grew up on the internet(like me)
>movie is shit

I have thick hair so it doesn't recede

Apt Pupil?

>Apt Pupil?
the force awakens

Could b worse

>parents name me after their favorite actor

>that kid in school named Mario or Luigi
Ripped on him for years. I hope he got a 1-up because I'm positive he killed himself.

Fuck off, Wario

>character's name is the same as mine
>he's a Chad

sup mel

Sup Chad

>Character has same name as me
>Immersion just got 10x better

That's not even a real name, friend. My dumb fuck brother named his daughter that. I keep sending bayleaf pokeshit to them.

i have a pretty rare name and the only characters i've seen on tv who have it are always complete pieces of shit the other characters hate. maybe it's a curse. i should've been a kenny or an ed

At least your parents didn't name you Abner, or Abbie for short.

In just two sentences you conveyed your autism better than any psychiatrist's diagnosis could

My name is Jason Levy.

hi lindsey

Feels good. I'm always the smart guy.

>character has the same name as me
>he's a fucking mouse

Sup Stuart

hi mick

>tfw same name as the man himself
check 'em

Tim isn't even a real name, it's short for Timothy, like Tom is short for Thomas and Fred is short for Frederick.

>porn star has the same age as me
>feel a weird connection like she is suddenly more obtainable or something

>playing Pokémon ruby in middle school
>characters default name is Brendan
never hear my name in anything but it shows up in Pokémon of all things


>parents named me Cletus after great grandfather
>we're not even american

Hey Brendan. Why did you read this in my voice?

Ok fag



Are you a hugger?

Too bad Hoenn is a shitty region. Johto master race.

>big difference between awesome and extremely expensive
>you'd never understand unless you lived alone


>tfw named after my mom's best friend she always goes on trips with so only hear my name mentioned in movies that take place in the ghetto

That's just hilarious

True. Series peaked at gen 2

>check pornstars younger than me
>try to recollect what I was doing at their age

this obscure
yet required a lot of effort


Rename to Bailey Jay
"Which one?"
"The one with a penis"
"Which one?"

>character has the same last name as me forbthe first time ever

fucking Punisher series that bitch name PISSES me off

Your name is kylo? Wtf

>I hope he got a 1-up because I'm positive he killed himself.
my sides

>Be named Owen
>Really like my name because it's somewhat unique among fellow Millennials and reflects my Welsh heritage.
>Now is much more popular in media for naming characters and IRL for Generation Z children.
>Feels less special.

Oh, well. I'm glad I don't have a boring name like Mark or John or whatever.