What's next for Coogler's career?

What's next for Coogler's career?
Seeing how badly the DCEU is in need of good directors, they should offer him a bunch of cash to do Justice league 2 or Man of Steel 2.

Jaws was just a monster movie though. A very good one but nobody pretended it was anything other than it was. It wasn't lauded as some fucking breakthrough for shark representation in cinema.

>ywn be as bluepilled as movieblob

Why do you faggots have to oarade this moron around? It always ruins my day when I remember he exists

Give him the Cyborg movie.

Probably doesnt want to be pigeon holed as the black superhero director though

>Man of Steel 2.

Oh gee,

because I really can't wait for the new quip-loaded saturday morning cartoon style sequel to Snyder's MoS. Please be lit like a TV sitcom show too. And please lets sidestep anything that audiences might deem as "too serious" for their 5 year olds.

Gee, I really can't wait, I hope they hire the first nobody for this.

>Comparing Coogler to Spielberg
>Comparing BP to The Matrix and Jaws

Dismissed. Hyperbolic shilling, from a fat hack masquerading as a film critic.

Creed waa really good. So disappointed that Coogler sold his soul to the Disney Jews

The fact that he's using Spielberg as a barometer of quality indicates he knows nothing about film or how that Jew rat cunt destroyed mainstream filmmaking.


“”””””Film critic””””””

Creed was nice but that's many because Stallone was working on it
Black Panther looks stupid but it's MCU so the director is in a meaningless position
So...whatever. Blob has zero taste in movies even when he's right , he's still wrong

Poptimism was a mistake, a terrible mistake.

Yeah, I liked Creed but I struggled to give a shit about any scene without Rocky.

lol meanwhile when it comes to black people Bob doesn't like he uses rewteets to criticize them

I rate it 5 Super Mario 3's out of 5! Wahoo!

I love the stupid idea that Tomi is racist because she's on Fox when she's constantly in pictures with black friends. Amazing that people can get this upset over intelligent black people actually liking whites.

Does he realize that the attempts at poetic exaggeration do literally nothing to make a point? Just declaring something the greatestest thing everer doesn't do anything, bob.

We don’t need another privileged whiteboi voice about Trevor Noah, geez Blob think of the underrepresented!

>trevor noah criticizes trumfp
>movieblob criticizes trevor noah

You don’t think...that our good shill blob...might be a TURMPF SUPPORTER!?

I thought Black Panther was okay, but there was absolutely nothing remarkable about the direction. The chase in Busan was good, but not amazing.

Apparently it's also Iron Man, Star Wars, and LotR

I remember when he used to be good, before the tism and feminism.

I fucking want Creed 2. If it follows Rocky the quality of the Rocky films then two should be pretty good but not an instant American cinema classic. Then they can bail out before the shitty third and fourth movies.

>It wasn't lauded as some fucking breakthrough for shark representation in cinema.
Well shark executions skyrocketed after Jaws came out so it sort of was.

>black friends


Oh, have you seen the movie? Could you give some evidence why you disagree?

wait wait.. hahah! you cant because you havent! :DDDDD

>trying to get more goys to pay Disney


Bob Chipman is a fat amerimutt whose brain is affected by massive trans fat intake

In the current artistic discourse, quality is decided beforehand based on a rigid set of criteria.

>standard capeshit #40

I don't even understand his point. Is he calling it derivative and unoriginal? He seems to be saying "Guys, it's all these movies you already know, love and own, except with different actors".
It doesn't feel like a strong selling point.

Why not say something like "1977 gave us Star Wars. 2001 gave us Lord of the Rings. 2018 gave us Black Panther. Welcome to the legend-status".
Or something. Like if you're going to shill, shill properly. Nobody gives a shit about watching Black Star Wars.

He’s a complete hack

>film is about what you say, not how you say it
>what they say HAS to align with my rigid hard-left politics or else its a shitty film

I guess he thinks that blackness as a quality makes a film meaningfully different (in Bob's mind, better).

I think the point is
Iron man- Straightforward superhero origin film done well
Star Wars- Imaginative scifi adventure
LOTR- Deep mythology and lore and epic worldbuilding.

He's saying Coogler could have made a straightforward cape film , but made a scifi epic with cool mythology and lore too

>Jaws was just a monster movie though. A very good one but nobody pretended it was anything other than it was. It wasn't lauded as some fucking breakthrough for shark representation in cinema.
Jaws was one of the most important movies of the 20th century though. It changed the entire structure of Hollywood and lead the way to bigger production budgets, wider distribution, the use of tv advertising, the creation of larger capacity movie theaters, and the addition of air conditioning to movie theaters (summer was traditionally an off-season for theaters so turn out was historically low and studios avoided releases). It was the birth of the summer blockbuster and the modern cinema experience.

