Sailor Moon Live action

when will they do it?

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Does she get naked when she transforms like in the show?

it already exists

qt azns truly are white man's kryptonite

Meatball head

Surprised Hollywood hasn’t jumped on this yet.

>Mostly female cast
>Easy opportunity for a heavy handed girl power message
>Easy cash-in on le epic 90’s nostalgia faggotry

you just posted it

was this the japenese competitor at the olympics

Soon enough. They're starting to go for the geek female tumblr audience now because Wonder Woman did well. They already made Ghost in the Shell, Battle Angel Alita is coming out which is about a stronk female robot, they're making a Macross movie (written by Wonder Woman's writer) which is gonna be about a female singer saving MANkind. Sailor Moon can't be far behind.

America already had a chance. They were going to make a animated live action hybrid tv show. The pilot was just so unwatchable they ended up doing a traditional dub. Weeb shit would’ve never hit stateside if they did a better job.

>Evgenia Medvedeva

She's not even asian. Pretty sure this is old. The Japs skated to Yuri On Ice this year.

Who will play Rini?


Are you fucking retarded mate?

Jaden Smith

But about the porn?

>i will never never NEVER ever get a russian gf

>Russian girls
but the boys are cuter



please tell me that thing has a penis

Two halloweens ago someone posted more of him, he's got a fake tan and implants, but yeah he's a guy

order one. Just know that they'll cheat on you and leave you as soon as you get married and may stab you in your sleep.

you just KNOW she got molested by her coach


>2003 was 15 years ago

Did she win the golden cock award?

is what she screams in her sleep

What the fucking shit?

Weebs will defend this.

already a thing

thigh high socks makes this 6/10 sport 10/10.

Shes had the same coach for 12 years a woman

Will Alina Cunnytova beat the crap out of her again?

I fucking hate modern figure skating. Focusing on the difficulty of moves rather than the execution of them have ruined the sport. A woman can get first place by just taking advantage of the scoring rules and doing mediocre triple spins over and over again.

Oh Lord you want this to be full appreciation competition?
Who would win, a Renoir or a Monet?

>western girl doing eastern shit


They should also score running by your style. It doesn't matter if you "win"

No, there's obviously a balance, but it's way out of wack. There have been figure skaters who don't properly execute even a SINGLE one of their difficult moves getting first place.

Staged. He hoists her up.

When they stopped rewarding to some degree difficult attempts this shit turned out really boring, remember how at some point the gays stopped attempting quadruples

el goblino

Not an Asian you fucking drooling mongoloid

Requesting the medvedeva super camel toe power

>sailor moon
>not asian

>tfw could have had one, but dating an 18 y/o Russian girl you met online seemed too sketchy

She went a crazy because I avoided saying I loved her (because I didn't, but she wanted me to lie anyway).


>Russian genes

fucking lmao. Go to bed Ivan

I think I can see her vagina bones

Any femanon here?
Does that hurt?
