Which one would you rather visit or live in

Wakanda or Themyscira?

user, what the hell do you think the answers are gonna be?

> Ancient Greek city full of beautiful Amazons
>Blacks in a futuristic city
Wow, what a difficult choice.

Harldy fair since Themyscira? doesnt allow men.

>full of beautiful Amazons


i don't think it's going to go the way you think it is

reverse world:

get raped in lawless amazonia


normal citizen in civil wakanda

Why all the amazons in this pic are white yet in the movie we had black amazons?

Even as a fag I prefer to live as a celibate in Themyscira

>Thinking I give a shit about the DCEU

>normal citizen in civil wakanda
Isn't Wakanda like super isolationist and only allow black people?

>Raped by Amazons
What's the problem?

According to the Wiki article men get executed on the spot in Themyscira so I'll pick Wakanda.

negresses can try but they will never be cute or beautiful with the ape face and pube hair

>City filled with beautiful Femdoms
>City filled with ugly ass niggers
gee i wonder what people would pick

Ruined when she started doing scat

Not after Black Panther.

>Medieval island full of angry feminist killjoys ready to castrate you for looking at them funny
>Technologically advanced modern nation with the cure for cancer and who knows what else where you’d be surrounded by endless BBC at all times
Tough choice, OP, really tough choice.

>Why all the amazons in this pic are white yet in the movie we had black amazons?

Picture is drawn by actual artist who know his shit. Movie was directed by a feminist.

or that nigger cuckold video

This is your average amazon

fuck off



eat up user

>Tough choice, OP, really tough choice.
I imagine, for a cuck it would really be a hard choice.

>Thinking I give a shit about the DCEU
Then why the fuck are you posting on Sup Forums retard, if not then fuck off to Sup Forums

>Sup Forums - Television & Film
>not discussing the film version

we already have cancer cures its just more profitable to let people suffer

But how? Aren't they greek and isolationist? How did women from other cultures get to the island? And how did they become as strong as the original amazons?

because the force is female

only in a shithole like America, where they care more about money than they do their own citizens

>OP posts comic book Themyscira
>DCEU is shit
Gee, I wonder why.

I think one of the origins for Themyscira was was that they where the resurrected souls of domestic abuse victims or something.


That's stupid but I guess it's a explanation.

that’s kind of depressing

Why though, they got reborn as super stronk warriors

banged black men on their raids to maintain their population, obviously

>face suspicion and discrimination for being a man or face suspicion and discrimination for being white

I don't know but at least only one would happening as opposed to both

that part isn’t depressing. just the fact that they’re the souls of domestic abuse victims. that was an unexpectedly dark turn

Not even that cute


I would rather live in a never-ending repeat of 1999-2000.

>a shithole full of niggers who smell of weed, sweat and chipotle
>a beatiful exotic island with qt warrior waifus
gee I don't know man

>Wakanda is full of niggers
>Themyscira is full of lesbians that will,at best, castrate you and keep you as a slave of the not sexual kind

>one city is full of smug niggers
>one is full of hot yet yass queen slay lesbians
I'll take my chances with the lesbians I can probably get a job washing panties or something , rather than getting mugged in wakanda then mugged again outside of their walls by african warlords when I eventually get thrown out

Aliens fuck up Themyscera all the damn time

Atlanteans have killed off most of Wakanda

Amazons are also immortal too

I like how she drew freckles on her makeup to try to look cute.

>raped by Amazonian goddesses
>raped the dindu tribe and get my wallet stolen