There were other box office jackpots of course. Both the sound of music and gone with the wind had huge box office numbers, and adjusted for inflation GWTW earned more than Jaws. but each of these films had 4 years of wide release with no real competition. Jaws earned more in it's first two weeks than the sound of music earned in an entire calendar year.

Jaws return on investment was also the highest ever seen at that point in movie history. It turned $12 million in $220. "its a wonderful life" eventually had a higher ROI but it took over 50 years to do it, and in it's original run it was a box office dud.

The only other film in history that had this much impact on the industry itself was star wars.

He's saying it's a film event on the level of Star Wars and LOTR, which is hilarious because it's not and because he considers those the peak of cinematic achievement.


>prefers Other M to Metroid Prime because it's not a first person shooter
all I know about this guy and all I need to know

>The only other film in history that had this much impact on the industry itself was star wars.
It's this sort of thing that makes me hate Roger Ebert.

Who keeps making moviebob threads?

the man himself


la creatura

Don't need to SEE it. The Matrix and Jaws were cinematic game changers from the moment their respective trailers dropped. The visuals, the music, the atmosphere...
By comparison, everything i've seen from BP is ho hum. All it has going for it is an all black cast, which is commendable, but not some game changing artistic happening that changes film in any way.

Holy Crap

we all know Bob Chipman's word is worth as much as his shit stained toilet paper.

i hope he chokes on a bagel or some shit


>ywn be a hot young filmmaker who then immediately jumps the shark


Trevor is half white

actually lived under literal systemic oppression and not the invented nonsense by American Blacktivists

and he still isnt much of a Douchebag.

tho he tries to act like a nigger on TV tho

>Trevor Noah is an opportunist and i hope he makes it and does something real in the future instead of pandering to American Negroes

He's also a celebrity who doesn't stand for anything as proven by his friendship with a woman famous for pandering to the alt right for views.

Having circlejerks about irrelevant Twitter people is a favorite Reddit pastime

>It was the birth of the summer blockbuster and the modern cinema experience.
So the beginning of the end?

Eh, I think Bob represents everything awful about art and entertainment criticism at the moment.

It's a myth that block busters take away from art flicks or other higher forms of cinema. It's not like Star Wars came out and Terrence Malik declared "well that's it, I give up on making movies anymore I can't compete". The popcorn flick crowd is totally different than the Cannes crowd.

There is always room for both, and the cream will rise to the top.

Oh wow, where were you when you first saw the Jaws trailer on tv? tell me about it

>oh stfu

If you think any celebrity is consistent you have no fucking clue how you do business let alone show business

man, imagine being as deluded as bob chipman

That's why I think Pulp Fiction is the real death of American film as an artform. It's when the popcorn flick and the art flick became one in the same. Malikk is an anachronism, and once he's done I don't think there's anyone left to replace him.

>all of them do it
>so you can't criticize them for it

>comparing mediocre capeshit to Jaws, The Matrix and The Lord of The Rings

Have you seen the movie? It’s far beyond everything except maybe Civil War

not what i said.

you are making silly claims "guilt by association"

meaning that if he is guilty every black actor and personality you know is guilty of exactly that.

maybe that will do the head in of the

>Guilt by association


nice reddit spacing also he is only guilty of going against what he "believes" in, he's literally friends with a person that contradicts his fundamental belief in bias-free journalism
unless he doesn't believe in any of that because he doesn't stand for anything, he's a celeb

>thinking any of those are worthy of serious critical praise.
You're part of the problem, Ebert.

Elaborate how.

But Civil War wasn't very good. You're not setting the bar very high.

>moviebob pays rent to live in his mom's basement
>but lives rent free in OP's head

I don't think he lives with his parents, given his blase reaction to his own father dying.

>having a relationship with their fathers

It’s to mask the fact that he’s sautéing his grain-of-rice dick to daddy every day

Why does this guy keep posting screenshots of his twitter here?

Has the Coog done anything original ? Stallone and fiege probably kept him in line on those flicks
He might be good but these two movies are hardly proof

>world building

movieBlob thread???

I took the time screencaping bob's massive-pathetic-butthurt-bithcing-meltdown he had on Twitter the night Trump was elected. It was glorious. It was hilarious. It was satisfying. Seeing him react to his dream of hillary becoming the first female president being shattered before his eyes was pure poetic justice. If there is anything, ANYTHING good that came out of Trump winning this is it.

so does this means marvel want more dead niggers?


It's just funny because it's always crocodile tears from bob. His political alignment is entirely based on his schoolyard idea of bullies, and he basically acts like that foul kid who perceives everything as a slight and doesn't realize when people are trying to be his friend. If he had real sympathy for anyone maybe it might mean something, but he doesn't. It's just a power trip for him.

>I'm a 41 year old virgin living in a basement apartment but I'm MORE EVOLVED than you subhumans


>suicide prevention hotline

Jesus Christ the Trump Derangement Syndrome is on a whole other level. It's just an election, even though they had the entire board stacked to one side they've gotten less done than previous presidencies. Fucks sake.