Sit down. Be humble

Sit down. Be humble.

Other urls found in this thread:

>TFW that 94 turns into a 49

Kneel before your black king!

Let's wait until the audience can vote to get the real score.

The state of gaming journalism

Move. Or you shall be moved.

>Da Lord of da Rangs

>half of the reviews

Its not over till the fat black lady sings.

So you're saying this could be Marvels first Oscar win? Ya know what I would not be fucking surprised if it fucking did.

Um, please go back to r/pol/. The only people who will give this a rotten review are contrarians and racist whiteys.

Movie is gonna die out quick.

some post CHADinggton 2 ratings

>movie that was released 17 years ago has more reviews than movie that releases this week

After all the shit flinging around this movie online, reviewers feel like they have a point to prove, so they pump the scores for Black Panther. If all the stormweenies and Sup Forumstards losing their minds over this would just stop feeding into this.

LOTR: Will be remembered throughout history for being the absolute most KINO experience of the early 2000's.

BP: Will be forgotten soon after release. Just like Ghostbusters (2016) and every other movie that relies solely on stuff like diversity and virtue signalling in order to turn a profit (as well as being a part of the most overblown and dull movie series (MCU) of all time) All of these movies look and feel the same.

>If all the stormweenies and Sup Forumstards

they don't give a shit about the Black Panther, they are fighting against the social justice queers and critics that use every capeshit as a platform

Hey faggot OP, Black Panther has a lower average score.

They don't even try to hide it anymore. Pathetic.

Yeah, and when they attack Black Panther in the process, the other side just doubles down on BP being some amazing flick. The reviewers pick up on this and feel like they have to give it top marks.

Literally no one was talking about black panther. No one cares.

>LOTR: Will be remembered throughout history for being the absolute most KINO experience of the early 2000's
This post reeks of reddit

>same average rating
Disney going too far will backfire hard, just like when TLJ failed

reddit is mordor

>>LOTR: Will be remembered throughout history for being the absolute most KINO experience of the early 2000's
>This post reeks of reddit

This post reeks of pleb


Says the guy praising lotr as the peak of cinema
I mean, they're well made entertaining movies but they sure as shit aren't the best of the 00s


To be fair, I think BP is better than Avatar.


They actually are sweetie

Now take a seat and let the grown ups talk

Surely the average rating should be at the forefront of the scoring as opposed to whether the review was positive or not.

You can't post RT scores for movies that were released before RT was created, shit for brains. It's not a review aggregate in that case, it's just a compilation of the only reviews that were still available online from an era when print criticism was still dominant.

It's the most KINO experience of the early 2000's. At no point did I call it the peak of cinema. Kino and Film are two different mediums of entertainment and if you're unable to understand that concept then please leave this board.

>same Avg. Rating
>different RT score
