Why does he always look at Jaime when he says something he feels is funny?

Why does he always look at Jaime when he says something he feels is funny?

What do you think Jaime's face is in those moments? Does he have to awkwardly fake laugh even at the stuff he doesn't find funny?

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Because Jaime does not exist

Joe and Jaime have hot, hot sexy

Looking to his subordinate and friend for unspoken approval. It's just nature.

He's doing what a lot of people do and looking for validation because he's really not sure what is and isn't funny.

I know plenty of people who'll tell a joke or hear one and start laughing only if other people do, and it's not a delayed reaction, they actively wait for a response.

I understand it conceptually, but I'd never notice this on my own in a social situation.

>tfw literal autism


Not always, but anyway don't you ever look at a particular person in a group when you think they will find a particular thing funny? There is something satisfying about those kinds of interactions.

jaime is joe rogans target demographic


nu-male soyboy?

who do you think listens to youtube podcasts?

Jaime is his beta orbiter bitch that Joe keeps around to validate himself.

You two are obviously gay as fuck.

The only people I ever see commenting on Joe Rogan's videos are "alt-right" faggots that use words like soyboy.

Because your friends look to you for approval and you're gazing off in to space thinking about fruit wraps

Jamie sounds like he has no chin when he talks

it took 15 posts for someone to finally spell his name right

I knew the spelling was wrong when i made the OP but couldn't think of the right way to spell it

Low self esteem.

Looks like the cyborg from starcraft

"patching you in commander"

Jaime doesn't even exist


I bet this is Jamie's reaction

Go back to r*ddit, Jaime

Jaime is Joe's handler. Every celebrity has one nowadays.

It's Jamie you dumb spics

Jaime is a flat eacrther

be nice to Joe Rogan.
Jaime is his fren.
I want to protec that smile

Jaime who?

I just started watching JRE vids a couple months ago

who was that soy goy Brian Regan faggot in all the old vids?

Is he really a touring comedian now?

people pay money to see him?